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Everything posted by Stunrunner

  1. I remember the Bree server. Get on my level, newbs. /s *raises a toast to CoX*
  2. Posting on behalf of a fellow player, who is currently online. Player A wanted to reroll their character. They had the name Cryo(xxxx). They deleted the character, started a new creation, and input the name at the bottom to reserve it during creation. It came up unavailable. Now, even given it took about 3-5 seconds to start a new toon, it may have been possible for someone to grab the name, via bad luck/timing. But, Player A then tried other naming combinations, and found that anything starting with Cry- or Cryo- was getting rejected by the system. I was online, and I logged out to try for myself. It was true. Anytime I tried to reserve a name starting with Cry- or Cryo-, I was getting the red X on the search bar. I doubt anyone is actually named Cryomuumuu or Cryalamama, I think there is some sort of error. I also tried Muumuucry, and still was rejected. Something about the letter combination seems to be triggering something. Anyone know what happened?
  3. Stunrunner here. Not many people outside of Heretics will remember me though.
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