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  1. Uber a fucking love that dude! 😂 I'd so totally use that but no tip 😛
  2. At least make this teleportation shite an account bound accolade or whatever like on WoW to make it easier than doing it over and over again on alts cause most of the your playerbase have serious altaholic syndrome, doing this lark over and over again and I'll end up getting PTSD, seriously greatful for bringing this game back to us and giving us a home again but just think about the feedback you're gonna be recieving
  3. Tbf I don't think I'm far off that with my stalker build bud, smashing, lethal and melee is capped smashing, lethal and fire res capped and the others are somewhere on the 60-70 range apart from cold which is somewhere in the 20s/30s
  4. Cheers! I usually go for more defense based secondaries but wanted to give rad a go so it's a first for me for no chasing defense based IOs n such lol
  5. I know, guy seems to know his shit though 😛
  6. Yo bud I've made a rad/rad stalker and I'm wondering if I should focus more on my resists or defenses? I'm Def capped for s/l and Res capped for s/l and fire, is it worth just aiming for Res caps instead do you think?
  7. This is what it's all about imo, whenever I've had the problem of too many MMs I just can't help but laugh at it all because I can't see or do shit it's just ridiculous to the point where I laugh 😂
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