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Everything posted by Viscountexx

  1. Was about to bring up playing a kheld. We basically avoid all the defense buff toggles on our warshade specifically because of the lack of this feature making us need to repeatedly tap a bind every time we shapeshift.
  2. ...It totally does. How the hell have we missed this? Sorry, lmao.
  3. Huh! We'd never managed to notice this at all, thank you! It would still be nice to see it on the reticle/hover at the same time as you'd see an enemy's name color, and maybe have a dedicated indicator for "too high" and "too low" to distinguish away from "same level as you", but. Yeah, this is good to know, thank you.
  4. This, of course, does nothing for the times where someone can't actually see the difference between a red and a purple enemy all that clearly. And the tutorial also teaches you how to move with Q and E and WASD - it's full of both incredibly obvious information to many people with any pre-existing gaming experience, and tutorializing based on things not strictly Useful Yet. We just walked someone through a bit of the Praetorian tutorial yesterday and it was honestly a pretty rough time for information retention due to just how much was thrown in all at once, so... "It's in the tutorial" isn't the most helpful. (That said, we appreciate you pointing that bit out, we didn't know it was in the tutorial because we skip the tutorial a lot due to our pre-existing game experience.)
  5. Currently, when enemies are a certain number of levels above or below your own, they have a name with a specific color above the targeting reticle. This is a useful feature, but only if you can distinguish between all the colors used (never a guarantee), and you know what the colors mean already. It would be nice if, maybe just between the name and healthbar, or next to the name, there was maybe an indicator in addition to name color? Something like a "+1" for yellows, "+2" for oranges, etc. This still requires a hint of knowledge, but should hopefully be a bit more obvious as to *why* that enemy who has a different marker under their name is murdering you much faster, or dies in one hit.
  6. Befitting name. We think the request is probably for mastermind *pets*, since it's pretty obvious to anyone that you can make your own character look and gend however you want.
  7. Our characters' heights very much vary, but sometimes we have to make a Tall Lady, because we are Very Gay. And then an 8 foot tall plural space witch warshade is created.
  8. been working on an apartment for our character Resting Witchface! took a lot of effort to actually make a *small* base, lol Bonus, a pocket dimension accessed by that portal in the kitchen:
  9. Both silly and 100% serious and self indulgent - I have Sapphic Steel, a pink/orange (one of the newer lesbian pride flag color sets) giant robot lesbian with a sword and shield. Basically was an excuse to bring the phrase "sword lesbian" into a character concept.
  10. This is helpful advice if you already know about the bug before you get to that point in the story. Which, presumably, most people will not.
  11. I have a similar story, though in my case it didn't leave a queued mission because I killed Crow, then took Scott's mission later. I used my every 3 days mission complete button, but it feels worth chiming in anyway. Maybe there should be a requirement to have gotten through the Neutropolis crusader/warden questlines before Scott offers you the mission that leads to killing Crow?
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