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About Nexxa

  • Birthday October 13

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  1. I personally think there are themes that can make the craft store plague bomb effect work but many characters simply don't gel with it.
  2. Basically what the topic says. Would it be possible for this to be a thing? I know a few people who've been put off of Dominator due to the frequent glitter explosions. Not that I mind it as a player sometimes but it's kind of off-theme for my dark/dark dominator shadow weaver to randomly erupt into rainbow sparkles when she's doing her thing. =P
  3. Came here to start a thread about this but someone's already caught it. I can also confirm this is happening to my new energy/energy scrapper.
  4. As someone who sometimes plays a Warshade and makes heavy use of Shadow Cloak? Yeah. This might be really nice.
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