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Posts posted by Maslow

  1. This sounds wonderful and looks nice, how well do you think your general setup would pair with other secondaries? I'm returning to the game and have no idea how balanced things are now. I know people have the urge to play whatever you have fun, but I would like to hear comparisons, especially from someone that regards their combo as working really well.

  2. 1 hour ago, LooneyToons said:

    I just tried to download the installer (MRB_Setup.exe) for this and had Windows Security block it for being a threat:



    not sure where you got MRB_Setup.exe from but afaik that's either a bad link, or a very old installer.

  3. 7 hours ago, Redlynne said:

    This is why it's a good idea to post a Forum Export (long or short) to the forums, so if you absolutely have to recreate a build from scratch ... you can ... even though doing so is tedious work.

    Nice plan. However while the file isn't exactly text, there is a fallback the code doesn't use we are working to make the code fallback to if it has index problems reading the build. So peeking at the file in a text editor may help piece things together.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Zed said:



    Also... yes, it's been years like this and honestly i forgot why.
    I guess i'll make a fresh backup just in case >.>

    Just inspected the code, your builds should be getting moved to a temp folder not deleted. Which isn't incredibly helpful, except to say they are still on your system until windows cleans up the temp folder.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 56 minutes ago, Zed said:

    Note for later: ABSOLUTELY DO NOT use the installer to perform an update overwriting the existing one.

    In addition to fail accessing to Elmish.dll (error: access denied to path Elmish.dll), it did delete the whole existing binaries directory. its own directory (mostly) - Including the subdirectory containing all my builds.

    Thank you so much Recuva, where would I be without you...

    Tried the autoupdater as well out of curiosity, after downloading the package it finds invalid data and fails.


    And thanks a lot for fixing the huge slowdowns previous release had sometimes 😃

    Which installer is this? Your builds were stored inside the binaries directory?

  6. Hi there


    Sorry to land like this in this thread, like a bomb on top of a minefield at page 12 but i just noticed it.

    Just a word to say i keep working on keeping Mids' up-to-date - it works but it's not perfect. Enhancements sets is (rather) easy to add, Powersets as well (hum, forgot sentinel's beam rifle, hum), but i've hit severe limitations - like i had to put sentinel's ATO within the universal damage category, and i can't replicate the blockbuster set KB to KD effect for Sudden Acceleration.

    Plus all the things in page 1 i'll have to propagate, oh dear.


    At this point i'd rather start working on a new tool if you ask me...


    Feel free to message me if you need extra info :P


    We've got sentinel ATOs working already, sounds like you have an old version.

  7. Is there a way to change the popup information. For instance after slotting an invention enhancement that's part of a set. It shows what it need to craft it? I am looking for the set bonus's I have slotted in that power. For me crafting info is useless here.


    It was easier to me, to see the entire set bonus list even when slotting 3/6. As when tweaking builds you could see the info at a glance. Is crafting costs/materials really top priority to have it displayed like this?


    Just a suggestion, move crafting info/costs into a separate window/area? I understand costs and materials is part of the builds, not denying that. But this is trivial information in my opinion.


    There's a recipes toggle at the top right.

  8. Confirming the bug mentioned before and adding that when opening files I'd get something about it not liking the "Pool.Fitness at 6" (when I choose hasten). I've also noticed a difference in the files in the folder are different. See attached


    Ok...no way to resize attachments?


    Yes the new alert is there when a powerset fails to load. This is expected with the old style Fitness pool that was being, (and may still be) added on save. This is the non-inherit fitness pool that doesn't exist any more. Rather than let the build fail to load, or fail silently to do something, I thought it best to alert the name of something that failed in case it ever is important.

  9. Released (with a drop for possible mac compatibility). Hopefully all settings are saving now.




    I greatly appreciate the effort to help us non-Windows users.  Unfortunately I'm still getting the same error with this release.  I guess at this point I'll have to hope that someone comes along who knows more about getting this type of thing to run properly under wine.



    .Net 2.0, 32bit, release mode binaries added  :o


    For anyone that says it is running slow, see if this version is faster or slower.

  10. Quick heads-up; When running the program for the first time, and it wants to associate build files with the program, it will fail unless you opened Mid's with admin privileges.


    It fails for me even if ran as an admin, but that I don't mind.  Probably because I use Windows 8.1 Pro instead of Windows 10.


    Stupid question.  What's the path to the executable?




    That depends entirely on you. Where did you download or install it to?

  11. Released (with a drop for possible mac compatibility). Hopefully all settings are saving now.




    I greatly appreciate the effort to help us non-Windows users.  Unfortunately I'm still getting the same error with this release.  I guess at this point I'll have to hope that someone comes along who knows more about getting this type of thing to run properly under wine.


    going back to 4.0 was relatively painless. let me see if I can go back further and have it still work. I really think 4.0 should have worked though.

  12. Would it be possible to get a build that targets a lower version of .NET?  I'm trying to get this to run on Linux under wine and having no luck so far.  My best efforts have gotten me from crash messages to "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."  I'm using HeroDesigner_Release_2.6_2019_07_18.zip


    Seems like I'm close but no luck so far.  The game itself runs okay under wine but not having the character builder will make things quite difficult.  If it would be easy to build for a lower .NET target I'd like to try that.  I can't say for certain that it would do the trick though, so if it's hard then I understand if you don't want to.

    I can check and see how far back it will compile

  13. Using both the installer and binary versions of the newer Mids Reborn versions (2.6) I am unable to load or save ANY build and have been unable to associate mxd files upon loading the exe.


    When attempting to load a build I get this error message:




    I had used Mids Reborn that was previously linked in the discord before without any issues as well as the ClickOnce install version of Pines.(2.23)


    What OS?

  14. Also, I'm not exactly sure what's causing it, but I have a level 50 fully Incarnated Radiation Melee/Radiation Armor Brute in game.  I re-made the build from Pine's 2.21 to the new 2.6, and the resistance numbers are all off.  They're all about 6% lower than in-game.  I triple checked that all of the powers that should be on are on, I triple checked all of the accolades and that they're on, I triple checked all of the Incarnate powers, I triple checked all of the IOs...


    So it is just the totals display? or an individual power or IO combination?

  15. So glad this is being updated.

    I've got a few issues though.

    I can't load any old pines build that are masterminds.

    When I make a new mastermind in the new tool and save and close when I re-load the mastermind loses the pet parts of the build.


    Also I'd love it to just install like old pines/mids did.  I can't install anything on my work computer but I could load mids/pines on a memory stick and run it without a problem.

    I can't do that with this current version.


    Other than that it's great!  Glad to see it being worked on!


    What version does it say at the top? This should be fixed in 2.6

  16. I can't seem to install the newest version.


    Every place I try to save it to says it is not valid. Anyone else experiencing this as well?


    Tell me more about what's happening? what locations are you trying? it has the odd requirement of needing an empty directory to install into, without letting you create one in the dialog box. Only other thing I've heard it have a problem with is My Documents, but so far I've been unable to reproduce it.

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