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I am trying to decide on either a dominator or a corruptor and the subsequent power sets.


My needs are:

I do solo often as I have 2 small kids and cannot always be part of a group so I need to be able to solo efficiently and chew through mobs.

I like high damage and aoe powers

I want to be able to bring something to a group

I prefer ranged but a mix is fine


Thank you for any tips of which class and powersets to look at.


Wouldnt really classify corruptors as "good for soloing" and while dominators can solo and do quite well at it... they're not my favorite archetype and i cant really recommend one over the other, lol.


But if you want to solo whenever you want and still be loved by groups, i'd recommend going controller. both fire/kin and ill/rad are quite awesome at it.



This is a alt friendly game. Why do you think there are 1,000 slots? Seriously drop your expectations from other games and have fun. That is what makes this game so different. There is no "Uber" build etc. Almost anything you find fun will be useful.


TLDR Make both.


Back in the day I've had Corr and Dom alts. They are both fun.


You are in a very similar situation to me as I am a 24/7 caregiver.


I originally started a Dark/Dark Corruptor as it was one of my favorite builds.... It can solo safely BUT to be honest it is slow going.  I am right now leveling a Dark/Dark Brute which is incredibly fast and has significant self healing capabilities, and I feel is one of the most fun & friendly solo builds....


And last but not least... I really like a Electric Assault/Mind Dominator. Electric gives sold melee and ranged damage & Mind is a great solo power. Confusion & Mass Confusion + Domination are incredible. Again it is much slower than a brute about the same leveling speed as a Corruptor.  Best thing about Mind is most of their powers do not aggro mobs when used, cast confusion or hypnosis no aggro if it does or does not hit. Very forgiving power set.  Many do not like electric assault, but I really enjoy the set.



I hope this helps friend


I am trying to decide on either a dominator or a corruptor and the subsequent power sets.


My needs are:

I do solo often as I have 2 small kids and cannot always be part of a group so I need to be able to solo efficiently and chew through mobs.

I like high damage and aoe powers

I want to be able to bring something to a group

I prefer ranged but a mix is fine


Thank you for any tips of which class and powersets to look at.

become an altholic and make both!

I went to Ouroboros all i got was this lousy secret!


COH bomp bomp: 




I'd have to agree, make what you want and run them up to 10.  If you don't like what you've dealt with at that point, drop it or change it so you do.

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?

They called me crazy? They called me insane? THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.

I am down to trying fire/ fire, mind/ fire or mind/ psi. I think f/f will do the most damage, but M/F might be cool too but no imps. Not sure abou psi

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