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Everything posted by WumpusRat

  1. I always test stuff on the beta server. It's so convenient to be able to see what my character will be life at various stages. 22, 35, 50, SOs, IOs, etc. And since you can get all the stuff like merits, prismatics, etc, for free, you can just test whatever you want. I went through looking at various characters in the various modified prismatic outfits. Neat, but not really for me. So I just sell mine when I find them.
  2. Hm, sets that I'd love to see... Masterminds: Arachnos, Longbow, Carnival of <X>, Family, Wyvern, Legacy Chain, Devouring Earth, Rularuu, Mirror Images (Phantom Army without the taunt), Shriekers Ranged sets: Physical blasts (offensive force fields, mostly ranged smashing damage) Defense sets: Offhand weapon (could be just an appearance mod for the shield set)
  3. If you don't count superior ATOs, I think I have a single character with purple sets. Everyone else just uses normal stuff. 🙂
  4. I think if I went through all my alts and pooled all their cash on hand into one pile, I'd have like 200 million. Ish. But that's what happens when you have a cycle of coming up with a new concept, leveling them to 50, getting them all kitted out and incarnated, and then moving on to the next concept, rather than parking at 50 and farming. 🙂 Though I do have somewhere around 4000 merits sitting between characters, and my three bases split between my various characters that have around 200ish rare salvage in each one. I try to keep about 4-6 of each type on hand, as well as 10-20 of all others (common and uncommon), so I can make anything at a moment's notice.
  5. Yeah, oddly it's a lower-level pick for them, but for dominators, masterminds, blasters, and controllers you can't pick it up until you're at least 41st AND you have to take another power first.
  6. I know there are probably some people who like the current order of power selection for the Leviathan Mastery APP, but is there a reason it's different from all the others? Shark Skin requires you to take another power first before you can get it, while all the others allow you to pick up the armor as your first choice. Why is Leviathan different? I'd like to see it the same as the others.
  7. Master Brawler is the optional mez protection within the set. Instead of being a click power, it adds mez protection to your first two toggle powers, as well as giving you the clickable absorb shield. Clickable mez protection has its advantages (in that you can't lose it by being detoggled), but it also means having to pause now and then for it to activate, as well as not having any mez protection at all if it's on cooldown if you die and get back up after activating it. Personally I always opt for Master Brawler, as running so low on end as to get completely detoggled is such a rare occurrence.
  8. The moment you can use the miniature form on kheldian squids, I'm going to start calling every one of them Tinkerbell.
  9. I'm working on one of these right now as an alternate ranger build for my D&D adventurers. I haven't finalized a build, as I've been just trying out various combinations on the test server, but overall it's pretty solid. I did end up having to pick up the medicine pool, since there's not enough damage-prevention within TA. But the couple of builds I've thrown together to try out on test have been able to go through +1/8 in incarnate pretty easily, only occasionally losing a pet here and there, without any incarnate power slotting. I'm going to test it again tonight with everything at tier-4, to see what 53rd level pets are like against +3 or +4/8.
  10. I just use tab for that. I have ` set to 'target_next', so I can flip through enemies quickly. R is my autorun button, has been since EQ back in the olden days. 🙂 The only macros I really have are for random character comments, switching builds, or opening various windows (for some reason the / character doesn't always register for me, so I made a couple of macros to pop open windows instead of typing /<whatever>). For powers, I have 1-6, then sh-1-6, alt-1-6, ctrl-1-6, T, G, V, B, C, F, Q, and E bound to other buttons, so most of my powers can be done with my left hand.
  11. My current project for the last few months has been my "D&D adventurers in Paragon" characters. I've been going through all the D&D classes (all the 'main' classes and a few alternate ones, though avoiding some of the really niche ones) to make them into CoH characters. So far the ones I've gotten to 50 and incarnated out are: Fighter (shield/axe tanker) Artificer (bot/ff mastermind) Bard (symphony/kinetic troller) Barbarian (stone melee/willpower brute, the 'juggernaut' subclass, basically a living siege weapon) Cleric (elec/elec defender, follower of the god of storms, hence all the lightning) Druid (necro/nature mastermind, she's a 'circle of spores' druid, so her 'undead' are made out of fungus -- if we could customize, I'd use DE mushroom guys) Paladin (katana/rad armor tanker) Rogue (claw/ninjitsu scrapper) Warlock (cold/dark brute) Shaman (seismic/stone armor sentinel) Still working on the monk, ranger, wizard, sorcerer, alchemist, and psion. Might add a couple from pathfinder, as well.
  12. One of my "D&D Adventurers in Paragon" is an Earth Shaman, who's built as a seismic/stone sentinel. She works a lot like an "earth bender", basically smashing people with rocks, turning attacks aside with rocks and floating stone armor, etc. While her aoe is lacking a bit (I didn't take meteor because it didn't really fit the concept, and the power is incredibly slow), she's incredibly effective at just slapping things down and taking a beating without dropping.
  13. If I take the fighting pool on a controller, it's because I have something specific in mind for their concept. My ill/rad is more of a "stand back and control small-scale fights without any risk" concept, so she doesn't need it. My symphony/kinetic is a D&D bard, and needs to be in melee to make use of her kinetic powers, so I took fighting (and mu shield, so she's got capped smash/lethal/energy resists, and is very tanky). Similarly, I rarely take hasten unless I'm using it for something specific, like perma-dom, perma-phantom army, etc. Like 95% of my builds don't bother with it.
  14. Oh hey, someone from my neck of the woods. I grew up in Santa Cruz. 🙂
  15. I just finished leveling up and kitting out my ice/dark brute. She's a lot of fun to play. I'm working on getting her incarnate stuff unlocked right now.
  16. I've never had more than like 200 million in cash spread among my various characters. I tend to think up a fun concept, level the character up, kit them out, get them all set up with incarnate abilities unlocked, and by the time that's done, I've thought of a new concept I want to play, and it starts all over again. I don't tend to really do any "farming" for influence once I hit 50. Though if I liquidated all the stuff I have stocked away in my three SG bases and the several thousand merits I have, I could probably come up with a billion or so.
  17. How many merits can I make in an hour? Well, depends on what I'm doing. With a brand new character fresh out of chargen? I can make about 40-50 merits in an hour (I timed it at one point because I was curious, and was farming merits). With a higher-level character? Can vary, but usually between 50-100 in an hour. And that's without doing Hami raids.
  18. I take Physical Perfection on a lot of my brutes, since they're all themed builds and rarely do any of the actual powers fit the concept. Depending on how end-hungry my build is, I'll either slot a performance shifter end proc, or a power transfer heal proc.
  19. I was just browsing youtube back in 2020, and stumbled across someone's video about "Is CoH worth playing in 2020?". It made me go "Wait...CoH is still up?!" Did some searches, and wound up here.
  20. The two giant monster hunters I use are my illusion/radiation controller, and my necro/nature mastermind. Both of them are capable of soloing giant monsters with relative ease, though the troller is obviously a lot slower.
  21. I just have my chat windows saved as a file. Though I can't remember the command off the top of my head. It's something like /loadchatfile <name>, or /chatloadfile <name> So I just do /chatloadfile chat and all my windows are neatly arranged and set up.
  22. Personally, I really like the maint drone. It allowed me to drop the medicine tree from my bots masterminds, as the prot bot healing was never good enough to really keep up with a lot of incoming damage, while the maint bot is pretty good at it, able to heal a lot more rapidly. Does it look a little goofy? Yeah, maybe. But I don't mind that. I see it as a huge buff. If you never took the medicine tree I suppose it could be seen as a "nerf", since you have to take another power, but still. I like it.
  23. I mean, TECHNICALLY I'm 37 rats in a trenchcoat, but shh, don't tell anyone.
  24. Nope, not on accident. I rarely take power boost. Generally because I try to make stuff functional without relying on powers that aren't always up. All the numbers on my build are without using power boost. Also it's "her" not "his", just to clarify. 🙂
  25. Because the heal portion of Chrono Shift is the least important part of the power to a lot of people. Fully slotted for healing, it's about a 500ish heal over 30 seconds. Two Temporal Mendings will heal more and faster. The group-wide recharge is what people generally use it for. 50% recharge for 90 seconds is massive. Saying "my way is the only right way to slot this power and everyone else is wrong" is pretty arrogant.
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