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1 minute ago, s3ri0us said:

Thank you 3000! I would definitely go for Steam Sprey because we are looking for an AoE based build. Why not Distortion Field though?

During testing I found that procing out distortion field was inefficient and a bit lackluster. Distortion field is a pretty big endurance spender with a 2+ cast time and you are already so survivable that I would rather do other things with that time. Time's juncture and whirlpool is sufficient to slow mobs. It boils down to distortion being a good defensive power in an already defensive set and so I just hardly ever use it once I'm slotted. YMMV


Ok, take steam spray instead, if you are on a team you can slot it with a +5 Ragnarok damage, a +5 Annihilation acc/dam, Annihilation proc, Achilles proc, and Touch of Lady Grey proc. That way you can apply a lot of -res when they do proc (I am unsure on the math as it applies to cones. 

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14 minutes ago, Darkir said:

During testing I found that procing out distortion field was inefficient and a bit lackluster. Distortion field is a pretty big endurance spender with a 2+ cast time and you are already so survivable that I would rather do other things with that time. Time's juncture and whirlpool is sufficient to slow mobs. It boils down to distortion being a good defensive power in an already defensive set and so I just hardly ever use it once I'm slotted. YMMV


Ok, take steam spray instead, if you are on a team you can slot it with a +5 Ragnarok damage, a +5 Annihilation acc/dam, Annihilation proc, Achilles proc, and Touch of Lady Grey proc. That way you can apply a lot of -res when they do proc (I am unsure on the math as it applies to cones. 

I'll think about it while sleeping because i'm not a big fan of cones and i will keep looking for more power combos :P Thank you again!

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13 hours ago, s3ri0us said:

Thank you 3000! I would definitely go for Steam Sprey because we are looking for an AoE based build. Why not Distortion Field though?

If we're talking procs Slowed Response can be a decent proc monster. Its something you'll want to be casting every time its up, it'll take 3 damage procs + the -res ones, animation time is reasonable and long base recharge means the chances to proc will be decent.


Distortion field suffers from animation time and the fact its a patch (procs don't work well in patch powers, they're essentially toggles). 

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On 1/28/2020 at 1:45 AM, Darkir said:

Ok, you chose time/water in the message I sent to you. So, here is a time/water defender build that answers the question of how much recharge do I need? And the answer is all of it....just all of it. You have softcapped defense, 227.5% global recharge, everything is perma (chrono shift, hasten, and soul drain), maxed s/l resists, geyser and water burst have the FF proc for even more recharge goodness, dehydrate is your main ST damage with 4 procs, your endurance drain should be covered but just in case it isn't you have dark consumption. Essentially, this should be able to handle anything the game throws at it. It might be better to switch out water jet for steam spray, but I think this will be better.


Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 50 Magic Defender
Primary Power Set: Time Manipulation
Secondary Power Set: Water Blast
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Dark Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Temporal Mending -- Pnc-Heal/EndRedux(A), Pnc-EndRdx/Rchg(3), Pnc-Heal/Rchg(3), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux/Rchg(5), Pnc-Heal(5)
Level 1: Aqua Bolt -- SprDfnBst-Acc/Dmg(A), SprDfnBst-Dmg/Rchg(27), SprDfnBst-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34), SprDfnBst-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(43), SprDfnBst-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(43), SprDfnBst-Rchg/Heal%(50)
Level 2: Time's Juncture -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 4: Water Burst -- SprVglAss-Acc/Dmg(A), SprVglAss-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(7), SprVglAss-Rchg/+Absorb(7), Ann-Acc/Dmg(13), Ann-ResDeb%(13), FrcFdb-Rechg%(21)
Level 6: Temporal Selection -- Prv-Absorb%(A)
Level 8: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(9), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(9), ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(11), Rct-ResDam%(11)
Level 10: Whirlpool -- Rgn-Dmg/Rchg(A), Rgn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(25), Rgn-Acc/Rchg(27), Rgn-Dmg/EndRdx(29), Rgn-Knock%(29)
Level 12: Boxing -- Empty(A)
Level 14: Tough -- UnbGrd-ResDam(A), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(15), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(15), UnbGrd-EndRdx/Rchg(17), GldArm-3defTpProc(17)
Level 16: Tidal Forces -- GssSynFr--Build%(A)
Level 18: Farsight -- HO:Cyto(A), HO:Cyto(19), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(19)
Level 20: Dehydrate -- Apc-Dmg(A), Apc-Dmg/EndRdx(37), Apc-Dam%(37), GldJvl-Dam%(40), TchoftheN-%Dam(43), TchofLadG-%Dam(46)
Level 22: Weave -- LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(23), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(23)
Level 24: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Def(A), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(50)
Level 26: Slowed Response -- AchHee-ResDeb%(A)
Level 28: Water Jet -- GldJvl-Acc/Dmg(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(31), Dvs-Dmg/EndRdx(31), GldJvl-Dam%(31), ImpSwf-Dam%(34)
Level 30: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 32: Chrono Shift -- Pnc-Heal/EndRedux(A), Pnc-EndRdx/Rchg(33), Pnc-Heal/Rchg(33), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux/Rchg(33), Pnc-Heal(34)
Level 35: Dark Consumption -- Obl-Acc/Rchg(A), Obl-Dmg/Rchg(36), Obl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), Obl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(36), Obl-%Dam(37)
Level 38: Geyser -- SprVglAss-Dmg/Rchg(A), SprVglAss-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(39), SprVglAss-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(39), PstBls-Dam%(39), JvlVll-Dam%(40), FrcFdb-Rechg%(40)
Level 41: Dark Embrace -- UnbGrd-ResDam(A), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(42), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(42), UnbGrd-Max HP%(42), StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(45)
Level 44: Soul Drain -- Arm-Dmg/Rchg(A), Arm-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(45), Arm-Acc/Rchg(45), Arm-Dmg/EndRdx(46), Arm-Dam%(46)
Level 47: Soul Transfer -- Pnc-Heal/EndRedux(A), Pnc-EndRdx/Rchg(48), Pnc-Heal/Rchg(48), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux/Rchg(48), Pnc-Heal(50)
Level 49: Super Speed -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Quick Form 
Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Clr-Stlth(A)
Level 1: Vigilance 
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run 
Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), Mrc-Rcvry+(25)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-EndMod(A), PrfShf-End%(21)
Level 1: Combo Level 1 
Level 1: Combo Level 2 
Level 1: Combo Level 3 
Level 50: Musculature Radial Paragon 
Level 0: The Atlas Medallion 
Level 0: Task Force Commander 
Level 0: Portal Jockey 
Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve 

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |

the only thing of note that i would have issue with is that both - regen powers are not taken. having done a few ITFs without a heal debuff, that would definitely have to change for me, but i do like this and will use it for inspiration

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1 hour ago, Chrome said:

the only thing of note that i would have issue with is that both - regen powers are not taken. having done a few ITFs without a heal debuff, that would definitely have to change for me, but i do like this and will use it for inspiration

Time's -regen is really weak. With time's crawl and time stop it is only 150% -regen, then an AV is going to resist about 87% of that to 19.5% total -regen. I just don't think its worth it for time users to invest in it. It is much better on sets that have a -500% -regen and so even when it is resisted it is 65% which is a lot more noticeable. You get a lot more stopping power out of melt armor and your -res procs. 

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10 minutes ago, Darkir said:

Time's -regen is really weak. With time's crawl and time stop it is only 150% -regen, then an AV is going to resist about 87% of that to 19.5% total -regen. I just don't think its worth it for time users to invest in it. It is much better on sets that have a -500% -regen and so even when it is resisted it is 65% which is a lot more noticeable. You get a lot more stopping power out of melt armor and your -res procs. 

i definitely agree as to the weakness but any - regen is better then zero -regen, and while the investment isnt worth it from the min max perspective, i almost never min max my team comps, so there is always the chance of having a team with zero -regen so thats my only reason for wanting it.  it is merely a personal preference, and the build i originally referenced is really good:) just something i can use to adapt my build around so it fits me:)

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I disagree.  There are times (build and team configurations) where no -regen is better than some small about of -regen.   If the -regen is 'free' with absolutely no cost, that might be different, but there is always at least a minimal cost.  A 5 dps equivalent -regen that only applies to AVs, should cost less than 5 dps of general offense/recharge.  In cases where the cost is elsewhere than dps, the question is more subjective, but should not be ignored entirely.


Edited by Linea

AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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As to the ITF.  It's entirely more likely that the issue was the healing nictus, and not lack of -regen.  If it /was/ lack of -regen, then just carry Envenomed Daggers, you can typically double stack them and get way more debuff from that source.  If you really are paranoid about -regen, then just get at least one other person to carry daggers, then you can have 4 stacks, that should be enough for all but the worst of teams.   /IF/ you do hit a wall, you can buy from p2w in Pocket D even during a TF, and just load up on daggers, or have the whole team load up on daggers.  Note: ONLY the Pocket D vendor will sell to you during TFs.


The healing nictus cheats and heals from /all/ entities nearby, including it's allies.  Kill all adds, and defense buff all pets.   Also, Do NOT use Carrior Creepers in range of the nictus if the nictus in in range of Rommy.  (unless you can defense buff them, and I'm not sure you /can/ defense buff them.  Or if you optionally just have massive overkill dps, it is possible to power through, but I advise that you ditch the creepers).


Rommy Running can cut your effective applied dps in half.   Immobilize him, or taunt him.  The taunt can be as little as a scrapper taunt aura, it doesn't have to be an actual taunt.  This means think ahead and try to have control or taunt on the team.  If you don't, then it's often easier to kill the nictus instead of Rommy due to his running, but this will be more difficult than killing an immobilized/taunted Rommy.   Immobilized/Taunted Rommy > Kill the Nictus > Kill Trackstar that runs everywhere like a maniac.


The Autohit is the other major issue.   Stay outside it's circle.  It's power has a very obvious graphic circle, Stay outside that circle.  Alternately -damage debuff it, and/or +resist buff the team.

Edited by Linea

AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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I don't have a build for it, but the one defender I would roll would be Storm/water.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute. 8. Emma Strange: Ill/dark. 9. Nothing But Flowers: Plant/storm Controller. 10. Obsidian Smoke: Fire/dark Corr. 


"Downtime is for mortals."

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23 minutes ago, Without_Pause said:

I don't have a build for it, but the one defender I would roll would be Storm/water.

I love storm, one of my mains is Earth/Storm controller but it has endurance issues till you get T3 Ageless and the defenses with Farsight from time are too nice to ignore.

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