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Everything posted by Thayn

  1. Current thoughts/work on this toon idea. Bee Magical Girl
  2. I would love some help brainstorming/creating a Bee/Wasp themed Magical girl/Hybrid form! /thorny assault or spines/ for stingers! I'm working on some stuff myself and will post when its done but I'd love to see some other ideas to help my brain get going!
  3. Hello costume creators! I am attempting to craft a sort of Swat Team Knight, something that looks like modern police gear, but with a sort of fantasy/medieval knight touch. If anyone has any interest, i'd love some brainstorming or ideas!
  4. yessssss full evil terminator and a casual one from the previous post, you guys are all f*cking fantastic and I appreciate your input
  5. I love that design and honestly will probably steal it as her casual/normal look. But im also looking for something to use when shes full bad guy/almost full metal. Somebody has to have a good killer robot design!
  6. Hello again you wonderful content creators. As always this thread has been an amazing resource for creativity and I was hoping to tap on it to help me turn one of my toons into a boss monster for some content I'm writing for my SG! My toon (files attached) is a cyborg ex syndicate working for Powers division. However my goal is to turn her into an evil almost terminator like character who ultimately my SG has to take down. if anyone has any ideas on how to roboticize my toon and get that terminator vibe, or generic killer cyborg. Please feel free to chime in! glare 3.costume
  7. Well you f*cking killed it. I'm super in love with the outfit, messing around with it to see how I like colors or other parts but frankly this is what I wanted but couldn't figure out how to make.
  8. Working on trying to come up with something reasonably samurai but not too goofy. Shes supposed to be sort of like the classic Samurai master, both with katana and bow (blaster). Rough ideas here, but trying to figure out how make use of armor but not just go all in on generic samurai preset. Thoughts? Ideas? Also a collection of stuff i've been looking at to try an inspire me.
  9. Im working on a new sword toon with the new patch and an awesome name grab. The concept is she bumbled through time, landing in a few different historic spots and learning the sword from various masters. I'm hoping for something with a bit of the same energy as Arturia from Fate/Stay but maybe more samurai? Really I just want badass swordswoman with a bit of classic armor, whatever looks awesome. I'm working on some stuff myself, but this thread is always so good at helping me see things from different angles or use parts I never think about. Anyone care to help create a new swordswoman/samurai jane with me? 😛 Saberartoria.webp
  10. Anyone want to take a crack at making something inspired by this? Im trying to figure out a good way to do a jacket and a chest piece since the game makes it really hard to do so lol
  11. I am attempting to do something terrible and meme-y, and make a gura chan outfit for my shark girl. This is where im at, if anyone has a better idea on how to try and replicate the look, I'd appreciate it as this idea makes me laugh hysterically.
  12. Looking to start playing a toon I made some time ago, thats a shark person. I love the costume design, and I mostly play the game for RP but I like to be functional on content too so some help making this more efficient, or telling me what goal Im missing? The caveat of this build being I'm using Leviathan mastery cause sharks, and presence cause fears for shark person. Other than that though I'm trying to maximize my returns from sets and proc usages. SHORK Shork Girl - Stalker (Savage Melee).mxd
  13. Oh hell yeah I love the colors and costume choices here. The star on the chest is great too. This is certainly something I can work on/with/off of! Thanks! As always I love when people help me make my costumes better or offer up cool ideas!
  14. Currently working on making a Praetorian version of my villain Death Mute. She was burned in a Longbow raid and her throat/face were cyberized by a villain, and now she uses sound powers to get revenge on longbow and commit crimes to pay for her treatment. Her Praetorian version was injured by the Resistance, and cyberized by a Government scientist, and now uses her cyber eyes and PPD equipment to maintain order and keep others from getting hurt how she was. Sort of at that stage where im like This looks cool, but is it what I want? Does it communicate that they're flips of the same character? I want the second one to be more cybernetic, but its hard cause like I can't use jackets. Anywho if anyone has ideas or input on anything from costume pieces to colors, I'd love some help!
  15. thanks so much peeps, you continue to fuel my desire to keep making stuff on this game xD
  16. Anyone got a good costume, or idea for something Victorian era inspired? I know we have the steampunk pieces, but was just wondering if anyone was sitting on a good one they'd like to share for inspiration!
  17. Hi! If the person who currently plays the toon "Antiquarian" ever reads this thread and doesn't make use of the name or would be willing to release it. I'd very much like to give it a home 🙂
  18. You guys give me some great ideas/tips. Almost done with my costume but if anyone has ideas I'd still appreciate them!
  19. Currently trying to come up with something inspired by/similar to this. Feel free to take a jab at it costume creators :P. I love this thread though, great advice, and just great costumes.
  20. So after taking a look at the shark costumes left here for me, and playing with stuff a bit. This is where I've ended up atm, not sure which skin texture looks better yet, and I think I like hair more than the fin, just cause no hair weirds me out. But thanks so much for the input! I'm just trying to figure out the colors and skin texture now!
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