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Posts posted by beloved

  1. I think the reason I'm all right with it now is because DP has several other AoE attacks--I don't really feel like I'm lacking AoE at all with Empty Clips, Bullet Rain, and Hail of Bullets also available. Piercing Rounds working as a strong single-target attack with some bonus AoE if you're lucky is fine by me, just because I wouldn't really want to trade single-target damage for even more AoE, y'know?


    I understand, and I didn't understand that there's a "damage formula" or derivation between AoE range and damage.


    Although if we're being completely straight, it could be changed to have a larger aoe and still retain it's damage and number of targets, which I STILL think is reasonable. Especially considering the servers are slightly laggy and I have to sit in place for half a second before using a cone skill, or else it registers I used it from a different position and i only hit one enemy. But that might be a personal problem.

  2. Think of Piercing Rounds as a single-target attack that does a little less damage than it should in order to hit up to 3 targets. Trying to make it a better AoE will only be opening a can of worms, I think. As an 80ft cone, it already breaks the damage formula, doing more than double the damage it should. If it did appropriate damage, it would only do 67.52 damage unslotted at level 50, when it currently does 143.89.


    WHY should I think of it as a single target attack when it is by definition narrow cone with a max of three targets? How would it open a can of worms on what people call an underpowered power set? If the 3 target limit remains, what's the issue? It still can't hit more than 3 people, which is what the developers intended a decade ago.

  3. So I've been maining a DP/Sonic Corruptor and been having a blast. Very team oriented and I love when the tank pulls a group and I get to use my AoE cones on groups before Scourging down the stragglers.


    My issue is that for a set with FOUR AoE abilities, this one functions essentially as a single target skill. I'm not sure I understand the point of having it be BOTH a NARROW cone (may as well be a straight line for all the times I've used it) and it's limited to only hitting THREE enemies.


    My suggestion is simple: Widen the cone but keep the limit at three enemies. This means that we will actually get use out of its intended multi-target effect and it will actually hit more than one unit.


    I've seen several people mention on the forums that DP is an underpowered ranged damage set, I will admit I don't have the experience or know-how to say if this is true. I do think this slight change would fit the playstyle a little more.

  4. So after returning, it has the tab-target lock on system that's prevalent in other MMOs like WoW and FFXIV, but for some reason it doesn't FEEL like it, right? I get that I'm targeting, but I'm bouncing/hovering all over the place. Running past an enemy and letting a melee attack go is pretty fun, too. The combat + your rotation just ends up feeling very active and fun and actiony.


    Also the AI pathing in this game is surprisingly good. Was street sweeping in Perez Park with my girl, and a Hellion was trying to run. This dude JUMPED into a TREE. Then he jumped from the TREE onto the TOP OF THE PARK'S WALL and jumped over! I can't remember the last time I saw anything like that in any MMO. This dude was really trying to escape.

  5. 1.  Enter Outbreak.  Change mouse settings.  Add two power bars.  Drag temporary powers onto power bar.  Hit Sprint and finish up the tutorial.  Exit to Atlas.  Level and drag Rest to the right spot.


    2.  Kill one Hellion for the inf.  Type “/ah”.  Post my inspirations at 1 inf each.


    3.  Take proceeds and trade them to 5-10mm.


    The paragon city equivalent of trading up from a paper clip eh

  6. I have encountered two instances since yesterday. The first, someone calling someone names in LFG because they didn’t respond to a tell. I told them to calm down and game on. They sent me a tell letting me know that CoX is all about the community and you HAVE to respond to tells. I asked if they were exemplifying this idea of community by name calling in a server wide chat. I got cussed out and told I didn’t deserve this game lol.


    Second, tonight, I was posting for Positron 1 TF. I had two spots left, 5 people messaged me at once. THREE of them asking if I would wait while they switch to an alt and 2 asking to join immediately. My chat moves too fast to get back to replying to them while also managing a team. Someone then messaged me and said “Global ignore for ignorant people too dumb to respond to tells”.


    I thought we were mostly adults here.


    Two instances. Wow, what a pervasive problem...


    Your sarcastic quip is very much appreciated. I encountered both of these issues in a total of 6 hours of gameplay. I figured I would share my experience to hear what the community thought of the issue and maybe hear any other related anecdotes. Which I have. Didn’t even realize people called them whisper nazis. So far this is something I’ve ONLY encountered on this game, and I’ve played a lot of MMOs.

  7. I have encountered two instances since yesterday. The first, someone calling someone names in LFG because they didn’t respond to a tell. I told them to calm down and game on. They sent me a tell letting me know that CoX is all about the community and you HAVE to respond to tells. I asked if they were exemplifying this idea of community by name calling in a server wide chat. I got cussed out and told I didn’t deserve this game lol.


    Second, tonight, I was posting for Positron 1 TF. I had two spots left, 5 people messaged me at once. THREE of them asking if I would wait while they switch to an alt and 2 asking to join immediately. My chat moves too fast to get back to replying to them while also managing a team. Someone then messaged me and said “Global ignore for ignorant people too dumb to respond to tells”.


    I thought we were mostly adults here.

  8. A corruptors will only do consistently more dmg than a blaster at around 25% mob health. The problem is, that very things in the game have enough health for this to really help us. Outside of AVs and GMs the thing will die too quickly for scourge to be of much help and we often will do far more dmg than is needed to kill a mob because of scourge.


    IDK about you but I love throwing up an AoE and seeing "SCOURGE" show up all over my screen

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  9. I rolled a dual pistols/sonic resonance corruptor in Praetoria yesterday. I was soloing content when I got sent on a mission to fight through a massive horde of ghouls, to defeat two ghouls at the end. At level 5. Like 50+ ghouls easily. This is the first character I took flight on. You best believe I flew over all those ghouls just to kill the bosses. I was even satisfied with myself. Balanced? Nope. What my character would have done? Yep.

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