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Which Type of Questions should be used in Forum Topics?


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I am starting a new build and I have a Boatload of questions about Effects, Cones vs AOE, Melee vs Ranged. You get the picture.

Don't get me wrong, I've done my due diligence and delved into the #s and opinions but I have about 6 questions and curious about how to approach asking them.


  • Should i address all my questions, in the appropriate areas, in one large post and see what the community  thinks as a whole? Could turn into a very large OP.
  • Post Several topics about specific effects/conditions/queries and then piece it all together as a whole on your own
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18 minutes ago, VileTerror said:

The Guides section might be the best suited for asking other players for help with questions on your character builds, but General Discussion seems to see a lot of traffic.  I think you'll be okay in either case.

I understand Where the posts should be made.

I am more interested in the preferred way to phrase my question due to etiquette.

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Since the preferred way is all just personal opinions, it probably doesn't matter, and what one person considers a wall of text others might prefer because it allows them to be responded to all at once.


The way your OP was here, where the questions were put in succinct bullet points and all were asked at once, is my preference.

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