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  1. Running electric / bio-armor and loving the survivability along with the nearly limitless amount of endurance I have to keep rotating skills without the need to pop a blue tic-tac. Being able to really impact the enemies endurance pool with this build is nice. It has a really good AOE / DD setup and I am having a blast with the lvl 32 AOE lightning nuke. Will be interesting to see how it plays out late game!
  2. This would not require any animation changes at all. I have already tested the animations for martial arts and they do not take 3 seconds to complete per use. A simple change in how often the martial arts powers regen to be similar to that of claws is viable. It may require slight dmg adjustments to compensate for the increased CD speed, but again, this is doable with making any code base changes to these powers.
  3. This never made any sense to me. Why would claws be faster than martial arts? Having no weapon but your bare hands and feet you would think would be the "fastest" class with cooldowns between uses, but it's not the case. Is this something our admins might consider looking into?
  4. I am currently on Torchbearer and thinking about transferring to Indomitable as they seem to have a lower population even at peek hours. Would my SG and base remain intact and move with me if I transfer?
  5. You get an entire YEAR of not being required to log in after you reach lvl 21, not sure how much more time you believe anyone needs? o.O I wish there they would reduce the amount of time as it is very easy to lock up as many names as you want by simply PL characters to 21 within an hour of doing DFB and using the F2P xp boosters. Then you don't have to worry about things for an entire 365 days. This is very generous from the dev team hosting this server.
  6. Admins have already stated, MB is not allowed during high peek/load on the servers. They have already stated that they felt MB was reasonable up to 2 to maybe 3 characters max. Unfortunately I have already seen a few MB doing 4-6+, especially during heavy load times on my server "Torchbearer". They are asking us to self regulate but the reality is, there are many who do give a crap and will push the limits regardless. That is "toxic behavior".
  7. I have a basic understanding of macros, such as targeting others, emotes, costume changes. The area I am having issue with and not if it can be done is this: I would like to set up macro that activates specific attack powers, sorta like a list it follows. (similar to what we could do in Rift) My goal was to limit how many powers were slotted on my hotbar and utilize just a few that would use the next attack if the first one was on CD. Is this possible, and if so, how would I go about doing this?
  8. Good point! Yes, as a tanker, perhaps I didn't recall having such low melee dmg (it has been a handful of years or so since I last played). Maybe my question should be, what is a good AOE Tanker build, as the goal is to hit as many targets as possible which should add in that natural "taunt" which is added into every attack. I wouldn't be as bothered with my current build if Jacobs actually had a more reasonable area it would hit. 7' and a very small arc doesn't bold well for a tankers needs. Having to be dependent on T9 ability for a once in a while ability also doesn't appeal to me as much as having better regular AOE styles to utilize. Thoughts?
  9. As a returning new'ish player, I was looking for some tips on what to do, and this seems to be a good place to start. I did run some DFB's and go to 20/21, but realized I have no merits because I haven't really done any of the story arcs yet. Not sure what the best way to earn merits are.
  10. Thanks for the clarification. I also agree, Jacobs is pretty lackluster when you see other power sets with superior AOE at the same power selection / lvl. I wish I had more "fun" with my electric tank, though I am getting a lot tougher thanks to what the shield powers offer, just disapointed there really isn't anything decent for electric melee until 32 when you get that lightning strike AOE. Really wish that power set would get a work over with some minor enhancements, such as instead of a conical attack, make it a larger AOE with decent taunt attached. (14-16' would be nice, and up to 10 targets, as currently taunt only effects up to 5, which makes NO sense to me)
  11. If I had to guess, it was one guy multi-boxing eight characters, with one low-level character in the group who was the group's leader and the others all exemplared down to that character's level. Then all he would have to do is run around with only one of the characters killing Skulls and Hellions, and the higher level toons would be raking in experience and influence appropriate to their own true level. If I am not mistaken, there is no penalty to gaining exp and inf if you are far away from the rest of the group, but you do have to be in the same zone. I couldn't remember how the whole sidekick or exemplared worked, but yes, this would make more sense as to what I saw!
  12. Two things. One, I'm still extremely skeptical of what you saw. Two, since they were standing in front of you and magically leveling up (not training up), then how can you be sure where there XP was come from, be it from AE or from some other PL technique? I don't know where their source of XP was coming from, that's why I am asking the community how this might be possible. I took screenshots of these groups, 1 group had 3 characters all named very close to the same as each other (they simply re-arranged the 4 letters making up the name). I can assure you I saw them leveling up over and over and over while watching them. There were actually 2 groups of 3 in my screenshot, both groups were leveling up about every 5 min. Both groups were in their early 30's when I started watching and ended up at 40 when I last looked before leaving. So I am baffled how this happens, or how PL in general happens. I can give the dev / admin team the screenshot and they can review the logs to verify quite easily that I am speaking the truth on what I saw. Not sure how else you get XP this fast if your not farming AE or using some exploit mechanic that allows you to be in a totally different region / area from those doing the PL and still receive the benefit while not being anywhere near where the XP is being earned.
  13. Because they've already halved AE xp, which has reduced a ton of the chatter I was seeing for AE during 2xXP weekend. What's more, people should be able to play how they want. There's a sizeable community of PVPers and End Game content players who don't care about the leveling experience of 1–50. As someone that has years of the game under his belt, I can understand the desire to skip that process as quickly as possible. Here's an idea. The code for running a server of your own is out there. Prove your poorly supported assumption and run one the way you think so many people want. No offense, but your polls (while a small sample) aren't showing a lot of support for your complaints. The insanely fast response on donations this month would suggest that people are quite happy with the way things are running right now. And currently, you seem to be the only one making this big of a stink for it. I can understand that people farming and PLing puts a stick in your craw and don't judge you for having that sentiment. Those things were here before, and they'll be around in some form or another forever. You're reasoning for why that should be fun-policed out of existence isn't convincing. You'd need to show good evidence for how that's borking the game before you're going to win any minds over. You seem to be making this quite personal Rylas, are you ok? o.O This isn't my poll, perhaps pay better attention as so far there has been very few votes on this either way, so to try and state "poor results" are meaningless over a poll that was only very recently started by someone else. All I have done is coin my concerns with examples, while all I keep hearing from you is the same repeated statements that stem back to the classic "play the way you want" which frankly supports the idea of having a server that doesn't have AE. Anyhow, will leave things as they are, sorry if you took things so personally, I understand some topics can strike a nerve with some people and it can sometimes become more heated than intended.
  14. I am presuming this is what they must be doing, because I was baffled to see them get so many levels so fast. Yes, I watched the leveling up animation effects and kept checking back on these groups standing around. Honestly I felt it was a bad mechanic if the system allows players to be unattended and no where close to where the leveling is being done, but still get all the benefits from others doing the work. If you want to PL characters, I thought you would be required to be actively participating (or at least be in the same instance or close proximity to where the fights are taking place in) which clearly isn't the case based on what I witnessed. I am all for playing it "your way", but when you destroy a server economy and abuse exploits just because "the system lets me" is just a affirmation to how far down the reasoning and mental state of mind many players have dropped to over the years. Just because it's "fun" for you as you contribute to destroying the economy doesn't mean it's "fun" for those who have to deal with it.
  15. Thanks for assuming my, or generally anybody's, reasons for voting "NO". But I can assure you, it's not because I want to abuse the system. AE farms tend to be boring as hell, so no thanks. But if that's what someone else wants to do I don't currently see an issue with it. Perhaps you should try not holding the position that those who disagree with you have ill intent or are of bad character. How about giving a reason why you would vote "NO" against such a request? See while I agree with some of what other posters have stated, that being there will always be bullies, cheaters, etc, I feel this post is a genuine question and desire to give the community something that would quite frankly, work fine. I don't see how it would "break up" any community at all. It would give players the option to either: A: continue on with how things are now B: give players an opportunity to build a server community that would thrive without AE It's like classic WoW that has a large following, only in this case I wouldn't be surprised if there was a large amount of players who would support a server without AE. Saying "play it your way" doesn't help the community at all, as you have to deal with all the issues that come with AE farming, such as the broken economy. New / newer players aren't able to afford most of the things on the consignment shop because prices get really silly. For example, human blood samples, I need 2 of these just to make a basic lvl 10 / 15 enhancement, yet the going rates (according to the sell history) already shows they go for 10k a pop. Many players cant afford these rates. The prices are indicative of an economy banking on selling to twinks. Now if there are other exploits readily available that players are using to PL characters, perhaps that should be reviewed by the community dev / admin team.
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