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Ok, let me preface this by saying I personally hate PVP and felt it had no place in COH outside of the Arenas.


That being said, I felt there was good PVE content in the PVP zones.

I often took my guys to Bloody Bay to grab up Shivan Shards so I could complete difficult story arcs solo.

With certain builds, it was almost impossible for me to kill an Elite Boss solo, and Shivans were the answer for me.


I also enjoyed finishing off leveling guys in Recluses Victory using the Giant Robots/Spiders.

Nothing like having them move into position and wipe out an entire spawn of Longbow/Arachnos in one blast.(Plus the drops were pretty decent and it was nice to fill out enhancements with level 50 SOs to fill out things till you could fill them with IOs/Hammy-Os)


I was surprised when I was talking about Bloody Bay in chat today and someone commented that the PVP zones were currently closed.  (and I see in the "What we don't have" thread that PVP was still a question mark.


I'm wondering are there plans to get them running (and curious why they're currently not running) and if other people are even interested in the PVP zones? Or do most people just want them to die a quiet death?


Hah, that figures.

Sirens Call was my least favorite PVP zone :p


If Siren's Call is working, I wonder if Warburg and Recluses Victory are working then?

The people in chat only knew about BB (and according to the "state of the game" post from this morning, the highest level character was in his 30's so no one at RV yet, and few at Warburg level)


SC was the best PvP zone IMO.


Every class had most of their primary powers but had to make difficult choices with secondaries and power pools. You'd have to sacrifice something important in order to have the best movement.  You couldn't have everything like most builds do in RV.


Also no Epic or Patrons, so no Hibernate, no Spirit Shark, no PFF on Blasters.


Ok as a (happy) update...

I hit 20 last night and escaped Pretoria.

One of the first things I did was head over to Steel Canyon to check out the zone in point for Bloody Bay

(yes, yes, I remember NOW that the helicopter is in Skyway City, not SC).


So after heading to Skyway City, I went to the Chopper, and when I clicked on the Longbow Warden outside the copter I got a messsage of something like "Generating Map" for a few seconds and expected it to bomb out... and instead it zoned me into Bloody Bay!

I zipped around and it was like riding a bike, after about a 1/2 hour I had collected my shards, occupied one of the research bases and was able to complete my shard and turn it into the scientist back at Hero Base.


I'm not sure if the people I talked to in Chat had just forgotten you don't enter the Chopper to zone into BB, you talk to the Warden next to it, or if the zone was messed up and they fixed it, either way BB is up and running :)


It will be a while before I'm ready to check out Warburg, I have to work this weekend so won't be able to play again till Monday.

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