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Mister Mass

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Posts posted by Mister Mass

  1. 3 hours ago, OldestOne said:

    This was the correct answer, thank you!

    Oddly enough, I just had the same problem myself today.  I followed my own advice & found the mission door in the lobby area of another building.  The mission marker indicates that the mission door is underground, but the building lobby that I entered wasn't that far down.  Apparently the lobby room with the mission door is located underground from the ground level of the building.  Weird.

  2. I recall having an issue with a mission door in the downtown area with the casinos.  I believe a mission door got bugged because of the addition of the zone event in that neighborhood, so the mission marker points you into a building, but then the shows that you are at the wrong level - but there is no way to get to where the mission marker is pointing.


    The solution for me when this occurred was to head to the neighboring buildings & click on doors until I found one that opened & I magically entered the mission.  IIRC, the mission door ended up being across the street & down the road a bit from where the mission marker was pointing on the mini-map.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Piyerus said:

    I'll copy/paste my answer from 



    The level range for the Warburg mission contacts should be 30-50, while the contacts for the other PvP zones max out lower (and Recluse's Victory doesn't have mission contacts). In Warburg look for Warzone Agent Goddard (Hero contact) or Warzone Operative Braun (Villain contact) in their respective safe zones.




    Yeah, my memory was telling me that my main did these missions in Warburg at level 50, but I don't always trust my memory as I get older... 😉

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  4. 1 hour ago, Ukase said:

    These three badges are presumably awarded when you complete a buff, debuff or patrol mission in one of the lower level pvp zones - Siren's Call, Bloody Bay or Warburg. 

    I didn't see any option to do these in Ouro, and the contacts won't talk to me, as I've out-leveled them, despite my being exemplared in zone. 

    Would teaming with an appropriate level suffice? I'm thinking it would, but figured I'd ask before I went to the trouble. 

    Or maybe there's something I'm missing. 

    I'm pretty sure that my main got these at level 50, maybe in Recluse's Victory?

  5. On 10/2/2019 at 10:35 AM, Zatawave said:

    Is all the Praetorian content available through Ouro?  Also will doing the arcs through Ouro award all the Praetorian Badges?

    Everything but the tutorial & the "breadcrumb" missions are available through Ouro.  Doing the arcs through Ouro will allow your character to earn all of the Praetorian badges - except the one badge for reading everything, since that one is from the tutorial.  But that badge is available via a different method through Ouro once the character has completed an incarnate trial.

  6. #1 Hero (or Villain) main costume

    #2 Vigilante (or Rogue) costume

    #3 Villain (or Hero) costume

    #4 Rogue (or Vigilante) costume

    #5 Homage costume for the Golden Age character that in some way inspired the character

    #6 Homage costume for the Silver Age character that in some way inspired the character

    #7 Low effects costume

    #8 Civilian costume


    The vigilante & villain costumes tend to use darker colors or effects for the powers.  The low effects costume is for MSRs or events where frame rate is low.  The civilian costume is based on the profession of the character's secret ID.


    For my main Mister Mass, the Villain costume is that of his Praetorian equivalent, Master Mass, including the requisite evil goatee.  The Golden Age costume is Hourman, as I feel Bernard Baily's design is woefully underrated & it inspired Mass's main costume.  The Silver Age costume is Hawk, as the original Champions p&p version of Mass was part of a duo of argumentative teen sibling heroes inspired by Hawk & Dove, with Mass as the brash, in your face, confrontational brother.

  7. Redlynne, I wanted to thank you for this guide which has proven most useful as I navigate my characters through the Praetorian maze, even though I don't actually follow the pathways you lay out.  I prefer to confirm on the "good guy" alignments (Warden & Responsibility) while betraying on the "bad guy" alignments (Crusader & Power) when playing a character that will choose Hero when leaving Praetoria - & vice versa for one that will choose Villain.  The nice thing about your guide is that it provides the information I need to navigate the maze even though I am not following the paths you lay out.  Kudos!

  8. 3 hours ago, UDBV1 said:

    The team I was rolling with we had to find them ourselves. So far we've found all but one.

    There's one over the nuclear computer on the platform. There's one underground near a crate with a council insignia. There's one on the west side on top of the tower at the Malta base. And then there's one on a bunker near the plaque in the north east.


    Edit: We just found the last one, next to a rubik's cube statue north of the rocket.

    Those are good directions - I found them all without too much difficulty.  Thanks!

  9. 1 hour ago, Ukase said:

    I see where the new arcs are supposed to be available through ouro, if we're the correct alignment. My main badge character is level 50, and a rogue. I have no idea what this arc is called, nor which arc to choose. 

    Anyone know? 

    The new arcs are level 25-29, so they should be available through Ouro at that level band.  Look for the last arc in the band, since they are sorted by issue #, so the newest arcs would be last.

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  10. That accolade & those badges are earned in running Praetoria material.  For example Escapist is earned for completing the capstone mission where you leave Praetoria for either Paragon City (if you decide to go Hero) or the Rogue Isles (if you decide to go Villain).  Non-Praetorians can earn these badges through Ouroboros, as the Homecoming devs have added all of the Praetorian story arcs there.

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  11. On 9/16/2019 at 12:13 AM, Shoulung said:

    So, does that mean you only get 15% of the enhancement, or your total bonus drops down to 15%; as I’m at 100% damage bonus, then I slot another damage enhancement and now I’m at 15% damage bonus.

    You get 15% of the pre-ED enhancement bonus for the additional enhancement added.  For example, an even level Damage enhancement grants +33.33% before ED.  If you are at +100% pre-ED enhancement bonus already, adding another Damage enhancement on top of that only adds +5.00% enhancement value (15% of +33.33%).  Since +100% pre-ED enhancement bonus is reduced to +95% by ED, adding another damage enhancement at that point only increases the post-ED enhancement bonus to +100% from +95%.


    Considering that basically any damage proc can do better than that, using that additional slot for a damage enhancement is a poor decision.  Alternatively that slot can be used to enhance a different aspect of the power (Accuracy, Recharge, Endurance Reduction) that would likely prove more useful.  Or that slot could be used in a different power to greater effect.  But beating your head against the ED wall is a losing proposition.

  12. On 9/5/2019 at 12:05 PM, Frostweaver said:

    yellow means that you are in the 'nerf zone' where ED starts to reduce the effect of the enhancement. Red means you are at ED cap, where the bonus is dropped to like 1% or some ridiculously low number like that.

    Well, 15%, instead of 1%, but yes, a very low number.  Enhancement Diversification reaches this reduction level at +100% enhancement on Schedule A - Acc, Dmg, End Mod, End Red, Healing, Mezzes, Recharge, most Movement, & Taunt.  ED reaches this level at +60% on Schedule B - DEF, RES, Range, To Hit Buff, & To Hit Debuff.

  13. On 9/3/2019 at 11:18 AM, Mister Mass said:

    Okay, I'll take your word for that.  The information in my post above was from the wiki, so it may be wrong. 


    But I don't see how stacking additional sources of stealth can help a Stalker in Hide.  My /Ninjitsu stalker is always at the stealth cap when in Hide.  I can see this by tracking my stealth radius using the ingame numbers.  Adding an additional source of stealth would only overstack my stalker, it wouldn't increase his stealth radius beyond the hard cap.  Going beyond a hard cap in the game can have value by providing buffer space against debuffs, but I don't think anything debuffs stealth.  I'm ready to be educated on this, but until someone presents evidence that either Hide doesn't put a stalker at the stealth cap, or else that some enemies debuff stealth radius, I don't see how adding an additional source of stealth can benefit a stalker in Hide.

    Okay, I was wrong.  My stalker in Hide is not always at the Stealth cap.  Slotting a Stealth IO increases the stealth radius on the character.  Live & learn! 😉

  14. On 8/30/2019 at 11:20 PM, Frostweaver said:

    No. stalker hide + a stealth IO allows you to pass rikti drones. Rularuu eyeballs and knives, however, can still see through it.

    Okay, I'll take your word for that.  The information in my post above was from the wiki, so it may be wrong. 


    But I don't see how stacking additional sources of stealth can help a Stalker in Hide.  My /Ninjitsu stalker is always at the stealth cap when in Hide.  I can see this by tracking my stealth radius using the ingame numbers.  Adding an additional source of stealth would only overstack my stalker, it wouldn't increase his stealth radius beyond the hard cap.  Going beyond a hard cap in the game can have value by providing buffer space against debuffs, but I don't think anything debuffs stealth.  I'm ready to be educated on this, but until someone presents evidence that either Hide doesn't put a stalker at the stealth cap, or else that some enemies debuff stealth radius, I don't see how adding an additional source of stealth can benefit a stalker in Hide.

  15. On 8/28/2019 at 5:34 PM, Zep said:

    There are a few units - like Rickti Probes, that can see my Stalker when close.

    Rikti Drones, Rularuu Sentries, & Knives of Artemis ignore all stealth, including Hide.  Stacking more sources of stealth doesn't help - as they just ignore all sources completely.

  16. From https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Issues


    Issue Number Issue Title Release Date
    Original Release   Wednesday, April 28, 2004 (a.k.a. Issue 0)
    Issue 1 Through the Looking Glass Tuesday, June 29, 2004 (62 days later)
    Issue 2 A Shadow of the Past Thursday, September 16, 2004 (79 days later)
    Issue 3 A Council of War Tuesday, January 4, 2005 (110 days later)
    Issue 4 Colosseum Wednesday, May 4, 2005 (120 days later)
    Issue 5 Forest of Dread Wednesday, August 31, 2005 (119 days later)
    Issue 6 Along Came a Spider Thursday, October 27, 2005 (57 days later) (jointly released with City of Villains)
    Issue 7 Destiny Manifest Tuesday, June 6, 2006 (222 days later)
    Issue 8 To Protect and Serve Tuesday, November 28, 2006 (175 days later)
    Issue 9 Breakthrough Tuesday, May 1, 2007 (154 days later)
    Issue 10 Invasion Tuesday, July 24, 2007 (84 days later)
    Issue 11 A Stitch in Time Wednesday, November 28, 2007 (123 days later)
    Issue 12 Midnight Hour Tuesday, May 20, 2008 (174 days later)
    Issue 13 Power and Responsibility Tuesday, December 2, 2008 (196 days later)
    Issue 14 Architect Wednesday, April 8, 2009 (127 days later) (jointly released with Architect Edition)
    Issue 15 Anniversary Monday, June 29, 2009 (82 days later)
    Issue 16 Power Spectrum Tuesday, September 15, 2009 (78 days later)
    Issue 17 Dark Mirror Wednesday, April 28, 2010 (225 days later)
    Issue 18 Shades of Gray Monday, August 16, 2010 (110 days later) (jointly released with Going Rogue)
    Issue 19 Alpha Strike Tuesday, November 30, 2010 (106 days later)
    Issue 19.5 Strike Pack Tuesday, February 1, 2011 (63 days later)
    Issue 20 Incarnates Tuesday, April 5, 2011 (63 days later, or 126 days from the previous full issue)
    Issue 20.5 Incarnates Ascend Tuesday, June 28, 2011 (84 days later)
    Issue 21 Convergence Tuesday, September 13, 2011 (77 days later, or 161 days from the previous full issue) (jointly released with City of Heroes Freedom)
    Issue 21.5 Media Blitz Tuesday, December 6, 2011 (85 days later)
    Issue 22 Death Incarnate Tuesday, March 6, 2012 (91 days later, or 176 days from the previous full issue)
    Issue 23 Where Shadows Lie Thursday, May 31, 2012 (87 days later)
    Issue 24 Resurgence Not released to the live servers due to the game's shutdown on Friday, November 30, 2012
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  17. 10 hours ago, Zolgar said:

    What about the Praetorian tutorial badge, is that accessable by a Primal?

    No, as far I can know, the Praetorian tutorial is not available via Ouro.  But the Avid Reader badge, which used to only be available from the Praetorian tutorial, is now available by talking (extensively) with a contact in Ouroboros - Prometheus - after completing an Incarnate Trial.

  18. 1 hour ago, StrikerFox said:

    If I remember right, Stealth + Celerity unique was enough invisibility so that no enemies could detect you in pve. Except for a few that auto-detects, like Rikti Drones and Lam/BAF turrets.

    Stealth (the Pool power) + any of the Stealth IOs grants a total of 65 feet of Stealth - which is 10 feet more than Invisibility grants.  So that combo will provide effective invisibility to any enemy that couldn't see through Invisibility.

  19. 12 hours ago, FrostyDelicious said:

    If you go to grandville as a rogue and run newspaper missions until you rob the bank, you can be introduced to agent pither as a contact. You can then do all his missions to get the efficiency expert badge (did this the other night). None of his mission through ouros are the timed missions. 


    On another note, can you do Praetorian morality badges if you never were praetorian? 

    Yes, you can do all of the Praetorian story arc & Morality Missions through Ouroboros & thus earn the Praetorian morality badges.  I earned them all on my main who started as a Hero, but was Ouroing the arcs as a Rogue.

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