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Posts posted by madhobbit

  1. well updated graphics is a no brainier. some video cards now have more memory than the computers did total back when it was "live". back on live at first storage racks held 1000 items each, but with the "creative" way some were built they corrupted the base. so they lowered the storage racks size.  I could see some overhaul of bases, add items so that instead of 10 to 15 "sub" items only have one. would not change the  missions and story much, might lose the "flavor" of the game. I do like the "cleanup" of the game they have done. hated the snipers in PI. instead of having a third party  app to keep track of your badges( I have 1050 on main) some way to export into a spread sheet for the character, and let us know which ones we  have and don't have. and while it is nice to know that I have 7 of 8 badges needed for a accolade. it would be nice to have the one that I am "missing" to be able to work on getting that one. to finish out the badge.

  2. I know you can have a dark secondary power with a master mind. how about as a primary? with all the dark "pets" is should not be too hard to make a set of Minions for MM. and some could be adapted Fire controller "pets" could be given a dark flame.

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  3. I mostly play Stalkers, I get a mission to defeat the XXXX Boss. I enter, stealth my way to the boss(which is the bread and butter of a stalker). I defeat the boss and his small support group. Then the mission turns into a defeat all. If I had seen it was a defeat all, I could have cleared on my way to the boss. It is mostly a  RP complaint. The one I really hate is the escort missions , Have to turn off Hide, then become a Scrapper on the way out.

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  4. I was working on the Defeat Boss Prisoners in Bricktown. when I checked my badge gauge. I noticed the Text said defeat 100, BUT my gauge said I had 110 and that the total was 200.I am not sure BUT I think another badge had a similar issue .

  5. I was just polity asking for a change.The Original Devs explained why they reduced the Hami Os, They thought ,that players would only do 1 or 2 Hami raids, then start a new char and work it up to 50. They did NOT think that some players, while following the rules at the time would do one every day. and fill every slot they could with them. We had single players doing TFs with NO problems. Even after they reduced it to 33% from 50% , players still found ways to Min/Max their characters. I remember as I was a beta tester for COV,when they added  ED nerf, their was a lot of players who broke the NDA and filled the Forums with Posts asking WTF. I felt sorry for the lady moderator, their  were threads with HUNDREDS of posts, mostly Negative. With the now IOs and some good planning, a very powerful char can be created , I just asked if they can be restored, I have every right to ask,and while you also have a right to  post your feelings, You do NOT have the right to tell me not to ask.

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