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Sorting for Auction House storage.


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Folks who are past level 50 spend most of their time collecting Sets Enh Recipes and without Sorting for Auction House storage, we spend most of the time transferring back and forth between Recipe List and Storage to “go around sorting” to see what we have to make a set.


 These would be nice:


- Sort (Recipes) by Name

- Sort by Set Types

- Sort by Rarity

- Sort by Archetypes/Powers



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Well, people don't seem to like my suggestions to solve a "it would be cool feature" that is an "annoyance" so here is my thought process


1. Game is Officially Dead ®©™

2. Resurrected (which is awesome)

3. By a complete Volunteer Team 

4. With personal lives

5. Requiring Donations to run it

6. Suggestions may or may not happen for a very long time


Next sections

1. Suggestions have merit, so long it isn't crazy and this isn't 

2.  /Ah is not long term storage, it is temporary

3. Use /ah as short term storage, purchase salvage with an insanely small option underneath the recipe for all required 

4. Take at minimum 30 minutes when you can every couple days

5. Build the enhancement on the Invention table you need want in  a SG base

6. Drop it in a storage table, which auto sorts  until you need it


Alternatively you can make the enhancement and drop it in the tray cause you got 70 slots but that is incredibly slow. Only need the tray for IO sets, anything else should be sold off.


I just see it as "annoyance" or "tedious" or "cumbersome" as a reason to use the quicker/easy method you can find now to solve a problem then wait fo something that may not happen because of the first set of six of reasons I gave.


And signature basically says why you will probably be pissed.  Lets see how many quoted text I get arguing against a suggestion to counter the one I gave.

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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I think you’re assuming I’m a newbie and you’re  underestimating my storage issue.  Also, I’m older so I’m not so easily pissed like the young folks.


Let me give you a little bit of background on myself:  

- I am a Vet level 124 so think:  I have a lot of level 50 toons to feed and a whole SG to upkeeps.  

- All my AH storage are 99% filled with duplicate recipes each, all my enh slots are 70% filled with incompleted purple crafted enh sets.

- Max Storage Items = 18 for any size SG Base. All 18 storage items are used and filled.  I literally have to delete an item before add.  Adding another storage item is not possible.


Reply to your comments:


1.  Nothing to comment

2.  I understand it’s a temp storage but it’s the only ‘portable’ large storage. Access it anywhere with /AH

3. SG base is full of any savages collected over the years, no need to purchase any savages, but even enh tables, savage racks are all filled.

4. Takes me about 1.5 hours (not 30 min) to transfer/sort Stored recipe every few hours (not every couple days).  Since AH storage is filled.

5.  Storage table is not an option either due to limited storage items of 18.

6. Same comment as #5.  Not an option.


I think the “annoyance” issue you mention is a personal mental issue, not technical one that can be solve on a suggestion forum for Dev. 🙂

Edited by dragonhqd2
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Seems to me your issue is the same as a lot of folks - you're still approaching crafting like you did on the live servers. Bucketing of salvage has completely eliminated any need to save salvage in your base. Just vendor the white/yellow and auction the orange. Then when you need it just buy it. You'll come out ahead influence-wise every time, even with ah fees. Similarly with bucketed enhancements and recipes there's no real need to hang onto recipes either. Just sell what sells well (weekends for best prices), craft what you want to boost or converts well and dump the rest. When it comes time to buy them you can just buy attuned for the same price you sell a regular for or if you want to boost just convert where needed.


Doing that frees you up to replace those full salvage racks with more enhancement storage in base. 

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I just assume the worst, I piss off people and don't even try. I treat all people equal, I think practical and provide wise ass advise.


My background:

-I had 5 50s on live I can recall, alt-itis like the plague.

- Played shortly after release until about I14

- Vet and Incarnates didin't exist, never had one

  • - Vet levels are a mental thing to keep the grind going, an example of the asian game style. NSOFT probably had the idea.  Also seen a few above 200 AND 300!
  • - Incarnates are a joke, meant to keep the numbers up until server shut down, so powerful the content is trivial yet the feeling is like rail road spiking a Skull at level 20
  • - Those are my opinions, as cool as an Incarnate looks.

- I don't know what you mean about SG upkeep as prestige doesn't exist unless you mean enhancement fitting

  • - You got multiple level 50s, you got 70 enhancement slots to drop in each of them in for what you want them to use, when not using them.  <-- That is my practical advice I am talking about.
  • - I started playing when it 10 slots, 60 more doesn't bother me much and I rarely fill more then 3.

- I have like 95 filled, 1/3 maybe duplicates. To lazy right now to do anything with them, anything else is vendored

- Max = 18?  Which is what item racks/tables?

  • -  I don't know as I have a small base since a 2x2 fits my needs. 800 enhancements total if used.  Room for 800 salvage as well (those are the total number I can put  IN the racks/tables)
  • - Enough storage for red salvage only, only thing I save. Rest destroyed, vendored, or sometimes sell in the AH.
  • Suggest to the Devs to increase it, shouldn't be hard since its not a huge game component, but I am not a programmer.


Replying replying 😄

1. Your suggestion is not way out left field, I have seen crazy ones

2.  We agree at least

3. That is the problem as you horde them, they are seeded about 10m total (not price) and dirt cheap! You are not really buying from players.

4. That is another problem, your hording a lot you don't need. Which is frustrating you.

5. Max storage I am assume is total of tables and racks together?  Thats 1800 enhancements + salvage? BUILD THEM! More enhancements then salvage now.

6.  Same as comment .


Naw, a suggestion is usually something to fix.  You are getting annoyed by sorting the AH every couple of hours 😖


Check this out when you got a recipe in the /AH


I forget about this and don't know if you saw it

1. Drop a recipe in AH

2. Hit that "Search for Salvage used in this recipe" below the bid

3. They all show, just click each one and make a bid

4. Get rid of all the whites and yellows you have been storing

5. Reduce any salvage racks, use them to save the red-orange

6. Increase the number of tables

7. Take the salvage in your AH you just bought, go to SG and make enhancement

8. Drop in your tables now.


If you got a lot of more common drops saved, that is the bottleneck to the problem. You can buy them dirt cheap at 250, 500, 1000! It is just the walking to each rack to find what you need that is another problem, you can get it from the ah and immediately pop into your base to build.

Edited by Outrider_01

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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1 hour ago, Outrider_01 said:

I just assume the worst, I piss off people and don't even try.

In other words, you do so deliberately and knowingly.  That's not a good look.

1 hour ago, Outrider_01 said:

I think practical and provide wise ass advise.

Once again, you miss the purpose of the Suggestions & Feedback forums.  People don't want your "advice".  We're here to discuss things that can be added to the game and the potential future for the game.  That's the whole purpose of this forum.

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2 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

If you got a lot of more common drops saved, that is the bottleneck to the problem. You can buy them dirt cheap at 250, 500, 1000! It is just the walking to each rack to find what you need that is another problem, you can get it from the ah and immediately pop into your base to build.

I usually craft in the RWZ, where there are convenient tables, a vendor and the base entrance (not so important with the macro, but handy if it ever disappears.)  Then I can just craft and list, vendor junk recipes and salvage, and throw everything else in the base when I'm done.

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21 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

In other words, you do so deliberately and knowingly.  That's not a good look.

No, its like this.


You: Grass is green and the sky is blue

Me: The sky is not  green and the grass is not blue.  Neither are orange or red and indigo or violet.  Grass doesn't change color, unless it dies.  The sky, tends to shift colors at sunset/sunrise to orange/red or blue violet with differing hues.  Yellow doesn't exist in this narrow choice of statements, unless you include animals colored yellow.

You: WTF?!?!?! That wasn't even part of what I said.  You are off topic.

Me: Sorry I didn't mean to piss you off, I thought of ROY G BIV. I did say it from the beginning you might get mad cause I ramble. 😢


I seen things from a very, very, very, very (keeps repeating very); WIDE perspective.  That is what pisses people off, I just don't say it clearly 😩

(At times I can be doing it on purpose though, just not most of the time) 😏

21 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

Once again, you miss the purpose of the Suggestions & Feedback forums.  People don't want your "advice".  We're here to discuss things that can be added to the game and the potential future for the game.  That's the whole purpose of this forum.

I know.  But did you think of the potential of the future of the game and what is required to run it right now?

You: ?????  What are you talking about? (I hope that is your response)

Me: A work around of your suggestion, I am just terrible at trying to get that across. This is what I am trying to saying, because of what I am suggested.

On 1/29/2020 at 9:38 PM, Outrider_01 said:

1. Game is Officially Dead®©™ 

2. Resurrected (which is awesome)

3. By a complete Volunteer Team,  (<---- not an entire PAID team who works on it)

4. With personal lives (<---- they might walk away, unable to continue, have real life things to deal with)

5. Requiring Donations to run it (<---- limited revenue to continue, server shuts down, to many people F2P it or the paying people might leave)

6. Suggestions may or may not happen for a very long time (<---- a very long time, you might stop playing by then)

I see the opposite, What potential is there with limited resources to work on it?  


I love that CoH/V is back, but at anytime in this incarnation it may shut down. And it is far easier then an actual NSOFT/Cryptic/Paragon Studios to just;  "Well, here is a valid XXXXX reason it has be turned off?".  I am not a "half full positive - half empty glass negative" person, its either "empty or full because of any reason".  I am an odd ball 😄


I just think you are working painfully hard at what you are doing. There is a work around all ready.  You come up with a suggestion, I think I can help you solve it quickly as possible (and fail miserably at doing it every time 😞 )


So I offer advice on how to solve some problems, piss people off that don't like it, and the cycle continues....I said that from the beginning, expecting a similar result.


I got to say though, you are a very civil person in response. 

Edited by Outrider_01

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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