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Psi Melee TANK version vs. others Greater Psi Blade


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I am not sure if it is intended and undocumented (power info), but in Psi Melee on a TANK, Greater Psi Blade (GPB) - when used while Insight is "on" - spreads the "Insight Strike" to other mobs around the target (even if your target dies before you can get it off).  My BRUTE, and my son's STALKER do NOT have this function.  It would be AWESOME if they did, however, as it REALLY makes psi melee much more enjoyable (better performance, more interactive: pacing the set / when to use, etc).


It is not 100%, as there have been times when I hit GPB with Insight and get nothing (or at least it didn't show in the floating text?) - but that is pretty rare, so I'm hoping it's a graphics glitch.  (I had graphics set to quality)



Edited by r0y
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Sounds like it's a gauntlet issue.


To make gauntlet work, Tanker single target attacks are actually just AoEs with parts of the power flagged to only affect the primary target, and the taunt part is not flagged so hits all of the targets. On beta gauntlet is being changed to be a proc fired off rather than included as part of the power itself. Rad Melee does the same thing on purpose to get the "splash" damage on Contaminated targets. It sounds like the Insight bonus damage isn't flagged correctly.

Edited by siolfir
removed speculation about gauntlet changes on beta fixing issue
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I figured it might be, but it sure makes the tank feel more brute-like.  I'd say keep it.  Insight already feels like it's up-time isn't that impressive.  This would really be a nice addition to a very fun-to-play set.

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