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  1. I invested 3 billion in December. I'm sitting on 5 billion right now. I still have a bunch of winters for sale, but I would say the strategy works if you're patient.
  2. It takes a lot of effort to complete all the Goldside arcs. Could an accolade be added for achieving 100% completion of all story arcs on Goldside. Perhaps the equivalent of TF Commander or the Atlas Medallion?
  3. So I decided to go with something I thought I would have the most fun with. I do, I love the character I have my StJ/Inv build on. What I want is to be able to cap my defense. If anyone has the inclination, since I am terrible with the stats portion of the game, could you build a StJ/Inv Brute all slotted out. Money is no object for enhancements, so really go nuts on set bonuses. If there is more than one response, the one I end up using with get an influence prize of 50 mil in game.
  4. Sent you a message about joining to your global. Hope to speak to you soon.
  5. Thank you everyone. This helped.
  6. May we please add zone music or something to bases? The sound effects are alright, but the silence elsewhere takes me out of the immersion a bit.
  7. So I have never been one to dish on the stats. It looks too much like math. Math and I are not friends. But since this is the first time I have had a 50 (Live or Homecoming) I don't want to get the side eye when I team with other 50's and I end up doing something silly (like not having my powers slotted efficiently, or not having anything other than IOs). So here is my question to you, people who are good at this stuff... If you could build a 50 Sentinel AR/Regen with whatever enhancements you want, how would you do it?
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