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Posts posted by Laucianna

  1. Heya hun!

    For point 1 I would defo say A is the better option, option B would mess with people who don't like to swap bars when they shapeshift and C would just discourage shapeshifting on the shapeshifting AT ❤️ 

    For point 2 similar to option C of the last one, in discourages Shapeshifting on the Shapeshifting AT, there's no doubt the numbers and powers need to be looked at but I feel that they need to be looked at in a way the encourages shapeshifting more then staying in 1 form for too long.

    For point 3 I am sorta with you, the inherent for both PBs and WSs is offensive to say the least 😄 Tankers get one that helps them taunt, Scrappers get one that helps their damage, the Shapeshifting AT gets one that gives (Sometimes pointless buffs like +res or +damage) ONLY if you have a team 😄

    But those are just my opinions ❤️ Not saying they're right but wanted to throw my hat into the ring!


     - Lauci x

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  2. Well done to the winners of the "Plants" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win!

    This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Fire"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior.

    Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU

    1st: Toxic Rose
    2nd: Reclaimed by Nature
    3rd: Viridescent Kight

    Da' Grewd
    Nuclear Plant
    Mrs Gaia
    Cinder Leaves

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  3. 3 hours ago, Glubba said:


    I've been playing this game on and off since its release. Though I am not a skilled player or a theory crafter, I love it. I have only a few level 50 characters but have created over a hundred alts. One of the things I adore about this game is the community's positivity. It's one of the least toxic game communities I've ever encountered. However, one quote in this thread is both unnecessary and rude. "Otherwise impossible levels of performance" is fairly laughable. We're talking about one person perfecting something to use against a stationary target under perfectly ideal conditions. This is not representative of typical gameplay. It has always been my understanding that the purpose of "pylon times" is to push every AT to its absolute limits. I read over in the Dominator thread that the last reported time for their competition was 58 seconds, and it's been beaten four times since that post.


    I've noticed a lot of what I will politely call "whining" in this thread. I've been playing this game for years, and I've never seen an abundance of Kheldians. It's safe to say that they are the least popular AT. Even among those who play Kheldians, I doubt many know these macros. I've played a Warshade on and off for five years and only learned about them three days ago. Animation canceling has been done and sought after in many games. League of Legends is one example that comes to mind. People animation cancel, auto-attack reset, whatever they can do to make their characters more competitive. 


    The macro command lines seem to work as intended, and it makes sense to me thematically. If they are masters of their forms, it makes sense that they could use their forms and abilities to their maximum potential. After discovering them, it took me a while to figure out how to use these macros correctly. It's not easy to do, despite how some people make it seem. Also, in most content, it's not practical. Most of the time, while playing as a Warshade, I teleport in, mire, eclipse, mire, and then jump back out to AOE in squid form. I only use these macros when fighting a target like an EB or AV. I enjoy the fast-paced gameplay; it fits with the rest of the "razer's edge" Warshade playstyle and is fun. 


    If the developers want to remove this ability, they have the right to do so; it is their game. However, we should not be toxic to others just because we don't like what they're saying or how they're playing. This ability is not game-breaking, as there hasn't been a rash of new Warshades or Peacebringers. I rarely see other Warshades or Peacebringers while playing mine or any other toon for that matter.


    All in all, we need to be good to each other, and I hope you all have a wonderful day. 🙂

    Preach it hun! If you compare the current Pylon times on the link below, even with Moogs amazing time it has nothing on something like a controller, because yeah Pylon times are not the same as real combat. The Devs know it's not a bug that makes Kheldians OP but they've said they still want to remove it and give Kheldians the love they deserve and I for one look forward to the that day ❤️ 

    • Like 2
  4. 30 minutes ago, Blaydsong said:

    Really? I could have sworn that something I read about them seemed to imply that they were linked in some way.

    Now I feel sheepish. 😛

    Thanks for indulging my nutty brain.

    I think you're thinking of one of the other servers where they merged certain powers across the forms so you only had to slot it once for both powers ❤️ 


     - Lauci x

  5. 7 minutes ago, Blaydsong said:

    Sorry. I guess I'm not being very clear.


    I know that the eye beam powers cross over (Ebon Eye, for WS), but the other powers are individual for each form (Shadow Bolt/Dark Nova Bolt; etc). These are the ones that I'm trying to sort out. 🙂


    Ah that's because they are two completely separate powers with different cooldowns hun, they have similar names but that's all really 😄 


    - Lauci x

  6. 13 minutes ago, Blaydsong said:

    Yeah, just been trying to get clarification on how slotting enhancements works for the powers where they are separated between forms. Seems a little strange to enhance them twice.

    The powers that are used in both forms like the eye beams in human and nova use the same enhancements, you don't need to slot them twice?

  7. 8 minutes ago, Oklahoman said:


    I understand your time is limited. If you can make it to a Hami raid you can make 160 reward merits in about 15-20 minutes for 3 runs. You can use those to buy 480 enhancement converters which right now can easily sell for 60,000 inf each on /ah. That's going to be very similar to the return you are seeing from fire farming, likely with much less time and effort.


    On Excelsior, the 5pm Central daily raid in The Abyss tends to squeeze in 5-6 runs because @Laucianna does however many she can within a 30 minute window. Couple that with the nightly 9pm Central raids in The Hive (which I believe normally does 3 runs) you could be earning 400 reward merits daily. On the weekends, as much as I can, I do an early 3pm Central raid in the Abyss and we always do 3-4 runs. If I run the Sunday 5pm Central run, I tend to start when the zone fills (which can be 15-30 minutes early) and we go until 15 or 30 minutes after the hour (which can be 6 or more runs). Potentially, Sunday Hamis could net you 560 reward merits, or more if you bring in new characters each run or hop between servers.


    The downside to Hamis (at least on Excelsior) is you need to be in zone well before the advertised start time as the zone will fill up. That's a lot of downtime unless you have a second account you can log into and play elsewhere until the raid starts. If not, it's also an excellent time to share dad jokes in broadcast. 🙂 

    On average active fire farming will earn you around 100m an hour, Doing hami will only net you around 66m ❤️ Currently 4 star Aeon if you can get a good team nets you the highest profit thanks to the chance of the good enhancement and the extra Aether rewards at around 137m an hour.

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/18/2024 at 10:59 PM, Blaydsong said:

    Love all the information. I'm re-learning how to play these ATs, as I haven't played since the official servers were live.

    Two things that are flummoxing me, though, and I'm hoping for some insight.

    1) the Macros/Binds for form-changing work, but they are not showing the powers in the main tray. Instead, I just get the 'extra powers' tray that pops up at the top. Is there any known way to fix/prevent this?


    2) I understand that the way the form powers interact with some human powers has changed (ie. Shadow Bolt with Dark Nova Bolt), but I'm looking for a guide that explains exactly how they are now working so that I can slot them properly. Adding this information here, or at least point to another guide would be greatly beneficial.

    Glad it's helping hun! For your first point if you speak to Null the Gull in Pocket D he can remove the bar popping up for you ❤️ And for the second point just to clarify, do you mean how the two first attacks of Kheldians can be used in the different forms and it changes them slightly? I can defo add that yeah!


     - Lauci x

  9. Well done to the winners of the "History" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 200 Million Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win!

    This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Plants"!

    Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU

    1st: Leonardo Da Vinci
    2nd: Terracotta Soldier
    3rd: Johnny Minuteman

    Anne Boelyn
    Mayflower Rider
    Pile of Moon rocks
    Teddy R


     - Lauci x

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Seven Strikes said:



    I tried to use all of these and they worked fine when I tested and then when I changed zones every one of these broke. For some reason the Powexec_toggleon doesn't work and it deletes the rest of the macro. I switched to "powexec_name Dark Nova" and it works fine now. 


    That is very odd, this is the first time I've heard of the binding breaking to be honest hun so not sure if it's a one time thing or now 😅


     - Lauci x

  11. 4 minutes ago, Xalon said:


    Thank you sooo much Lauci! I did not know that. I thought the form was a ball of energy or something lol.


    OK, so unlike other toggles when in human form, I can toggle light form in human form and then it will stay active as Nova or Dwarf? That's badass!


    I'm lvl 25 now so halfway there. It's too fun so I don't lock xp. I just enjoy the game and when I get to 50, i can go back on Oro to do any missions I missed. Mainly hero story arcs. Loving Kheldian PB!!!!


    If anyone wants to hang, lmk. @XalonMG on the main server.


    Or my Arachnos Soldier @Xalon on main server villain side.


    Khledian PB Supergroup - now that would be cool!

    It does have the appearance of a ball of energy if you want it to (And it removes collision on you so it's easier to position yourself to aoe nuke them ❤️ ) And lightform works like hasten rather then a toggle, you click it and it lasts 90 seconds (Which you can get perma)

    But good luck on your journey hun! I hope you enjoy and if you need anything send me a message ❤️


     - Lauci x

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Xalon said:

    Very cool! Yeah I always thought Kheldians PB was such a great and unique type of hero to play and I love being able to switch to whatever is needed.


    Need some extra oooomph for DPS? Switch to Nova for a few hits.


    Low on HP? Switch to Dwarf for a bit.


    I can't wait to unlock light form and then I'll have 4 different things. So awesome!


    Have fun everyone! See you in the city!

    Lightform doesn't grant you a new form for powers sadly hun, it just gives you a crap ton of resists (That if fully slotted could take you just below resist cap on it's own) but Lightform does carry over into the forms so now you are super tanky no matter the form ❤️


     - Lauci

  13. 11 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

    Sorry, you're essentially playing an underpowered blaster and hoping your teammates will soak the aggro up before they come for you.

    If you're talking about nova only then yeah, if you are human/nova bi form you are a tanky scrapper/blaster, you won't compare in damage but we outdo them in tankiness.

  14. 22 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

    It might FUNCTION.

    But anyone running that is a load.  Akin to dragging a Level 1 blaster through a Mothership Raid...

    It may not be as effective as a tri form but it's still viable for most end game content, hell Human form alone is still viable in most end game content. But I think the original poster wanted to play as Nova only, no human form involved which is more akin to playing a petless MM without the added support power pool that MM's get.

    • Thanks 1
  15. So two things I noticed when making a Kheldian:

    If Kheldians are getting their roles defined in the diversity bonus, would it not make sense to add PeaceBringer to Melee Damage and WarShade to Crowd Control sections? Because at the moment both are just tanks and range damage.

    Also the numbers used make PeaceBringers just seem worse the Arachnos Solider in 4/6 ways and the same in survivability and ranged damage.


     - Lauci x

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  16. I've seen a few new players with the help me above their head and amazing outfits based on copyrighted characters, a lot of the time a simple message saying that it's a cool costume but against the ToS lets them know in a gentle way I find, I know I would rather be told be a fellow player then hit with the generic hammer if I didn't know ❤️


     - Lauci x

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