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Not sure if this was intentional, a beta change on i24, or just a late iteration change that I wasn't around for, but the functionality of Rage's crash appears to have been changed.


The old, expected behavior: If you activate Rage a second time (get a second stack), at the end of the first rage, you get the damage reduction debuff but NOT the defense reduction debuff.

In practice now, both debuffs go off.


This is a fairly significant nerf if not intended.





Huh. I guess I missed that somewhere - I did look through the recent issue patch notes and didn't find anything, but maybe it didn't make it into the wiki.



Intended. Was a change made a few issues before then end.


It definitely wasn't a few issues before the end. I played a SS/FA brute a lot and never had the defense part of the crash in i23.



  • 2 weeks later

It wasn't- this was a "fix" made in i25 by Leandro.


The second stack removing the -def debuff was a bug that Paragon Studios never fixed.


Except now, with the -def not being able to be bypassed, the more global recharge you have, the more Rage is an active detriment to you ability to stay alive. Especially in high level content.


Doubly so with the new proliferated sets adding more defense-based sets to tankers and brutes, this really cripples builds.


I never understood this fear of Rage being overpowered, because at the point that you get to that level of power, you're in Incarnate/heavy IOs sets and everyone is a walking god at that point anyways. Also, SS being smashing damage, it needs all the damage boosts it can get.


This crash makes Rage pretty much unusable in any endgame content, as you can't be tanking multiple bosses and/or AVs, and suddenly have your Def crash. It's gotten to the point where Rage is really only usable when quickly trying to clear easy missions.


I feel like they should just remove the -def portion entirely. Especially with some of the other sets hitting like buses. (Rad and PSI melee have high modifiers and TW's build momentum is very strong)


The moments of -9990% damage/endurance drop is more than enough of a downside.


I agree, rage currently has far too much downside and defeats the whole purpose of the ability the higher your recharge rate is. Unlike a build up type power where it gets better with more recharge, rage gets actively worse the more its activated and crashes.


As SS is a smash damage primary that is heavily resisted, rage needs a serious rework, the juice aint worth the squeeze.

  • 3 weeks later

This definitely 100% needs fixed. Especially on builds that need to be able to avoid the damage in melee, Rage should definitely not have that -defense crash. I'd argue that the damage debuff is already far too much. It already has a high end crash, and it's on a set that has no aoe damage until tier 9 (which honesty they need to swap KB and FS respectively). For a set that also is only smashing damage, there is no way Rage should be the way it is now and should be returned to it's previous state, at the very least ditching the defense debuff crash.


This definitely 100% needs fixed. Especially on builds that need to be able to avoid the damage in melee, Rage should definitely not have that -defense crash. I'd argue that the damage debuff is already far too much. It already has a high end crash, and it's on a set that has no aoe damage until tier 9 (which honesty they need to swap KB and FS respectively). For a set that also is only smashing damage, there is no way Rage should be the way it is now and should be returned to it's previous state, at the very least ditching the defense debuff crash.


Already a much more involved post on this with Dev responses and everything.  It helps to keep them all in one place:




Jump on the bandwagon there...


GM’s can we lock this duplicate thread?

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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