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  1. I am building an island base and have large panels of water to the edges. Is there a way to make it look like water goes on forever to the horizon like an ocean scene?
  2. I have an outdoor base setup now and have the clipping working. How do I set it so my players can't fall off the edges? I want to contain my outdoor area to a specific area and not have my SG members falling into space or flying under the base.
  3. Thanks. I will try that. Already using a darker brick so we will see if I can tone it down even more.
  4. I have lowered the light level to black which did it some. I was hoping to make the base darker and add our own lighting where we wanted it. Anyway to make it even darker?
  5. I just rebuilt the room to work the way the portal spits out heroes.
  6. I want to move my SG Base Entrance portal to a corner. I move it, but now when you enter the base you are face a wall. I tried just rotating that square but you still keep facing the wall. How do I change the exit direction of the base entrance portal?
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