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Everything posted by starro

  1. I tried to share a pic but website fighting me. I was going to steal from wiki. Maroon is debt and blue is patrol experience. I always manage to forget the colors.
  2. Welcome to game. There is 20 years of content to catch up on so don’t worry if you only made it to level 8. 🙂
  3. Some times the character runs out of steam by level 10, 20, 50 or incarnate and I walk away. The character in my mind has gone to their story conclusion and it makes since. Not every character should be an incarnate. I also find it’s a power set that just doesn’t fit the way I want to play lately. Sometimes a respec, new costume or content update gets the old spark going again or even an alignment change and I am off to Rogue Isles. i could not imagine this game with only 8 character slots on a server 😛
  4. These conversations are ridiculous. ....you need a handsome and single starfish....
  5. No gas stations and that damn high way in port oakes is still not finished after 20 years. Where are my stolen tax dollars going in this game?
  6. Customizing MM pets would be incredible, though I'm not familiar with the coding complexity. I respect the legacy code and the potential complications it brings, so I'll just leave it there. Additionally, having the capability to form in-game groups as masterminds would be great. I've always wanted to lead my own MM team of Hellions or Rikti. I've been a COH fanboy longing for these features since the launch of COV.
  7. TY Homecoming volunteers, devs and players.
  8. we all want HC to succeed and have resources. Good try. 🙂
  9. It was my collection of broken links to the shut down coverage, spiritual successors, side projects (i.e. segs and paragon chat), former devs making an appearance online or AMA. It was all broken link or stuff on Titan Forum that was all good stuff edited out.
  10. ....SO many people tried over the years to get COH back. I had a spreadsheet from about August 2012 through January 2019 where I tracked any article, forum post or interesting internet find about the shutdown, spiritual successors, coh lease/buy efforts, original devs popping up or just interesting things. Then I was dumb and deleted it and 'moved on'.... There was about three efforts that sputtered out before Score happened.
  11. I only think about this topic maybe daily….
  12. I have faith in the COH community that even if this game is played by just senior citizens in the 2040s and computers drastically change to lasers and quantum mechanics someone will mod it or find a way to hook this game up to work on a potato.
  13. MassivelyOP is very supportive of COH and tries to be neutral and supportive to the installs and successor efforts like city of titans and ship of heroes.
  14. city of heroes score drama | Massively Overpowered (massivelyop.com)
  15. Whether the person is new or veteran, always an opportunity for positive community engagement and sharing the link to the policy/terms on the topic. As for the people that ask, I think it is just CYA or assurance that if you broadcasted 30 seconds of a costume contest you don't get banned or contribute to COH going away again. On a similar but different topic that repeats, I am certain at any moment there is a going to be a post for "how can I get my characters back from Live servers?"
  16. Ty for taking time out to organize this update it was a good 20th anniversary.
  17. I still believe all these years later there is no wrong way to play COH. Solo/ group, easy/difficult settings, same old build/new weird builds etc etc. However, there are less optimal methods to play with less reward or less personal joy. Do I want to be critical of those methods? Yes, because I am an old evil judgmental starfish. No, I want to encourage new and old players to replay the COH content and look through the game with a different lens each time… or replay the game in a comfortable familiar way. You damn kids will do whatever you want anyway.
  18. Humans are great at mangling communication. Jargon and terminology can be hard. I mangle technical terms or sentence structure all the time. My sister has not rebooted her router for her ISP in 2 years and thinks she needs to pay a guy at Best Buy $50 to do it and then they sell her another copy of anti-virus. She had a power loss, it was no biggee, you just unplug and replug in and 5 minutes later the red light is blinking green again. Now she calls me or I do it now and then. She also will not reboot her computer unless at gun point. Ah well, I hope you get a resolution. 🙂
  19. Sometimes you have to take a holistic approach and ask all the questions. Even the crazy ones like what changed or why does x seem to happen when I do y. I want to say I have read on here VPN, college campuses and other unique living situations that have caused some players internet service provider isp frustration. Sometimes the people with the power over the firewall will budge and make it a little less restrictive. Or they tell you no. An online acquaintance gets better COH connectivity at a coffee shop / work place than her small town municipal provided ISP. I thought it was strange but then I had to call their customer service unrelated to COH and it was the most eye opening experience into customer dis-service. They just don’t care or don’t have the man power to help on anything. I want to say back on live satellite ISPs in part of the globe cause lag or no good connections too. Personally I would rather have a wired desktop with too much RAM over a wireless laptop any day of the week but that’s another can of worms.
  20. Shortguy, what is the problem you are trying to solve?
  21. Thank you COH Homecoming volunteers and player community.
  22. @Conviction did the Q&A answers happen yet with the developers or still coming up?
  23. Ooooh yeah!!! Memory is fuzzy but is there a second badge in a burning tanker nearby?
  24. My pic was already stated by Grey Cat... I am surprised those art assets / zone look did not turn up elsewhere in the game.... maybe that spine/rib cage is that same one on a Peregrine Island. My second favorite is the Sky Raider base out in the water that looks like a bit of an oil drill platform. There is something about the different levels with the pop out turret guns, the chaos from the flying villains and sharp corners where ground based heroes can run into a wipeout... you get your way to the top only to get likely overwhelmed with a undisciplined group, archvillains and just more chaos. My third favorite.... has to be everything Cimerona above ground. ok not a mission map, but happy with the expanded zone from the ITF into the zone - it is beautiful. I felt that was better than the dark Mot inspired Dark Astoria renovation. Ok, I said I would not do more than two but my fourth nomination is actually the destroyed Galaxy City. I have gone from offended Galaxy is gone to liking that map. The original tutorial was so clunky. I kind of hope there is some Incarnate related destroyed Galaxy City zone with those blue jello monsters coming soon.
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