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Posts posted by leons1701

  1. If what's going on with some of the other sites or services I frequent is any indication, there's a lot of spotty internet problems right now. Historical high usage compounded by something or other is causing problems for some hosting services. Just take a deep breath and find something else for a bit. I know we're all extra sensitive about CoH but it's not going anywhere.

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  2. Well, on the one hand, all keybinds still reset when I zone

    On the other, I realized that the save options and save keybinds are two different buttons. So I can just reload every time. Less annoying than redoing all the binds. Kind of wonder how that's gonna work with multiple characters though.

  3. Downloaded everything, jumped into the game, it works great. But nothing I do will let me save a custom control configuration. As soon as I enter or leave an instance, back to default. Same with logging out. Np surprise, the GOH folder is read only. No matter what I do, the second I close the folder it goes back to read only. I've edited owners, permission, all that stuff and no joy. I gotta have my custom control scheme. :P


    When in game I have a few things moved around and it keeps it that way but have you tried changing your settings then after hitting apply hitting the "save option to file" button?  I use that too. It creates a options.txt which should keep all your chosen changes?


    If it worked there will be a message in the top chat windows saying savedin c/games/coh or cityofheroes  etc


    Yeah, I'm quite familiar with the save options button, I even saw feedback about the saved file, which was why it was so annoying when it didn't work, the controls would revert as soon as

    I changed zones and loading from the file did nothing. I'm in the middle of trying something right now, should know by morning if it worked. Rather hope it does, I spent years playing with my chosen control scheme and would hate to go back to the default.

  4. Downloaded everything, jumped into the game, it works great. But nothing I do will let me save a custom control configuration. As soon as I enter or leave an instance, back to default. Same with logging out. Np surprise, the GOH folder is read only. No matter what I do, the second I close the folder it goes back to read only. I've edited owners, permission, all that stuff and no joy. I gotta have my custom control scheme. :P

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