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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. In general as i recall you need to either Tag the mob first or do a certain percentage of damage to be counted as having contributed to the defeat but dont quote me on that
  2. you should be a cat person then we dont give two whoops about anyone and we always show up when the can opener starts
  3. /holdtorch rest well friend until we meet again in that place where no shadows fall and where heroes endure
  4. Bale Fire is pretty much the personification of fire basically all fire powers and archetypes in one shes pretty much one of the most powerful incarnates out there White Lotus is all things Ninja and at the top of the pyramid of a major criminal organization straight up though Bale wins. lotus might surprise her and with some dark magic shenanigans get a temporary advantage but, in the end, fire burns eternal and Bale just burns down all opposition
  5. Really the safest bet is to stay away from historical figures and use generic npcs with messily similar names. it avoids the legal entanglements because parody is protected and keeps the game safe since theyre legally covered by virtue of no no its not the same just similar is a perfectly valid legality there are some leeways for characters in the public domain such as dracula or a certain detective but even then a bit of caution should be warranted and vary it up a bit to insure someone doesnt get a bit upset about it
  6. Back on live very early GMs were just that GIANT MONSTERs I heard a call for help coming from Perez about the kraken I was on panda my D3 at the time and bounced my way there to see what was what and came across a boatload of people being slammed to death. i landed and keep in mind this was before ED and the AOE limits hit Howling Twilight and rezzed --to this day I maintain this story --24 people in one shot who managed to get it together and put the kraken down So I hold the --Unofficial --record for most people rezzed in one shot on live Champion server
  7. Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts?
  8. Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts?
  9. meh minor inconvenience at worst. only really bug or QOL worthy if the end cost to reapply were highly exorbitant
  10. And to add to it consider the basics that in the game where magic and technology are present you have heroes running around swinging their fists and in other cases a stick at people staff fighting a long stick mace a stick with a lump of metal on top of it battle axe a stick with a Sharp lump of metal on top of it sword broad or katana a very sharp pointy stick made out of metal archery using a stick with a string to shoot smaller pointy sticks so essentially in a game with advanced science and super sorcery the out come of a battle can come down to how well someone swings their stick at people
  11. Well boomerang would be a neat power set and is very comic booky see captains boomerang and Boomerang from marvel as examples the basics are already in the game i means its an energy blast at baseline and one with a lot of aoe as it bounces off multiple opponents and thanks to trick arrow you have all you need for the trick boomerangs so there you go the atyl atyl is functionally archery with a twist of throwing the arrow with a stick now whips would be awesome and i know whips and chains have been on the wish list for a lot of people 😈 evil cackle*
  12. you shoudlve seen the chaos I unleashed when i replaced Sues Shin bone with a Brachiosaurus ulna as a prank the paleontologists practically went to war over the re classification
  13. you grow your people eating trees your way and Ill grow them mine 😛
  14. keep telling you mulch them first then plant them in open fields away from the power lines no one gives two whoopety doos if some field starts sprouting flowers and trees they do give a hoot when their internet goes out caveat no one gives a whoopety doo when trees start sprouting in an open field they do when the trees some alive and start eating people
  15. Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts?
  16. Me as well then i realized the basic principle that ranged ats melee attacks still do damage at the level of a ranged at. simply put i was denying myself half my damage output by not going into melee range this came to a head when i chose to make a DP Martial blaster. And she demanded that i go into melee and she ROCKED hard because it didnt matter that i was in close she was taking badguys down by the truck load heck some controller powers require you to be in melee range to really stack on the debuffs
  17. yeah doesnt matter what order you get them just that you have them to unlock any accolades
  18. sure basic caveat this is the build i used its fun and worked for me but shouldnt be considered the BESTEST most optimal build ever like i said though it worked for me and works in every encounter ive done so there it is she hits like a truck and as long as EA holds out her end is never an issue
  19. I can confirm as someone whose taken 2 ice tanks Ice ice ice and ice battleaxe ice to 50+ incarnate that ice is awesome but it takes work to get to where it hits it pinnacle and that pinnacle is Energy absorption and Ice block Energy absorption is the big kicker because the more bad guys you drain the higher your defense spikes to the point where you can comfortably sit in the middle a +4x8 fre farm mob and giggle as the fireballs blast past you with chilling embrace the enemy gets slowed to absurd levels and with icicles they take damge which they cant ger away from especially if you have ice slick which means theyre flopping around you like grounded fish ice block is the top power in the set for a reason namely that it makes you basically invulnerable while you rest and heal inside the block of ice and come out fully healed and able to fight it also gives you a chance to let EA get off cooldown which means you come out of it surrounded by EA targets which you can zap to make yourself nearly impossible to hit that is admittedly where Ice armor falls off a bit against single targets like bosses. and EBs etc less mobs means less defense so you lose out against avs and such however youre still debuffing them with a nasty slow which means you only have to deal with the occasional hit with ice armor its about those two top powers you have to put your ego aside and say yeah im nearly dead iceblock time SIESTA!! and rest till youre healed monitoring your health until the right point to hit ice block is key and spamming EA as much as possible to keep your defense maxed
  20. Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts? As others have said above Controllers are about just that Control their powers are geared towards contol of targets in an area and control of the area itself via debuffs. their secondary power set allows for a combination of heals and/or debuffs that further this capability Doms are a far more offensive version of this but in their case they use their dom power to set up their controls to be able to DO DAMAGE since their secondaries are all about taking the offensive to a target that cant fight back thus as controllers CONTROL the area shutting people down and keeping them in lockdown. Dominators DOMINATE one target and use their powers to aggressively remove them theres a lot of really good power choices and you cant go wrong with any of them really but one advice i give to newer players is to avoid making the wonky combos on first run through of an AT. namely stick to the basics when trying to learn by using matching secondary and primary sets gravity ff or kinetics fire fire or rad stone kin ice cold or storm electric electric and more as many have said there is NO one true power set or combo and you can play whatever strikes your fancy but as a new player i reccomend sticking to basics while you learn the game and matching sets like the one above have the advantage of synergy with each other being built in. once you have the hang of it feel free to expand out and play around with combos you enjoy full caveat by the by most of my power choices in regard to my characters are very staid classic combos that match each other so theeres that welcome to the City and well see you out there
  21. added several elements of COH into my Heroes Unlimited multiverse for sure but thats it for the most part
  22. did that with a clockwork in atlas on my EB poor ticktok cleared the war wall and landed somewhere near positron
  23. lightning rod smiting enemies from the sky with lightning since forever Meteor pretty much THE most satisfying power in the game when you drop a GIANT FREAKING SPACE ROCK on someones noggin Rise of the Phoenix Im dead? Oh Hell No KABOOM and Rise from your grave Howling twilight easilly the best rez in the game with an amazing sound and so satifying to see 4-7 of your teamates all float up off the ground at the same time Fireball come on it is a giant ball of fire that roasts your target and about the other 5-12 guys with him Knockout blow its a giant wind up leading to a massive punch which sends your target flying Incandescent strike giant two handed hammer of doom brought to you by your friendly neighborhood peacekeeper
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