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Cipher released some great data back in September relating to our power set distribution across all the AT's. It'd be great to see updated numbers so we can see how the data has changed in the last 5 months since Cipher released the last data set.

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It's very time consuming to produce unfortunately and we've got a lot on our plate right now. I know Cipher does want to do another one but it might not be for a while.

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23 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

It's very time consuming to produce unfortunately and we've got a lot on our plate right now. I know Cipher does want to do another one but it might not be for a while.

Ah if only there was a means to auto populate the data into Excel from whatever database tracks player's characters. I'm sure it would be a good tool on a development side to help hone in on perspective changes that may be desired for underplayed sets as far as balancing goes as digging through manually must surely be a ridiculous time sink, given everyone has jobs/lives away from this game.

22 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Ah if only there was a means to auto populate the data into Excel from whatever database tracks player's characters. I'm sure it would be a good tool on a development side to help hone in on perspective changes that may be desired for underplayed sets as far as balancing goes as digging through manually must surely be a ridiculous time sink, given everyone has jobs/lives away from this game.

I have a feeling the resulting spreadsheet would weigh about as much as the Sun.


What would be cool is if HC found a way to, once or twice a year, unleash a redacted Character DB and let US burn ourselves out querying and analyzing it.  I think it would be interesting to try and figure out what the "average build" is for a given power combination, or, see what the "average" slotting is for a given power, if they even keep that data in the CharacterDB.  

All I want to do is pop my 20mg, put on some El Ten Eleven, and farm drops with a ridiculously effective Fire/FF controller. Everything else is just frippery. 

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