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  1. Let us give the females facial hair. I want to be able to have this Running around Paragon city.
  2. I will support this if the preparation power set has it's heal named "Preparation H"
  3. Actually I was just thinking of a power lineup for a spear stalker that has most of the same attacks except for a unique Assassin Strike. "Throw Spear" and the usual things a stalker set gets. Maybe instead of a build up the stalker applies poison to the spear that adds some toxic damage over time to the spear. And maybe a spear version for brutes that is more of a "Gladiator" style spear set where it's got CC based attacks such as thrusting at the enemy's leg and has another attack that throws a net at them to apply a slow/-recharge. It could make it an interesting set for brutes to tank with it in their own unique way.
  4. I feel like a spear stalker would need to be a completely different type of spear set such as a spear hunter. While a spear brute should be fine as far as I know. I just want a spear/polearm set that acts like a polearm/spear set. Not a staff with it's own unique style pretending to be a polearm set.
  5. I've only lead one league in my entire time on here and I went pretty OCD on it. First I gathered the initial team 1 with the requirement that they all be level 50. I then instructed the original team on their jobs leading the league. When they had to log out, check on who on their team is level 50 to promote them after letting them know whats going on. Worked great for a good while. AFK leeches/mooches were teleported into dumpsters and kicked. *Takin out the trash*. That way fresh people asking were able to join. It was a fun experience leading a League and keeping it organized. But it struck me as one of those things that's only fun once then makes you hate the position the 2nd or 3rd time.
  6. This would be very easily remedied by giving them a run speed boost. No difficult fix. As I've noticed that the pets keep up perfectly fine when kinetic speed boost is stuck on them. If that is not a gigantic clue into what they need than I don't know what is. Give them their own built in run speed boost. I shouldn't have to bog my mastermind down with kinetics just because im tired of my pets not being able to keep up.
  7. Thats why I was thinking it would be a different type of pet. Maybe even one from scratch. A "Dynamic Duo" kind of pet. A strong single pet with a melee/theme to it with armor. As you level up you can upgrade the pet.
  8. I was going to suggest a pet/armor type of class. The pet sets use melee weapons/attacks with taunt attached to them like tank versions etc. Somebody that instead of having to buff and support the pets, tanks for the pets and the pets support the main user. But this can work too. Atleast to allow the server to dip it's toes into the water to get used to the idea.
  9. Thats why I was thinking that only some of null's options would be set to the trainers. I dont think allignments in an enemy zone would work. But travel power settings and stuff of that nature should be fine.
  10. And this is why my Protector Bots are named "One Pump Chump"
  11. Personally speaking, I think Null The Gull's settings regarding travel powers etc could just be moved to the zone trainers. Biggest reason being that while for some archetypes being in a group fly isn't that big of a deal. For others with specific power sets it really screws them over. Seismic Blast for example is completely destroyed by any type of flight powers. So my solution is simple. Put the travel power related Null The Gull options on zone trainers. I like speedboosts buff effects but absolutely hate the speed portion of it as i find it makes navigating certain mission lay outs painful.
  12. They could make one for Galaxy easy. Just stick it in the tutorial. It'd give people a reason to do it. Specially the badge hunters.
  13. I got some name ideas for badges... Atlas Park: "Where it all started" Rikti (war zone/crash site): Your Zone Are Belong To Us Faultline: It Wasn't My Fault Galaxy City: Atlas Park's Red Headed Step Child
  14. I just want the Halberd that is in Staff to be given to Titan Weapons. As it stands the halberd skin for the weapon does not feel or behave like much of a polearm/poleaxe. While Titan Weapons would to some degree with the thrusts and sweeps etc contained in the set.
  15. I've done it... I've come up with the ultimate stealth secondary toggle. It makes you completely undetectable, but does not make you outright invisible. Instead it does... This... Can not attack in the form, but are 100% undetectable until it wears off. Even by snipers.
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