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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. Nobody has any idea what they are planning. So, I am going forward as is.
  2. I will try and put one together later today. If no one does before me. You can straight use the slotting from my build for most powers. AR can be a proc monster on it's own. Remember proc early, proc often.
  3. To get the defense where I wanted it. I need to drop some procs. AA has a long recharge relative to most of my attacks. So, I pull slots from there. It's all personal preference. As you can see some my screen shots, there's still plenty of damage. 🙂
  4. You can login now!
  5. Caught one. I am paranoid and don't like to display my account name.
  6. They are in stability testing. It will be awhile more. 😞
  7. Bah humbug. If your first new char isn't a trick arrow then you're really missing out.
  8. You should see the damage it can do! And I still have soft capped s/l def w/o flash arrow.
  9. Thank you both. I kinda guessed that from the videos I had watched. I have heard of Black Dessert, but I don't enjoy PvP. I have not found a game that has the "oomph" feeling of COX combat. I remember the first time I punched a mob into the air with full Fury on my newbie brute. I laughed for a whole minute it was so enjoyable.
  10. What you like Alpha is balanced Interface is fine, but it's very hard to notice it working Hybrid is fine All these are fine because they only effect the user What don't you like Judgement and destiny are OP in groups given current content. Ion is particularly OP, though I prefer Vorpal because of the quick cast. The crafting system Clunky but it's not used enough to be worth improving Where you'd like to see them go They could stay as is, if there are was more optional tougher content Or make Judgement and destiny have some kind of charging system. Like Domination. I suggest moving forward that AV/EBs in Incarnate trials be given slightly weaken versions of player incarnate powers. Imagine the fun of an AV with judgement Destiny powers like Clarion could not be allowed or full strength barrier. This points out how OP these powers are. Have an option to turn off Incarnate powers for itrails or high level TFs in exchange for more exp/inf/threads/badges
  11. How is the combat system? Is there any sense of force or physics? Basically, do things act like you actually hit them? Or are just lights and numbers? Example, I still cackle when I punch a mob in the air and hits a low ceiling.
  12. Bane are actually pretty weak to KD. I don't think any Arachnos can stand up consistently in OSA. The problem is that once OSA has expired at 4x8 there are always 2 bosses left and they have usually scattered. Retreating around corner is an option, but then you might leave the EMP field. It's tricky, but it's a good problem to have. 🙂 Looking at build. I don't think you have enough defense. If you go against high accuracy or defense debuffing mobs in can get ugly. Tarantula Mistresses at 4x8 can hit you with a -33% def debuff. Crab soliders, -7.5%. Also, given the level difference 51 vs 54 mob you're only getting 20% -tohit. Carnies also have some incredibly nasty debuffs. My current build:
  13. More feedback on Night Widows after flipping back and forth between my Fort and NW builds. On top of what has been said. NW Mental Blast needs to be on par with Subdue. Current base damage is 58 vs 98, raise the recharge to balance that out. Make smoke grenade -tohit base worth slotting. Psychic Scream needs an overhaul. It is by far the worse T9 VEAT power. The damage is meh, the cast time for the damage is poor. If you check the powers taken, Night Widows take this power 32% of the time. Let's talk numbers - dpa = damage per activation Psychic scream, 67 dpa, recharge 16, cast time 2.67, 60 ft cone 30 deg, -50% recharge Psychic Wail, 224 dpa, recharge 145, cast time 1.97, 25 ft AOE, mag 3 stun with -70% recharge NW being primarily melee character is given a narrow cone, which is hard to use in melee, as their T9. Blue sky idea one, turn Psychic Scream into a snipe.
  14. Thank you for that tip. That did make Arachnos much easier to deal with. Though if there enough banes, especially a bane boss, it's gets dicey. Those crits are nasty even with -dam. Now, if I can figure out Carnies on this build. Can't wait for the patch to drop. Edit: I was already using break frees. The -dam helped a lot in surviving the bosses.
  15. It's a great TF and should be run more often. There should be a badge for completing all the options goals in the TF. Or even better, one badge for the optional save the ships part and another for the closing the valves. Maybe even one for not taking any damage from the suicide bombers... that one would be tough.
  16. It would be extra work about in the next iteration of the statistics a break out the VEAT sub ATs counts would be awesome. As of March there are about 32K VEATs across all servers and levels. I am really curious how many are Night Widows/Fortunatas/Banes/Crabs. I am guessing you would have to query for powers used to break them into groups. Though I have no idea how the database schema looks.
  17. I run two builds on the same char. Night Widow/Fortunata. Getting close to 200 vets levels on her. And I still play her everyday. She is a lovely mix of melee, ranged, and controls. You have to play until you find a build that you don't get bored with. Often the most effective is not always the most fun.
  18. War mace and Bane mace attacks feel your pain.
  19. Great find. That's a lot of extra resists. I will update the guide.
  20. Interesting. I will have to test that to see how much resists it provides.
  21. I am thinking about a fiery aura stalker. My attempts on the beta server haven't gone well. Due to lack of defense or damage mitigation. What primary would do the best job of shoring up fiery aura's weakness? Staff, Broad Sword, or Ninja Blade would seem like good candidates as they both provide defense. What other powers in the primaries help out with defense or damage mitigation?
  22. So, let's try the opposite of yesterday's thread. How would you buff your favorite build in a subtle way? Night Widow/Fortunata - Reduce the re-hide timer. Would allow for more stealth criticals. Increasing damage without changing any attacks.
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