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Mister Mass

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Posts posted by Mister Mass

  1. On 2/24/2024 at 6:02 AM, AboveTheChemist said:

    Looks like the data was merged and the new badges I spot checked looked good, so Badger is now up-to-date. I also submitted a request to update the URLs to the HC Wiki (Badger was still using an older URL for the HC Wiki links) which was completed, so all the HC Wiki URL links from Badger should be current.

    Yes, I noticed that the new badges got implemented on the site this weekend.  Thanks for your work on this! 👍

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  2. The first thing I did do when Issue 27 Page 7 went live was to try to run the new Piecemeal personal story on my main.  After a few minutes of wondering why the payphone contact wouldn't give me the darn mission, I realized that my main was the wrong alignment. 😄 I switched to one of my villains who had run the prerequisite arc & got the payphone to cough up the mission.  I was occasionally confused as to where I was supposed to go next because I would be trying to follow the mini-map pointer instead of actually reading the mission objective. 🙄 But eventually my villain got through it all & I earned the badge, only to discover that the badge tracking site I use hadn't been updated with the new badges yet.  It was like a whole hour after the issue dropped & the volunteers in the community who update the site hadn't done it yet?  Shocking! 🤯


    Seriously, thanks to the fine folks in the community who support my badge-hunting addiction. :classic_cool: I know you will get this updated in time.  I can wait while you do your good work. 👍


    And thanks to the dev team for all of their hard work in putting this new issue together.  I enjoyed Piecemeal's personal story & its hints about upcoming developments in the game - & I loved most of the dialogue.  Truly hilarious at points! 🤣  The future of the game seems to be in very good hands! 😎

  3. I had an SS/Elec Brute on Live that was one of my main 4 Incarnates.  It was a bit of pain at low levels before the RES started to kick in, so I relied on Fury (& inspirations) carry me through - but Fury (& inspirations) were plenty.  As others have noted, the key is to get RES as close to the hard cap as you can, while accruing good Recharge & DEF bonuses as well.  Power pools, set bonuses, & special IOs are key.  I found my SS/Elec was quite sturdy in Incarnate material & could lay down the smack as well.

  4. I'm on Torchbearer & there is noticeably more traffic.  Since I am primarily a solo artist, this doesn't effect me much most of the time.  But I have been pleasantly surprised at how much more quickly I can form a TF when I send out the call on LFG - even for redside SFs.  Since none of my SGmates or coalition partners play much anymore, forming a TF more-or-less means PUGging it.  But I have had good luck with my PUG TFs so far.  Most of the lesser experienced players are willing to ask questions & follow directions, & the more experienced ones are willing to share their expertise - & carry the teams with their mighty builds.


    Some of the spam in LFG I could do without, but I can just ignore that, so I have little to complain about.  (But since I'm a cranky old man, that probably won't stop me from bitching anyway. 😁)

  5. 43 minutes ago, Luminara said:


    Heads of state are assassinated.  Religious leaders are assassinated.  Powerful figures in organizations are assassinated.  I'm a nobody, and nobody wastes a bullet on a nobody.

    So the greatest threat to you... is you? 🤔


    (I bet you already knew that...) 😉 

  6. Whenever I run Posi 1 on a PUG, I like to call a team meeting before fighting the Shadow Simulacra - assuming any Leroy Jenkins in the group haven't already headed down the stairs.  I ask the team if they want to try the fight the "smart" way or the "fun" way.  The "smart" way is to identify which doppelganger is the most dangerous/annoying & have the full team dogpile on it first, & then work our way down the threat ladder.  The "fun" way is for each character to take on their double & have a race to see who can take themselves out first.  Most teams choose the "fun" way! 😊

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  7. I got slapped with the generic hammer on Live once as well.  As one of my (all too many) alts on Live, I started a Dark/Dark Scrapper named Doc DarkNight, based on an NPC in my P&P Champions campaign back in college.  In the Champions campaign, Doc DarkNight was Golden Age hero who was a melange of old school Batman & the original Doctor Mid-Nite.  Blinded by criminals in an attack on his family, the good doctor had sworn to wage an unending war on criminals, & had developed the tools & skills to compensate for his blindness & aid him in this task.  (Later in this campaign, his son would take up his father's mantle & become the Silver Age version of the hero.)


    The CoH version left out most of this backstory & his base costume didn't look infringing (& was often obscured by hos powers) so he went unnoticed for years.  By that point in the game, I was beginning to use my additional costume slots for more variant costume designs.  Many of my characters got a slot devoted to a Golden Age hero that had inspired the CoH character in some way, so Doc DarkNight got a Doctor Mid-Nite costume slot - which turned out great! :classic_cool: Normally, I didn't wear these potentially infringing costumes in public, saving them for inside missions or in our SG base, but wearing this one really made me feel like a hero, so I would often race from mission door to mission door wearing it.  But apparently someone eventually noticed, & the character got generic'ed. 😿


    Here on Homecoming I have learned my lesson.  I swear! 😉

  8. 8 hours ago, Bionic_Flea said:

    Captain Powerhouse recently started showing this as his forum avatar:




    The image is named Minerva.

    Since Minerva is the Roman name for the Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, & Athena is traditionally shown with an owl on her shoulder, I was going to guess that it was a (really) poor rendering of an owl.  But if so, that is the poorest rendering of an owl ever. 🤷‍♂️

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  9. As I noted in Yomo's thread, I have multiple characters that were my main crafter at various points over the years  That character would craft & vend enhancements until I had all of the badges, & I had another character that was ready to take up the mantle.  Each of those main crafters averaged about 55K enhancements crafted & sold before I moved on to the next one in line.  But I haven't had any characters heavily crafting in over a year, as I have made more influence than I could ever expect to spend in the game.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. On 3/8/2022 at 12:25 PM, GM Crumpet said:

    Superman started with laser eyes, super strength and super jump. 

    Actually, Action #1 Superman didn't have any vision powers either.  His X-ray vision was introduced later, & the original explanation for his eye beams when they were first utilized was that they were generated by "the heat of his X-ray vision".  Heat vision would only be recognized as a separate part of his power suite later.

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  11. For grins, I checked most of my characters to see how many enhancements I have sold on the AH - & the total is 283,927.  I stopped crafting enhancements (other than for badges) over a year ago, but apparently my various crafters each crafted & sold about 55K before I moved on to the next one.  I usually just crafted for 15 minutes a few times a day - in the morning before work, after getting home from work in the evening, & before going to bed at night.  I found crafting a restful diversion from the game, but now just do it to get each of my alts the crafting & vending badges.  I long ago made more influence/infamy/information on the AH/BM/TH than I would ever spend in the game, so I have no need to make more.  Let the new guard do their thing & reap the benefits!

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  12. I choose which side to start on (& which tutorial to run) based on the character.  I try to keep blueside, redside, & goldside balanced.  I try to run more-or-less all of the contacts by shutting off XP at each level band - although on blueside I will often skip some of old contacts, as most of them just have generic missions instead of story arcs or badge missions.  I take my time & don't rush through the level bands.  By rotating which side I start on, each side feels almost fresh again when I get back to it.


    Since I long ago made my fortune on the market, I kit my young characters out with the best enhancements as soon as they can slot them.  Obviously this makes low level play a lot less painful.  I'll join TFs/SFs as hey become available, but usually turn off XP, so that I don't inadvertently outlevel contacts in a level band.


    So I level up much as I did on Live, but with better enhancements - & without having to try to max out debt in order to stay in a level band.

  13. I use graph paper to track my characters' invention badge progress as well.  And since (unlike IronBlade) I do invention badges on EVERY one of my alts, it runs several pages.  I have thought about building a spreadsheet to track this, but I have a graph paper notebook with plenty of unused pages, so why not use it? 🤷‍♂️

  14. There has been a lot of good advice on this thread (before it got derailed a bit 😉) to the OP about how to deal with the issue of not having the favored version of one's character name available.  I would add a suggestion to that list - adding a title or the like to the original name.  One of my characters on Live was named Buckeye, but that name (& any reasonable variation like Buck-Eye) wasn't available here on Homecoming.  So I named the character Agent Buckeye & was able to exit the character creator happy (especially since part of the character's background was that he had been an agent of Longbow.)  So adding a title to the preferred name might help the OP to reclaim his desired appellation.

  15. 1 hour ago, BlakeTheDrake said:

    I guess it's too much to ask that I can 'do everything' AND maintain some kind of role-playing storyline throughout... yeah, I guess I'll just follow the guide, then. Can't be helped.


    Gotta say, though, if the original devs didn't want us to try and do all the mission-arcs in each area... they shouldn't have created Badges that are awarded for doing all the mission-arcs in each area. 😛

    Well, I am sure that original Devs would have responded "that is why we have Ouroboros". 😉  It is worth noting that both the newer low-level blueside & reside content had contacts which would lock you out from doing the story arc from another contact in the same level range/zone, but that they added badges for doing all of the story arcs in that level range/zone - so the only way to earn the badge was to Ouro the excluded contact.  So it shouldn't be surprising that the Devs were expecting that this would be the approach goldside - especially considering how few of the playerbase is willing to shut off XP & level progression just in order to experience more low level content.


    That said, as someone who has run 4 separate characters that started goldside & was able (more-or-less) to complete all of the contacts (& undercover work) on all of them, it can be done - & was, for me, a fun approach.  On each character I tried to follow a different pathway through the contact trees, so each run was a bit unique.  For example, one of my Praetorians reinforced all of the "moderate" (Warden & Responsibility) factions' alignment missions, while betraying all of the "extreme" (Crusader & Power) factions' alignment missions.  Another Praetorian did the exact opposite.  It was very helpful that the existing guides pointed out the potential roadblocks, so that I could plan the pathways in advance. 


    But occasionally, I mucked something up, either by not planning correctly - or worse, by not actually following the plan. 🙄  In those cases, Ouroboros later filled in the gaps.  But Ouro just isn't as fulfilling to me as running the arcs as a starting Praetorian.  Right now I am running the Praetorian arcs via Ouro on a non-Praetorian, & I miss part of the feeling that I am navigating a complex world where betrayal is a way of life.

  16. 9 hours ago, InvaderStych said:




    @djm6833 ...


    ... in order to get the undercover options in Praetorian missions you have to set that up at the tail end of the tutorial.


    There are a few good guides out there for completing all of the Praetorian content in a single run by turning off XP at certain points and switching sides at key points. Definitely one of the highlights of the game if looking for a good solo run through early level missions. Undercover options are a part of this run. I've been meaning to do another one of these eventually; highly recommend trying it if a player wants to experience Gold Side.

    This!  I have done Goldside on 4 separate characters, changing starting factions & on what missions I switched sides each time.  There is a lot of replayability there, if you look for it.

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  17. If you do intend to replay Praetoria, I suggest perusing @Redlynne's guide - Loyalist <-> Resistance ... switching alignments EVERY TIME for Praetorians - as there is some good advice in the original post (& in the subsequent posts from other players) about how to maximize your Goldside experience.


    (I confess to enjoying betraying the extreme factions (Power & Crusader)  whenever I can. 😁)

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  18. Out of the blue, a former coalition mate from the old CoH sent me a message that she had heard that the game was back.  Apparently one of her old coalition mates had informed her & she was passing the word on.  She had no idea how to get in the game, but I did some research, found out about Homecoming, & got us in.  It has been a joy to me.  Thanks to everyone who made this happen! 

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