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Posts posted by ogster

  1. On 9/30/2019 at 12:05 AM, Vorlonagent said:

    Gamma works on my laptop too.  Just not my desktop.


    On my desktop, gamma works with every other game I have installed, just not CoH.  

    My desktop is a brand-new self-build.  I installed a Nvidia RTX 2070 Super.  That ought to me more power than COH will ever need.  Did I just get too new a video card?

    I've been having the same problem, Vorlonagent, for about 2 weeks now.  Suddenly gamma manipulation stopped working on my desktop and all drivers were and are up to date.  Laptop is fine.
    On my end, Desktop I'm running an NVIDIA Ge Force GTX 1060 6GB on an Alienware R6, dual monitors.  (Again, all was fine, then the gamma slider no longer worked in game as about 2 weeks or so ago).
    Rather than a less helpful 'well my system is fine' - running commentary, are there more that have been experiencing a similar problem, and especially if you found a solution, please please please, enlighten us!?

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