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Mister Mass

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Posts posted by Mister Mass

  1. 22 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    Favorite proc?  Again, I must promote Overwhelming Force.  If you don’t use this, somewhere, anywhere, you are lacking a sense of humor.  There’s more flopping than at an Italian soccer match.  I *believe* that since this has a set chance to proc, you get good mileage even putting it in powers that would not traditionally work well with profs.

    It might not the best use for the proc or set, but I like to drop this into the crappy cone that so many blast sets get early on.  Knocking down a chunk of your opponents is always entertaining, & -KB protection as a set bonus is welcome on squishies & certain armors.  The set might not make the final level 50 build, but it makes the ride along the way more fun.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, huang3721 said:

     I think there are old missions from contacts that are not belong to a story arc and do not give badges. (e.g: Azuria's missions in Atlas Park). Those mission are not listed in Ouroboros.

    Right.  Every original contact has maybe a dozen missions outside of their story arcs & badge missions.  Half of those are pointless hunts, along with the Talk to Security Chief missions - which turn into pointless hunts. 😛


    But most original contacts have a handful of door missions, some of which shed light on the game world or have temp powers that can be earned.  These missions are not available via Ouro - although a few are.  The SCORE or Homecoming devs may have added these to Ouro for player convenience.


    In any event, you can get almost everything by Ouroing for it.  But I still shut off xp & do it at level appropriate range when I can.  For me that is more fun - hardly efficient, but more fun.  YMMV.

  3. On 8/30/2020 at 1:44 PM, oedipus_tex said:

    One of the two kb-to-kd's is unique (Overwhelming Force.) It either changes a knockback to a knockdown, or else adds knockdown to a power that doesn't normally have it.


    Sudden Acceleration is the one you want in Singularity (and probably Wormhole) and is not unique.

    Oedipus_Tex, are you sure the Overwhelming Force proc is an either/or on the knock-x?  I just always assumed (which is dangerous) that the proc overwrites the % knock-x on a power to its own 20% chance.  Has this been confirmed that a power with higher than 20% knock-x keeps that higher chance with the proc installed?


    Asking for a friend. 😉

  4. On 8/29/2020 at 3:37 PM, Player2 said:

    I've brought up Ms. Liberty appearing in 3 or 4 places simultaneously before and recommended that maybe she should be replaced in one or two of those places.  Honestly, I think it's a serious disservice to Back Alley Brawler that he got shuffled into the SW corner of Atlas Park after Galaxy City was destroyed.  With Liberty appearing all over the place, I think he should have been given the spot in front of City Hall so she could concentrate on the Statesman Task Force in Independence Port.  As for that underground base in Atlas Park, I think she should be replaced there, also.  Then, one month out of the year (February) she can appear in two locations at once with the Pocket D Valentines Day event stuff.

    Well I agree with you that Back Alley Brawler has been unfairly treated by Paragon City & deserves his rightful place in the sun, I think you will find a substantial portion of the playerbase would be up in arms if Ms. Liberty was removed from her training spot in Atlas Park.  For many players she is an iconic part of the game, intrinsically tied up with being the first sight that most saw on exiting the tutorial & coming into the real game for the first time.  I used BABs & Galaxy City for a good chunk of my alts, particularly those that were "down with the street" as the youngsters say (or so I am told) so I am less tied to this, & am happy to see Ms. Liberty & the game world evolve.  But a lot of players think otherwise.

  5. 11 minutes ago, DoctorDitko said:

    Remember running to the right Origin store to sell enhancements? They were worth a fair amount more if sold to the appropriate vendor.


    Also, contacts who would "do you the favor" of selling you enhancements at a 100% markup over the stores.

    Oooh, thanks, guy!


    And no indication in game that the contacts were overcharging you compared to a vendor.  I wonder how many players assumed that the contact was giving you a better deal since you had to do missions for him in order to unlock his store?  Preying on the new & uninformed - hardly friendly game design!

    • Like 1
  6. My marketeer is whichever alt is next up on earning the Invention crafting & Marketeering badges, & keeps the job until the following character is ready to take over the mantle.  My 4th marketeer is just handing the reins over the 5th now.  The 1st 4 all have 1.9 billion on hand, while my other alts have about 500 million each.  But I am a small operator by the standards of this forum, just looking to earn badges & to afford the (what used to be ludicrously expensive on Live) builds that I design.

  7. On 8/30/2020 at 1:36 AM, Heraclea said:

    My vague understanding is that task forces were originally conceived as team activities that would take several days to complete.  I remember being told this is why, unhappily, you can't invite new members once you start; happily, it's also why you're still in the TF if you get disconnected.  The idea would be that the players who proposed to run them would do so over the course of several days.  They'd log in at an  agreed time, run a couple missions, and then log out until they finished.  That way no one would get too annoyed or bored with multiple defeat all Clockwork missions strung together in one storyline.  


    Task forces were pretty peripheral content in the early game, until the introduction of accolades and reward merits. 

    This was how we did original Posi on Live.  2 SGmates & my blaster did Posi over several days.  The Dark/Dark Defender was only minimum level for the TF, so he (hilariously) kept dying trying to get to a mission door in Steel Canyon, living up to the nickname of "Death's Doorman" that we had given to the player in face-to-face D&D sessions a few years earlier.  So 3 of us, low level & poorly-slotted with TOs (& some DOs) worked through the TF a little at a time.  The Tanker would corner pull some mobs back to the spot where the Defender would drop his Tar Pit debuff patch & my Blaster would dps like nobody's business.  Even completing just one door mission took a very long time this way.  And our characters leveling up actually made the slog worse in a way, as our enhancements would go red.  Having to stop in order to go on a shopping spree was just part of the fun.  But we eventually got it done - & the 3 of us would run all of the signature TFs together on the march to level 50.  So somehow, despite how painful this whole process was, I feel nostalgic for it.  Go figure.😄

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

    In a superhero context, I don't really RP.  Besides, once powers start being clicked, this game becomes way too fast paced to start describing everything.  I guess I'll first roll on Excelsior!


    How's the levelling curve? Do people actually enjoy the game or it is still a Mission Architect fest to get from 1 to 50 in three hours?  To put you in context: I played CoH and then CoV for many, many months and I only ever got ONE character to 50.

    A lot of people are happy to jump to 50 as fast as possible & play the powerful characters that they intended to play.  And some of us are content to level slowly, level locking every 5 levels or so in order to experience as much of the leveling content as possible.  I imagine there are players like the latter on every server, although I can only speak for Torchbearer, where my alts reside.

    • Like 1
  9. On 6/23/2020 at 9:46 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

    Owlbears.  Very dangerous.  You go first. 



    Okay, I can't let an owlbear reference go by without biting.


    A lot of D&D players look at the owlbear & shake their heads at the stupid monsters that old school developers came up with.  I expect that the players in the group I was DMing felt much the same, when I ran an updated version of the classic Keep on the Borderlands for their low level party.  When they came upon a chained owlbear, the players sniggered in amusement at this relic from simpler days, & the well-armored paladin went in to claim some easy xp & perhaps some phat lewt.  Much to his surprise, he discovered that the owlbear was not as restrained by the chain as he expected, & the beast pecked & clawed at him with surprising ferocity & efficiency.  Within moments, the paladin, despite having an AC that was impressive for his low level, was at Death's Door, & the party had to act swiftly to keep the owlbear from enjoying a paladin picnic.


    The paladin was so emotionally scarred by this incident, that he soon took to wearing an owlbear costume & terrorizing his enemies by night, figuring that since this beast inspired such fear in him, he should use it to inspire fear in his enemies.  And so the legend of Owlbearman was born!  And so, around the evening campfires, children would be regaled with tales of this fearsome creature of the night, the triune threat - the Owl, the Bear, & the Man - stalking the wicked & dispensing justice!

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    Blackmarket and Wentworth are one and the same. Wentworths is "hero" and black market is Villain. AH accesses the appropriate one for your alignment - and the inventory that's for sale is shared across all shards and factions. 

    Ukase, it is times like this that make me wonder if you have no sense of humor. 😉  TraumaTrain was making a joke, son!


    But it is worth pointing out that the markets are shared across factions & servers.  It wasn't that way originally, & not everyone knows that it changed back on Live in Issue 18, over 10 years ago.  😮

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  11. On 8/9/2020 at 11:03 AM, d4verman said:

    If players can basically have their own SG and a base do they form coalitions still?

    Yes.  In fact coalitions now fill some of the role that SGs used to play - as a way for like-minded players to connect.  Sure, each player may have his own SG & base, but these individual players can coalition together & use coalition chat to communicate & organize events just like they used to use SG chat.


    Double post. 😔

  12. On 8/9/2020 at 11:03 AM, d4verman said:

    If players can basically have their own SG and a base do they form coalitions still?

    Yes.  In fact coalitions now fill some of the role that SGs used to play - as a way for like-minded players to connect.  Sure, each player may have his own SG & base, but these individual players can coalition together & use coalition chat to communicate & organize events just like they used to use SG chat.

  13. As already noted above, they stack.  You will have 65 feet of PvE stealth with this stack, which is actually better than the 55 feet you get from Invisibility.  You can stand right next to most mobs & they won't notice you.  And Stealth from the Concealment Pool is a nice place for a LotG +7.5% Recharge, if you are looking to fit more into your build.  I find myself using the this combo on most of my characters - stealth, some +DEF, & +7.5% Recharge is a welcome tradeoff for one power (& pool) & no additional slots beyond the default one.

  14. 13 hours ago, Voltor said:

    Well my invulnerable/ss  Tank that is HERO alignment only has completed badging.......they now sit at 1286 badges, having obtained badges that only a hero only alignment character could gain.


    Badges it will never get:


    All redside exploration badges including redside tutorial, Abyss and Monster island

    The 4 red side plaques


    Alignment badges for turning Vigilante, Rogue, Villain and for helping someone complete and alignment mission different from my alignment. As a hero I can't help vigilante, rogue, villains pursue their agendas. Also the alignment badegs for maintaining Vigilante, Rogue, Villain align for 7 days, I did run a hero morality mission to reaffirm myself as hero and claimed those badges


    The 7 redside strikeforces


    Mayhem badges,


    Any accomplishment/achievement/defeat badge that requires being vigilante/rogue/villain, this includes the badge for defeating 1000 Longbow, while there is a mission in RWZ where you face renegade longbow I refuse to fight them


    The 6 redside day jobs


    There are 21 gladiator badges that require being redside


    The 7 seven badges for defeating the hero's in RV


    The AE badges for completing a vigilante/rogue/villain themed mission.


    So that's 245 badges it won't be getting.




    I have a true blue Hero that is walking this same path.  Thanks for blazing the trail!

  15. From a Freak bomb-setting boss:


    [NPC] Bob Fuse-y: The Black wire goes to the: 
    [NPC] Bob Fuse-y: ground lead, 
    [NPC] Bob Fuse-y: The Red wire goes to the 
    [NPC] Bob Fuse-y: Plastique, 
    [NPC] Bob Fuse-y: Now hear that word of C-4! 
    [NPC] Bob Fuse-y: Them bombs, them bombs gonna, 
    [NPC] Bob Fuse-y: Blow things up! 
    [NPC] Bob Fuse-y: Them bombs, them bombs gonna, 
    [NPC] Bob Fuse-y: I really love my work.

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  16. Out of my 10 50s from Live, I have recreated 3 exactly, & 3 with power set or AT changes:


    Mister Mass - Inv/SS Tanker - same (but better!)

    Gengetsu - DM/DA Stalker - same

    American Aegis - MA/Shield Scrapper - same


    Sound Byte - Sonic/Sonic Defender - was Sonic/Sonic Corruptor

    Baron Wonder - Elec/Elec Brute - was SS/Elec Brute

    Agent Buckeye - Archery/TacArrow Blaster - was TrickArrow/Archery Defender


    At this point I have no plans to recreate any of my other characters from Live.  My plan is to get one of each AT to 50 before I start another character with the same AT, so most of my old characters will have to wait until that project is complete.  And given the fact that I level lock every 5 levels on each character in order to do all of the content on the alignment side of the character before advancing, it could be a long wait... 

  17. Of course, the raises the question - who was your favorite Wacky Racer?  My siblings & I all had different favorites, & would dance in our jammies when our team won.


    Since I was the “smart one”, I always pretended that my favorite was the inventor Pat Pending in his Converter Car, since that is what my siblings expected.  But my real favorites were the Slag Brothers.  Watching cavemen beat their car with clubs to make it up faster always made me laugh.  “‘s’all right” 😂

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