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Posts posted by BeeVee

  1. I am not saying that Harris is a misogynist. I am saying that the writing is misogynist because it is a textbook example of the Women in Fridges trope.


    The arc would be LESS sexist if Harris was unrepentant about Page’ death, because at least then her death would not be narratively pointless apart from serving to act as a trigger for a man’s emotional redemption.


    Women should not have to die for men to deal with their shit.


    And the end of Captain Marvel was indeed great .D




    Harris' breakdown actually serves to illustrate how absolutely nuts he is. That said, I don't even concur that the Nav instructions should be 'fixed', I don't agree that it's motivated by sexism (although it could be tone deaf), nor should the arc be re-written apart from the absolute minimums (typographical fixes and legibility) to maintain the integrity of the story as it was presented. Further, Page doesn't exist purely as a motivator for Harris (although given that she appears only as a boss, she does purely exist to be killed), she's an obstacle for Arachnos as long as she's present, so she needs to get gone or get dead. She is an antagonist, and would be regardless of whether or not she was a man or woman. What's between their legs means absolutely nothing when the crosshair is between the eyes.

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  2. During Vigilante missions, you have the opportunity to commit acts of terrorism by blowing bases sky high and causing tons of collateral damage, execute 'bad guys' and generally engage in all levels of debased behaviour in the name of the 'greater good' in time, becoming a villain yourself. This is no more misandrist than killing page is misogynist..


    In order for it to qualify as misogyny, it has to be motivated specifically by a hatred of women. It does not. Harris' motivations are insanity and revenge for his perceived slight. Whereas the character's motivations are projected on by the player and in the case of what's offered by the game, the powers that be want the base wiped out and it's Arachnos' house and therefore Arachnos' rules. Harris does not go on rants about any women besides Page, nor does he target women besides Page.


    Now let's discuss Page. As an agent of Freedom Corps, Page is supposed to see the liberation of Mercy from Arachnos. Having her suddenly turn tail and run away does a disservice to both her and the organization, especially given Longbow isn't seen in a positive light by the base at large. The fact that she's outnumbered and outgunned and still fights valiantly actually did a bit to redeem Longbow (as much as they can be redeemed, anyway. Those costumes are garish) insofar as I was concerned.


    I disagree that the arc should be rewritten, especially given you have an opportunity to murder Harris immediately after. This is after potentially killing Stanzini, Fire Wire (or Psi Lass), breaking limbs of Longbow Agents, wiping out one (or two) of their installations, slaughtering a bunch of cops... You're more than welcome to cite your character's motivations as misogynist, but I honestly feel that you're chasing ghosts searching for an intent that simply isn't there.

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  3. Running out the timer in the second mission of SSA 1 does not cause the SWAT to disappear and de-aggro as they functioned on live, further, they have ambush properties making them impossible to evade short of taking them out (so Stalkers do not have a get out of SWAT hell free card). As solo lowbies would have a higher TTK, this makes things a bit annoying as they'll eventually either be overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of SWAT to fight.

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