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About Phoenix'

  • Birthday 09/12/1988

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  1. Still waiting to get credit for being the first Fire Blaster in Zone...
  2. No I mean that most players started pvping in zones and not in arena. All the arena teams that exist now were formed in a pvp zone. Personally if zones were back in the day the way they are now I propably wouldn't even bother pvping at all.
  3. You are wrong. Pvp zones will become more friendly to new pvpers with the new changes. We all started as zoners, arena came afterwards for many of us.
  4. How about making it interuptable? You can pre-evade with jaunt but not while being already attacked? Although you will have people permanently spaming attacks to everybody...
  5. Actually he saw another psi/plant blaster with char instead of jaws in his attack chain then made the same toon and claimed it was his... and all that after a week of complaining in RV broadcast that everything is about blasters because they are too tanky and deal so much dmg
  6. Gimme a list of those "most" players you are talking about I beg you Its been a part of the game since the start. Just like what some "normal" pvers said, yes they hate getting ganked but managing getting those badges was rewarding for them. Real badge hunters dont want their badges to be served on a plate. They like the effort. First of all everyone started from a pvp zone not just magically got into a team. Many arena teams were formed in RV. RV used to be full of those Arena players before incarnates were a thing. Just because they chose to play a more balanced PvP system in Arena rather the trash one in RV doesnt mean they are not zoners at all. Please stop trying to pass to everyone that there are two different pvp communities (arena/zone). Pvp zones were full because of them...
  7. Dont be lazy dear just farm your toon to vet lvl 9 and you have your t4 alpha 😉
  8. There are plenty bubblers in the game, they just sit on the side because barrier makes em useless. People will never stop running MSR....
  9. But thats the beauty of it. We had successfull MSR long before incarnates. People will start making better and more balanced teams again. Team bubbles, buffs and spaming lore pets gives not much of a challenge
  10. @Mez Ice/Ea Dominator @Phoenix' Ice/Nature Defender @Bizarre Beam/Poison Corruptor
  11. Im sorry but if you think they sucked you propably didn't play a blaster properly
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