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  1. That sounds like it would greatly favor some sets over other sets. On some sets the nuke is a pbaoe and others get a ranged nuke. Some secondaries have point blank attacks as well.
  2. At work so I don't have it in front of me. But everything is softcapped. I think AOE is the lowest at barely over 45%. Melee at 50ish and ranged at like 47%. That may not be exactly accurate, but pretty close.
  3. Thanks Nihilii. Appreciate the advice. Couple of questions. 1. Gaussian sounds like a great idea, can I get away with just the one slot? 2. Where to put the reactive defense scaling damage resistance? Should I get rid of the Kismet to-hit? I don't really have any experience with enhancement sets, so not sure how much accuracy I need, but I know I hate missing. 3. Take out the decimation, sounds good, assuming I just fill that with the last Thunderstrike? 4. The panacea proc, are you saying to replace the performance shifter with that or use both?
  4. It never ceases to confuse me why topics like this never cease to confuse some people. As someone who hasn't played every set in the game, I appreciate hearing about sets other people like and why they like them. I like reading about the pros and cons. I like to read the discussion when one person doesn't like a particular set or AT, but someone else does. I don't take anyone's word as the only answer. But I get a lot out of discussions like these. Some threads like these inspire me to try a set or AT I haven't tried before.
  5. Thanks a lot. I'll plug these builds in when I get home from work and take a look at the details. And as a bonus, I learned a new word today.
  6. I don't know what splefty means, but it sounds fun. Thanks for posting the build. I've been back and forth on this the past day or two andI started a Claws/Rad last night and got to level 24. But also want to try electric, so started one of those as well, but only level 2 right now. I think I kinda like the "look" of electric a hair better, but I would rather make a decision based on how they perform. But I don't know how they perform. Good thing I have plenty of Character slots I guess.
  7. I've read the powersets. I see the differences. What I'm wondering is what I'm not seeing. Does one of these have better synergy with claws. I like claws for the mix of single target, aoe and ranged attacks. Both of these secondaries add a little more aoe. Electric probably has better endurance recovery and more recharge. Rad seems to have the better secondary effect. -defense vs stamina drain, but I could be totally wrong about that. Anybody wanna weigh in with some insight, some other pros and cons and why you would pick one over the other?
  8. I just started a water/electric based entirely on this thread.
  9. Found the patch notes, What you said doesn't seem exactly right. Devices changes Changed Web Grenade to Toxic Web Grenade, now deals scale 1 toxic DoT and can be slotted for damage Taser: Recharge reduced from 20 to 10 seconds, duration reduced from scale 10 to scale 5, damage increased from 0.25 to 1.96 (same damage as Energy Punch) Time Bomb: Animation is now 2.77 seconds, interrupt time removed, countdown reduced to 5 seconds, defiance values reduced to match (this only applies to this set, not to the Traps support set versions.) Trip Mine: Interrupt removed. Cast time is now 2.77 seconds. Recharge increased to 30 seconds. Targeting Drone now gives your first attack from out of combat a Built-Up effect (80% damage) and continues to provide a 20% damage buff while in combat. That sounds like 80% to any attack from out of combat. Not just snipes. And 20% to everything, all the time. Next question. Does that just buff base damage or does that buff enhanced damage? And one more question. Why am I not seeing a ton of new devices builds? Cuz it kinda sounds pretty awesome.
  10. Topic. I was around a couple months ago and knew they were testing stuff along with the snipe changes, but i can't find the final version notes. And I don't trust the tooltips.
  11. Thanks much. I'm still stuck in the days of slotting SOs, and set bonuses kinda throw that whole mindset on slotting out the window. I appreciate it when someone talks me through why they did what they did. Often very helpful to me in ways that just linking a pines build can't.
  12. A little off topic, but @oldskool, have you posted your pistols/ninja build somewhere that I can take a look at?
  13. Awesome oldskool. Thanks a lot. Couple of more specific questions. I don't want to be a hassle. On a stalker the clicky mez protection of SR was just about a deal breaker for me. But that was because of the animation, which while fairly fast, it annoyingly interrupted my attack flow. SR mez protection isn't clicky for sentinels, but does Ninjitsu's clicky mez stop you for an animation? I've heard invuln is an endurance hog, but don't have any actual experience with it precisely because I heard it was an end hog. Is it?
  14. I appreciate the responses. Would kinda like to hear why. What does invuln give me that others don't and why does it pair well with dark. Same for ninjitsu or any other set.
  15. I am liking the dark primary. Seems a pretty decent set balancing single target, aoe and a little control. Can't decide on secondary. I would like something that comes online fairly early and doesn't need a billion inf to make it work, but I don't want it to be completely outshined endgame either. I kinda like the idea of SR or Nin because defensive sets play well with sentinels, but it does seem it might be redundant with the - tohit of dark. SR has quickness for recharge speed, don't know how needed that is with dark, but sounds good. Regen maybe, I haven't tried that set on a sentinel at all, and I heard some good things, but wonder about debuffs with no defense. Willpower? I don't know, that's why I'm asking. Are there good synergies somewhere? Pros and cons when paired with dark? Hit me with the knowledge.
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