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Everything posted by StarseedWarrior

  1. Hard disagree ive watched this happen in countless mmos and people do leave in droves while they gain as massive amount of numbers they can you really do not know what your talking about with this. And it does effect the rest of the community that play mmos like this, city of heroes was never about pling anyway its a feature of homecoming its an mmo about the journey as much as the endgame. Also regardless of how someone wants to play an mmo it does not change the facts for example when people expect to solo and solo content to be catered to them when there are countless amazing single player games to be played. Mmorpgs that arent manipulated for the most part keep the concept of an mmorpg to begin with its not an mmolite.
  2. Another clueless who does not get mmorpgs are about the journey then the endgame newer modern mmos only do this instant grind to make money and degrede the mmo overtime lol.
  3. Projection its you who are tinfoil hats since you lack critical thought and never question the narrative.
  4. Cool story coming from someone who likely does not do real research the evidence is all over history not to mention modern evidence but you do you lol.
  5. Its all by design and manipulated there is no set in nature for humanity when we have been lied to for eons.
  6. In my research it is human nature it comes down to how one is raised.
  7. So people love to do this where they try and gaslight and be insulting while being condescending without it being obvious then they get their friends involved in chat and act like they are part of the masses and all target you, and try and report you after your best bet is to ignore them all because they are all likely in on it. Then you have the weirdos who only read one sentence and assume your the troll. Its been happening in mmos for years its just now becoming more obvious to people. This backwards narrative where the victims are the trolls for simply defending themselves never made sense, it is pure narcissism no matter how one tries to justify attacking the person defending, it does not matter if you like their comments or not, they are not the bully and just because you think that adds to the problem does not mean the problems go away at all in fact they get worse when they are not called out.
  8. I noticed allot of people talk about it, to me it has never been an issue im used to resummoning pets in mmos, its just one.
  9. Do you usually include volt sentinel? Is it worth it?
  10. Amazing post thank you for everything fellow human!
  11. Why would I need to specify some old build on live that is a blaster? Also there are only a few ways to make end draining effective why did you even interject here if you wherent going to share anything in the first place? Thanks for nothing lol.
  12. Just curious if most build them the same way or a little different i like being useful on teams and wanted to try this combo for the end draining properties, I did have an ele/ele back on live but thinking back I did not really like it, it was just my first 50 I am really enjoying it until I run into clockwork lol. Thanks all!
  13. This was actually next in my list, I just wanted to enjoy my sent more first because I think I might end up liking this one better.
  14. Task forces rewards are to little for the amount of time they can take people should not have to speed run so much to shorten it, they just need to shorten them all together or find a way to let you keep progress after a certain point.
  15. I saw this recently https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/hwx82vd3r8hrdog2qpz2s/h?rlkey=3r5ul8przukc2sx69udgb6ed7&dl=0
  16. I have to pass on taking fighting and leadership pools just no the bonuses are not that great and its way to many pick one or the other depending on the power combo.
  17. I dont know if this even applies anymore it seems many lack experience now days lol.
  18. Shrug these are all of the issues as far as I know as I clearly stated I do not have time to read them, skeptical of what? Lol those are not made from the server devs.
  19. It may be helpful but you can read any of the comics for free there may be info in here I just do not have the time right now to read these. https://www.cityofheroesrebirth.com/public/comic-archive.phtml
  20. I think they need to add incentives to different servers I guarantee if you increase drop rates you will see huge spikes and stay. I also think we need incentives for gold side atleast.
  21. goldside has the best zones but no one plays them.
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