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Mister Mass

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Posts posted by Mister Mass

  1. On 8/4/2019 at 11:42 AM, Flagwaver said:

    Can you jump from hero to villain and redo the Ouroboros Initiation Arc in order to get both the Jail Bird and Isolator badges?

    Yes.  I did this on my main.  I happened to be red-side first & got Jail Bird, then switched to blue-side & got Isolator.

  2. The -ToHit protects you against mobs with +ToHit buffs & -DEF debuffs.  Most mobs have 50% base ToHit chance, so 45% DEF reduces their hit chance to 5%, which is the hit chance floor, thus "flooring" the mob's hit chance.  But if a mob has a ToHit buff of any amount above the base 50%, then their hit chance will be increased by that amount.  Equally, if the mob has an ability that debuffs your DEF below 45%, then their hit chance will not be floored.  Dropping -ToHit on the mob can offset this & floor their hit chance.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I had a character with a somewhat similar theme.  He was a time traveler and his clothes would change to random outfits from all different eras.  He had a caveman outfit, steampunk outfit, cyborg with the brain in a jar, dynasty outfit, wild west outfit, etc.


    That was my only character that used all 10 costume slots.

    I'm stealing this idea for my /Time controller.  Thanks Ironblade! :)

  4. I just wanted to note that here in the month of July, the Summer Blockbuster Event is running.  It only appeared in 2012, so it didn't have a chance to become an annual tradition because of the shutdown, but the seasonal events are set to run during their relevant times of year.  So the Halloween & Winter events will be back right when you expect them to be, along with the Spring event.  The Rikti Invasion & Zombie Apocalypse zone events are happening regularly.  The game doesn't advertise the events, but there are scheduled & happening.

  5. Thanks for all of this great input. When you get a tip does it show up in missions? I was playing live when Going Rogue was out but I honestly can’t remember lol

    On the default settings, you will get a notice when you get a tip.  I believe that you can turn that off in Options if you find it distracting.  Under your Contacts, there is a tab for Tips.  You can access your Tips there.  The Tips tab can hold up to 3 Tips at one time.  If you are at 3 tips already, you will need to complete or dismiss a tip in order to be able to gain any more.

  6. Honestly, I thought they must've turned it up. I got 3 purples on one farm run just last weekend.


    Strange. Now I suspect a setting I have inadvertantly disabled.


    Warrior map, lvl 50 toon, exp turned off to max INF, also tried it exp on as normal.


    No exclusion from p2w. I just don't get purples. Since coming back, not one.


    Any ideas?

    Since my main hit 50 a week ago, I have gotten one purple drop.  SwitchFade, I hate to say this, but given the low rate that purples are set to drop, it not unlikely that you haven't gotten one.  With very low drop rates, it is highly likely that some people will get (relatively) a lot & others will get none.  Randomness includes streaks, including streaks of none.  Just keep playing - & praying to the gods of randomness.  Eventually you will (probably) get some purple rain. :)

  7. One last question before I jump into the game. Well 2 actually. I remember there being a newspaper where you can get missions from. Does that exist in game? I also remember doing a series of missions complete with a major boss that once you were done you got an award that allowed you to buy IOs like Luck of the gambler Global recharges. Is that still available as well. That is how I primarily IOed out my characters with the really expensive/rare ones.

    Once a character hits 20, they will begin to receive tip missions.  Completing 10 Alignment tip missions for one alignment (Hero, Vigilante, Villain, or Rogue) will allow the character to receive a Morality tip mission.  Completion of a Morality mission that reinforces the character's present alignment earns 40 merits - although you will gain 100 merits for doing this the very 1st time.  On Live, you were time-limited on these - but that has been eliminated on Homecoming, so you can do these multiple times in a day.  10 Alignments missions & the Morality mission can be run very quickly, & the 40 merits can help you purchase the IOs you want.  Of course the tips are random drops, so RNGesus can slow you down.  I typically run other content, then cash in my tips periodically, so that I can run at least one Morality mission every day.

  8. This is a point worth noting.  On the lowest tier of crafting badges (level 10 IOs) the number listed on the badge advice is the number you need, since there is only one level of IOs (level 10).  But on the higher tier of crafting badges, there are 2 levels of IOs that you need to craft - so the need half of the number listed on the badge advice for each of the levels of IOs.  If the number listed is 10, you need 5 of each IO level for badge completion.  If the number listed is odd, you need half (rounded down) on each IO level, & then one more from either IO level.  So if you need 9 IOs total, you would need to craft 4 of each level, & also a 5th of either IO level.  But the progress bar won't show the 5th one, unless it was the final (9th) one.  So if you crafted the 5 level 15 IOs first, the progress bar would only show 4.  The game still gives you credit for that 5th one - the progress bar just doesn't show it.  So after you craft the 4th lvl 20 IO, the badge will pop, even though it was only showing 7 of 9 complete before you crafted the 4th lvl 20.  The "odd" IO is hidden by the progress bar, so it is a good idea to track your progress on each badge by IO level, if you want to save resources & avoid crafting IOs that do not count towards badge completion.

  9. To be clear, to be able to select one of the villain epic pools, you need to complete Arbiter Rein's arc for one of the 4 patrons.  But this doesn't have to be the arc for the patron whose associated power pool you want.  Once you have completed the arc, the character gets a badge & all 4 patron pools are unlocked for that character.  So you could do the Ghost Widow arc &, instead of taking the associated Soul Mastery powers, you could choose the Mu Mastery electric powers (associated with Scirocco) instead.  I recall that people on the boards used to claim that the easiest arc was Black Scorpion, so if you just want the powers & aren't interested in the story or characters, that might be the way to go.  Not to spoil the arc, but given what you have to do to the patron you choose, picking one that you DON'T like might be good advice. ;)


  10. As far as I know, there are 5 Healing invention set uniques:


    Regenerative Tissue - +25% Regeneration

    Miracle - +15% Recovery

    Numina's Convalescence - +10% Recovery & +10% Regeneration

    Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb

    Panacea - Chance for +HP & +END


    IMHO the best is Panacea, which regularly helps to replenish your green & blue bars, even when your regeneration & recovery are debuffed.


    Second is Numina's.  Couple it with the Heal IO for the 2 slot set bonus of +12% Regeneration & the set generates +39% Regeneration - +10% for the unique, +12% for the 2 set bonus, & +17% for the level 50 Heal IO (& more for 50+++++).


    Third is Miracle for any character desiring some more END recovery - which, in my experience, is almost everybody pre-Incarnates.


    For most archetypes, those 3 will do it.  For Tankers, the other 2 can present real value.  Given their higher HP values & the mitigation in their sets, the additional Regeneration from Regenerative Tissue has more impact than most tend to think.  And the +Absorb from Preventive Medicine effectively represents ablative armor on top of the HP pool, which I think works even when the Tanker is at the HP cap, increasing survivability.  Is this overkill?  Perhaps - but Tanker survivability is all about overkill, since Tanker-level defenses aren't really needed for most content.  Tankers are designed to go above & beyond the normal & survive the extremes - & these uniques help at those extremes.


    Nitpick: the Numina's unique is 20% regeneration, 10% recovery - so it's a touch better than what you list above.


    Not that I think it will make a difference in the rankings for people looking at them, but since the numbers for it weren't listed earlier in the thread, I thought it might help the few people who manage to find the forums and this thread title and think that there's a bug with the in-game numbers.

    I thought that number looked wrong, but that was what it said on the Paragon wiki page.  But if I had clicked to the page with the Numina's unique itself, it would have told me that the Regeneration was +20%.  Thanks.  I'll edit my post to avoid spreading misinformation.

  11. As far as I know, there are 5 Healing invention set uniques:


    Regenerative Tissue - +25% Regeneration

    Miracle - +15% Recovery

    Numina's Convalescence - +10% Recovery & +20% Regeneration

    Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb

    Panacea - Chance for +HP & +END


    IMHO the best is Panacea, which regularly helps to replenish your green & blue bars, even when your regeneration & recovery are debuffed.


    Second is Numina's.  Couple it with the Heal IO for the 2 slot set bonus of +12% Regeneration & the set generates +49% Regeneration - +20% for the unique, +12% for the 2 set bonus, & +17% for the level 50 Heal IO (& more for 50+++++).


    Third is Miracle for any character desiring some more END recovery - which, in my experience, is almost everybody pre-Incarnates.


    For most archetypes, those 3 will do it.  For Tankers, the other 2 can present real value.  Given their higher HP values & the mitigation in their sets, the additional Regeneration from Regenerative Tissue has more impact than most tend to think.  And the +Absorb from Preventive Medicine effectively represents ablative armor on top of the HP pool, which I think works even when the Tanker is at the HP cap, increasing survivability.  Is this overkill?  Perhaps - but Tanker survivability is all about overkill, since Tanker-level defenses aren't really needed for most content.  Tankers are designed to go above & beyond the normal & survive the extremes - & these uniques help at those extremes.


    [Edited to correct Numina's +Regen amount.]

    • Like 1
  12. I've only just found CoH:H, (played the original CoH/CoV), and never heard of this AT.  I can't seem to find a comprehensive list of the powersets anywhere.  Can anyone point me to a resource for more info about this class/AT?  Was it created by the CoH:H devs, or was it something the original devs never got to implement before the game was shut down?  Thank you all in advance!

    The Sentinel was a new archetype that the Paragon Studios devs were working on internally before the game was sunset.  From what I can gather, the work on the new archetype was available on the internal servers - & this was used by the new devs to develop the Sentinel after NCSoft cancelled the game.

  13. You can buy the anniversary badges for 100 reward merits each in Ouro


    I checked all of the npc's cant really see anyone selling those badges :'(

    I believe that there was a contact during the May Anniversary Event that sold the anniversary badges.  Sadly you (& I) won't be able to pick these up until next year. :(

    • Sad 1
  14. 5 - Shadow Shard zones


    I don't think we have beacons to the Shadow Shard. If you set those up to beacons like Point Aleph, Beth, Gimel ... those are not Shadow Shard zones those are locations of custom beacons you can use in your base.

    Ah!  I just assumed they were for destinations in the Shadow Shard.  So the next question is how do you set the locations that those beacons teleport to?

  15. i just reconfigured the portals in our base to the following:


    1 - low level blue zones

    2 - mid to high level blue zones

    3 - co-op zones & Echo zones

    4 - red zones

    5 - Shadow Shard zones


    Each telepad can handle 10 beacons now.  IIRC there are 43 beacons available now, so 5 telepads can cover everything.

  16. Hello, I'm Mister Mass & I'm an altoholic.  Back on old servers, I had dozens of characters, most of them recreations of concepts from PnP Champions campaigns dating back to 1981.  I had 7 50s blue-side & 3 50s red-side, almost all of them fully-Incarnated, along with a lots of other alts scattered across the levels.  After NCSoft shuttered the game, I eventually recreated many of them on DCUO, but it was never the same.


    Now that Homecoming has brought my City back to me, I am controlling my altoholic tendencies.  I have only recreated 6 of my characters so far.  And I am focusing on just one for now, doing all of the missions from the contacts as I level up, turning off xp to complete each contact's missions.  But once Mister Mass hits 50, I know that the siren call of my alts will be irresistible.


    Hello, I'm Mister Mass & I'm an altoholic.  And I'm okay with that. :)

  17. It's absolutely doable.  My main is doing it right now - just finishing the level 30-34 contacts & ready to start on lvl 35-39.  As noted by the previous posters, the trick is to shut off xp at every level ending in 4 or 9, until you have run all of the missions of the contacts in that level band.  I also make sure I do all of the safeguard in each level band.  In addition to the 5 origin contacts in each level band, there are lots of other contacts available as you level - like the 4 Hollows contacts for lvl 5-14, Midnighter Club contacts starting at lvl 10, & the prestige story arc contacts.  By side-switching (or using Null the Gull) you can do all of the redside arcs too!


    Obviously this is time-consuming, but for a completist, the reward of doing everything (& not having an unfilled contact in the inactive contacts list) makes it worthwhile.  Personally I am drawing the line at doing all of the door missions offered by the contacts - I won't run all of the mindless Hunt X missions.  (I did do that on the earlier levels, but no more!)


    Enjoy your slow (& often repetitive) walk to 50! :)



  18. There was a time when that wasn't a bad idea.  Back before you had the option to shut off xp, I would keep my characters in perma-debt so that I could try to do all of the story arcs & badge missions in each level range on them.  Earning the debt badges was just gravy.


    But once the devs added the option to shut off xp & added Ouroboros to flashback to the stuff you missed, this technique became unnecessary.  And since the amount of debt that you could work off was much lower at lower levels than at higher levels, the most efficient path to the debt badges was to wait & do them at 50, when all of the xp you would have gained was going to debt repayment.


    But now that we have incarnate levels, has this changed?  Does being in debt at 50+ reduce the rate that you gain incarnate levels?  If so, then working on the debt badges as you level up may make a lot of sense.  You may be on to something here! ;)

  19. Old posi and sister p in ouro are back to their original merit number. The old Maria Jenkins arc at 60 is a pretty good return now. If you've got friends with you the old ITF/lgtf/lrsf/barracuda speed gauntlet is good. Silver mantis, Morty Kal, tree-fecta are still good merit/minute speedy. And with the breaks taken out of the hero side respecs those are really good, and actually fun now.


    I totally forgot you can run the old TFs in Ouro!


    How do you do this?  I've run a lot of Ouro missions, but I have never seen the old TF's.  I must be missing something.

    The TFs are listed as if they were story arcs.  Most people never knew the actual names of the TFs, since they were almost universally referred to by the contact that starts them.  So the original Positron Task Force is listed as "The New Recruits" under the Ouroboros Level 1-14 tier.  You probably never noticed that it was there.  I confess that I didn't recognize it as "Old Posi" at first either. ;)

  20. I just wanted to verify that a character can get both Isolator & Jailbird via Ouroboros.  My main started as a Hero in Outbreak intending to get Isolator & mistakenly clicked Coyote, which sent him to Atlas Park.  Not wanting to restart, I leveled the character expecting to get the Badge through Ouro instead.  I switched to Villain to work on some badges & dinged 25.  So I popped into Ouroboros as a villain & ran the Pilgrim's introductory arc .  I earned the Jailbreak badge in the Breakout flashback from the contact who teaches about level scaling.  Later, after the character had switched back to Hero, I ran Pilgrim's introductory arc again.  I earned the Isolator badge in the Outbreak flashback from the contact who teaches about level scaling.  So one character can earn both badges for side-switching.


    But if you miss the badges the first time you run the introductory arcs, I think that those arcs aren't accessible again until level 50 on Ouro.  So you would either need to level up & wait - or find someone to team up with that has the arcs available.


    (And Skele, thanks for your all your work for the badging community!)

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