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Posts posted by Corruption

  1. 5 hours ago, DougGraves said:

    My takeaway from this is that no matter what you do to the numbers on the other ATs and to the other powersets, they will never win me over.  It is not about effectiveness, it is about perceived effectiveness.  I know for many it is about crunching the build numbers in mids.  I do not do that.  So for me it is about how it feels and looks in game.  Any analysis that is based on the numbers for the powers is going to end up missing the point, at least for me. 

    Effectiveness and perceived effectiveness is why I avoid Tanks. I 'tank' everything with my Scrapper while also doing 1000x more damage. 

  2. Group fly is terrible and expecting people to have it turned off on every character is unrealistic. 


    Personally, I didn't even know the option existed and I suspect the majority of players don't either. I've never ran into an issue with someone annoying a team with group fly, so it would never occur to me to even turn it off. However, if I did run into this, it would certainly annoy me. 


    It also can't be compared to the TP prompt, that can be changed in options from anywhere. 

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Tax_E said:

    Faathim the Kind is the one we got 37:23 on not Justine Augustine. Just wanted to point that out. Ty!!!!

    Yeah, I'm fixing it now. Screwed up trying to do this on my phone. Even ended up quoting the OP instead of editing it. 

  4. More people should try small team and solo runs. Or at least be less rigid with team requirements. 


    Someone forming an ITF was looking for a Tank in one instance. I asked to join with my Scrapper instead and was denied, so I just ended up doing a solo run in less time instead. 

    • Like 1
  5. You need 8-12 people to start a trial, depending on which one. However, once the trial is started, they don't need to stay in. This is a recent change, trials used to automatically fail if you didn't have a certain amount of people on the map. 


    Whether or not it's actually possible to solo a trial is another matter. I've successfully duo'd a few of them and have only one failed attempt at a solo Lambda (couldn't take down Marauder in time). 


    With that said, farming Burden of the Past is probably your best bet if you're only interested in the incarnate rewards. 



  6. 3 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    That to me is the subtle layers that people are not seeing. We have 3 factions and 1 of them is fine but being lumped in with the two problem children.


    XP farms hurt the community, speed running content constantly hurts the community. loot farming to sell on the AH helps the community. I want AE first and foremost for Content creators seeking to expand the game world. Who wish to create interesting stories to share with the community just as was the sole intent of it by the devs in the first place. removing the xp farms and by making rewards directly based on how much time one is inside content will break the knees on content locusts.


    If all content rewarded merits based directly on time inside the content lets say 1 merit every 2 minutes, then everyone could play whatever content they want and be rewarded at a rate that even a casual player should have plenty to deck out a character once it hits fifty by playing content.

    I don't agree that xp farmers and speed runners are a problem or they're actively hurting the community. 

    Your suggestions are also terrible.


    People can already use AE to consume story content created by the community. Removing xp farms from AE won't get the farmers to start consuming that content. 


    Tying reward merits to completion time only rewards bad players while it penalizes good players. A bad team that barely manages to complete an ITF in 2 hours shouldn't be rewarded 60 merits, while another team who does it in 10 minutes only gets 5.

    • Like 3
  7. 3 hours ago, Jolly Ogre said:

    Well that just sucks and takes the challenge out of it.

    There's really nothing challenging about it. It just forces you to complete the trial with a certain amount of people. 


    I'll update the OP with the latest times later. 

  8. You can kill the mobs before the blue flames spawn. You can go in and out of them to get hits in. During the Battle Maiden fight, you can pull her out of the flames to you. 


    This is a complete non-issue. Apex is an incarnate TF and auto-hit damage is sometimes the only way to make things even remotely challenging. 

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, Steampunkette said:

    What still gets me is that you're still confused by this. I've explained the thought process 4 or 5 times as of this post. Are you not reading them or is it that you don't understand?


    'Cause I've made it about as simple as I can.

    Just because I disagree with your explanation doesn't mean I don't understand it. It's a bit condescending to suggest otherwise, especially when people have said multiple times it won't have the desired effect you're looking for. 

    • Like 3
  10. 3 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    Cool beans. One of my characters has Permahasten. None of the rest do. About half of them don't even have Hasten 'cause I'm not trying to get optimum attack chains that eschew anything but strong attacks. It's just not important to me.


    I get that it's important to you, though. Which is why my suggestion went from "Delete Hasten and replace it with a different power, then give everyone a 20% Recharge bonus inherent" to "Let's try defanging the psychological component of Hasten without reducing the power"


    I got shit for the first one, and I got shit for the second one. People want it to stay perfectly unchanged, by and large. Why? 'Cause nothing can change.


    The power can't change and the number of people who take it won't change 'cause that would RUIN ALL THE THINGS.


    It's really demoralizing.

    I mean I assume you posted this on the forums to get feedback and hear people's opinions. 


    To me it just sounds like change for the sake of change, that's why I'm against it.  It doesn't address the original concern you had regarding the number of players who take the power. It will still be a very good pool power because of just how beneficial recharge is. 

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Steampunkette said:

    Everyone HAS TO take at least 2 pool powers by level 30. You don't have a Choice unless you're an EAT.


    Right now, there's one power that is a 70% bonus to Recharge. It's -huge-. There's nothing that can compete with it.


    But a 25% bonus to recharge...? That's something other stuff could compete with. Unless you're planning a recharge-centric build where you need as much as you can get.


    Yeah, people who are gonna go Recharge-Heavy are gonna get it and double stack it and continue playing the game like they have. But new players? New Builds? Maybe not.



    The thing is, the way the game is designed, recharge is the single most effective way to build a character. You'll still have the same high percentage of level 50's taking the power.


    Personally, all of my characters have permahasten.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    Yes. With enough Recharge (Basically Permahasten levels) it'll be a complete overlap, recharging every 60 seconds.


    It'll be a nerf for the first 60 seconds, then it'll get up to full power and stay there as long as you've either got it autofiring or click it once per minute.

    I don't understand what this proposed change is supposed to address. Who still wouldn't take Hasten? It would still be a must have power.

    • Like 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    So 3 pages ago, now, I posted an alternative suggestion. Everyone was too busy engaging in Ad Hominem, Strawmen, and other fallacies to notice it, though, so I'll repost it, here:


    Reduce Hasten to a 25% recharge buff. Reduce the Cooldown to 200 seconds.


    Add a Global 25% recharge buff to everyone.


    With 2 recharge IOs Hasten becomes Perma at 25%, with the 25% constant, that's 50%. Like Practiced Brawler, it will be possible to double-stack Hasten, resulting in a net 5% gain at 75% total.


    But the incentive to do so is lessened, aside from the minmaxers and recharge monkey powersets and archetypes.



    I'd have to crunch the numbers, but this would just be going in the complete opposite direction by making it even better. I just say leave it alone. If you want to make something inherent, choose Combat Jumping or Super Speed, they're both must have powers to me.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Infinitum said:

    Maneuvers is unbeatable on teams built around it, nothing hits you.


    You can only attack as fast as the animation times will allow, maneuvers especially stacked maneuvers allows 100% dodge 100% of the time.


    Hasten may recharge faster but you are still limited by animation times.

    It's really not that good. I'd rather have a single Cold on a team rather than having a team of 8 with maneuvers. 

  15. My favorite "tank" has become my TW/Bio Scrapper. There's nothing in the game it can't handle. 


    As far as traditional herding goes, it has become antiquated, especially if the mobs aren't close together. I'd personally rather kill the mobs in the time it takes to herd them. 

  16. I'll ignore all of the childish and petty comments and just say it would be nice for either new difficult content to be added or additional difficulty settings that doesn't involve nerfing your character. 


    All of the incarnate trials have become a breeze, even with the minimum required to start them. At least get rid of the minimum player requirements. 

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