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Posts posted by Ghost49X

  1. I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here, but I actually thought it worked better when AT's and Powersets were restricted by hero/villain. I liked that there was something to differentiate them.

    I generally agree but most powersets should be accessible on ATs from both sides. Currently only Illusion and the Dominator secondaries aren't available on opposite sides.


    Personally I think Dominator Secondaries would work for Defenders. I'd love to have some melee powers as a defender secondary (of the type that you get from dom secondaries) especially pairing Nature Affinity with Savage or Thorny Assault. It might take a new AT to make this work though. Perhaps Defender primary with Dom secondary or a melee / range hybrid with dom secondary and defensive powerset.

  2. Always on xp rewards would further deter me from playing villain side. I have issues with the base xp rate (xp rate without the booster) being too high even on the hero side, that I feel like I'm skipping content. XP rate should more or less match content, if need be options to boost can be present.


    Aside from that several things motivates me to play blue rather than red most times, and they both have to do with content.


    In no particular order:

    • Blue side is much cleaner, red I'm getting the impression of being in a slum all the time, this is a very minor point that nonetheless affects my mindset and one I don't expect anything done about it.
    • More importantly, playing a villain doesn't feel like playing a villain for most missions. It at best feels like playing an anti-hero or a low key criminal. Sometimes it feels like you're a lackey doing menial labour. Villain missions should be the sort that make me think "I wish a hero was here to stop this, mwuahaha!". Maybe the alignment choice could affect the style of mission you get.
    • Also the heroes that show up to counter bank missions are ridiculously under powered to take on a team of Super Villains. There should be at least an equal number of heroes to villains and they should work with each other in some way. Maybe give the players some sort of input as to who their "nemesis" is so they tend to be reoccurring during those missions, ideally characters should have a "rogue gallery" so they can grow on us yet be different if we switch characters as to not bore us too much.

  3. It didn't strike me at first when I came back but the xp curve has been thrown out of wack, this is without me using the P2W xp boosters. I easily out level zones and before I even get to sample most of the content. I get that some people can't get enough lvls/hour, but some of us might want to take things slow for nostalgia's sake. Keep the xp boosters (or even increase them if you must) but allow those of us who prefer the player experience over the destination to work at a "normal" pace. As things are, the xp rate is too high to be able to appreciate the game.


    Any ideas of what can be done sort of constantly freezing / unfreezing xp gain or purposely dying to accumulate debt in an effort to slow myself down.

  4. Could we get a searchable list of reserved and taken names? Some times I feel like it'd be easier coming up with a good name by seeing what's already taken. I also heard that Homecoming will unlock a name if a player doesn't log a character after so long. If you could list/tag the ones that are up for renewal or at the very least list/tag the ones that are exempt from this up for grabs system it would be much appreciated. In the same way something like this would let me pick a server where my name isn't already reserved with minimal fuss.

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