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Posts posted by NetBlaise

  1. Cost effective. No Alpha.


    Which one of these build should I use if I'm new to ae and farming missions?  I'm lvl 12 atm and just strted doing AE so I can get a farmer up and running to make some money...


    At 12 your focus is more to level and have just enough money to get your basic IO's so you can then continue leveling and perhaps as you close in on 50, do some "light" farming. 


    The builds listed(and not necessarily the ones all farmer use) are more for what you want at 50(ie leveling then respecting into 1 build and then perhaps another once better fleshed out).  You can of course follow the builds mentioned and then go from there but its your choice.


    Thx for the help with the builds. I'm lvl 30 now and having a lot of fun. Going from TF's to AE, and doing mission groups.  Seems to work out..  Currently lvling on +2/8 atm. Kinda scared to go any higher.  I'm using the High end build and damn i'm always low on end.. tryin gto get consume on a lower cool down...  i find my self just standing waiting for Consume to come off cool down...

  2. Has any of yous made a updated build for this? Energy/Energy  This is going to be my first Blaster and need help with it..  I don't really care about sets till end game and when I have millions...  I just want to have a good time while lvling and doing TF's.. Also I want to be viable...


    With DP/MA, I duo with a Arch/TA blaster.

    Both around 28-29 right now.

    Filled with basic IOs on both, plus a couple extras on both.


    I bascically 'tank'. Either start with purples and reds or finish with greens as available.

    We set to 5 players.

    I teleport in with the MA attack, Dragon's Tail everything, leap out while fire Hail of Bullets, then MA teleport back in so I can kick the remaining mobs, jump out firing whatever is up...

    So much fun.

    We just roll on through most everything, never ever was able to do this well on Live with blasters until they were Set IOed to the ears.


    What build are you using with Dual Pistol/Martial Combat? and How did you lvl with it...  I just made one. I'm only lvl 5 atm...

  4.   Don't have a formal build yet but I just hit around 28 on my spines/bio scrapper and he's been doing some insane things, even playing the tank role on a TF or 2. For the dying alot part I found early on as I learned the set that to be true but the more I played around with it switching between offense/defense/conserve depending on mobs I faced I fell less and less


    yeah its hard to tell if you need more healing or more Resist..

  5. Has anyone made any builds around bio?  can you post a build pls.. I'm kinda lost...  I just my Titan/bio to 20. Once you hit 20 and get that ability in bio everything changes...  You can do +4 people.. You do die a lot so its best to do it on =2/3 people....  Its seems that after you get a lot of mobs on you your regen goes up but it doesn't keep up with all the mobs...  May be need some higher IO's.....

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