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Posts posted by Corruption

  1. 16 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    I've never understood the whole Pling to 50 thing, but whatever.


    I will say that I see a lot more people looking for and finding teams sub 50.  So why are people PLing to 50?  I don't think it's PvP.  I don't think it's incarnate content.  Is it to make Ouro content easier?  If so, why not just do it the first time?  I'm honestly puzzled.

    There's an appeal to being able to access all of the games content from the start. I PL all of my characters to 50 for the most part, specifically for this reason. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Shred Monkey said:

    You seriously didn't read my statement as to why I don't share my build.  I never said I keep it secret because I think it's good.  I didn't even say it was good,

    I read it and discounted it as a stupid reason. Honestly, I think the idea of anyone keeping a build secret for any reason is dumb.


    As far as the topic at hand, I don't PL anyone for free or for a fee, except friends. The only times I farm now are to PL myself, since I have so much inf and drops by just playing the game with my 50's.

  3. 2 hours ago, Shred Monkey said:

    I had a huge amount of pleasure and satisfaction in creating my build, why would I take that away from you by giving you the end result of my work?  If you want to be Power-leveled... if you want someone else to make a build for you ... 

    You seriously don't share your build with anyone, even with someone asking for help? That's being awfully stingy. Your build is not good enough to keep secret. 

    • Confused 1
  4. Force Field certainly needs to be reworked, it's one of the most lackluster sets in the game. Cold Domination completely outclasses FF, it's not even close. Currently it provides defense buffs and that's basically it. Knockback is terrible and annoys many people, so I'm not even going to count that.


    Personally, I think it should get some sort of debuff for me to even consider playing it. Cold has Sleet, Benumb and Heat Loss, along with the Ice Shields, while FF is stuck with PFF, Repulsion Field and Force Bubble. Gross.

  5. Like Apparition said, Regen Brutes are the best. We ran a 5 person Hami with one as the "tank".


    I used to run a Dark Armor Brute on live (red side) because Dark Regeneration is not affected by the -heal,

    • Thanks 1
  6. SR is lackluster because positional defense is the only thing going for it. If I wanted a defense based character, I'd choose Shield over it every single time. Not to mention what resistance based sets can do with softcapped defense.

  7. 41 minutes ago, Dark Bladed said:

    Yeah he only ever used his heal once for me, but his unstoppable was the most annoying thing in the world. Feels like he's in it more than out of it.

    I'm pretty sure it lasts for one minute with only a one minute cool down. 

  8. 2 hours ago, siolfir said:

    The -regen is just as heavily resisted as the -defense (85% at level 50), has a base of -100%, is not enhanceable, and comes from the DNA Siphon for 30 seconds on a 90 second base recharge click heal; that's the same level of regen debuffing that TIme Manipulation has in Time Crawl (-15% regen against an even level AV at 50) without being perma out of the box. For comparison, an Envenomed Dagger is -250% regen, and the "strong" regen debuffs such as Benumb or Lingering Radiation are -500%. It's something but it's not the end-all-be-all of why Bio works against AVs. It's just an extra layer on top of everything else that Bio offers in Offensive Adaptation: the -resistance, while relatively small compared to other resistance debuffs, doesn't have any special AV debuff resistance and acts as an effective multiplier of your damage - which is already being increased two ways (+dam, extra hit).

    Yeah, I wouldn't waste time using DNA Siphon for the - regen. 

  9. 8 hours ago, cparks70402 said:

    im not understanding what your showing me. corr blasing bolt did 734 damage. the blasters didnt hit for that much. correct me if im wrong but your blaster only used blasing bolt, fire sword and hot feet oh and i think i saw blase once.

    Yes, you don't understand how probability works, like I originally said. The Corruptor screenshot shows the numbers at the end of a pylon run, meaning Scourge is activating pretty much every attack. I did this to illustrate just how close the best case scenario Corruptor numbers compared to a Blaster. In reality, the Corruptor does half the displayed damage more than half the time.


    Luminara explained in detail how Scourge works. Try reading up on game mechanics before putting your ignorance on display.

  10. 9 hours ago, cparks70402 said:

    the blasters total damage on 10 different lvl 1 minions was 229 damage.

    the corr total damage done on 10 different lvl 1 minions was 322 damage.


    so overall corr do quite a bit more damage than blasters. this doesnt account for buffs or debuffs that each class can give themselves. just the base of the attacks.


    No, just like you were told in the last thread, Corrs do not do more damage than Blasters. You don't seem to understand how probability works and fail to understand the fact that Corrs need to spend time casting debuffs, while Blasters are attacking the entire time.


    I just did pylon runs on my Fire/Fire Blaster and Fire/Cold Corr, guess which was faster? Below are best case scenario damage numbers for the Corr because of Scourge and debuffs, versus regular Blaster damage.


    If you were arguing in good faith, I might be willing to calculate the probability distribution of Scourge for this Pylon run, but I'm not going to waste my time on that.





    • Like 3
  11. 9 hours ago, buttbaron said:

    Looking over this thread has been extremely humbling. I thought my friend and I were legends due to times like our 13min MC or 16min ITF, but it turns out we're turtles in comparison. I guess it's just because we don't really ever encounter other speedrunners and do the runs with pubs. Nice to know CoH has a decent speed community. Any chance I can hang with any of y'all? Would love to see what a full stack of runners could accomplish first hand. 😛

    Most of us are on Excelsior and from my experience, anyone is welcome to join. 

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