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Please Use an Official Base for Official Events, Until Kallisti Wharf has been Fully Optimized

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I imagine this might not be the most popular suggestion, but . . . I really don't like what Kallisti Wharf does to my system.  I often have to reboot my clients after visiting the zone, and sometimes my whole computer.  There appears to be some kind of memory leak in the zone.


Since Bases are now public access, and even allow Praetorians under level 20 to visit them, I would like to encourage the Homecoming Team to consider using designated Group Bases for all future Costume Contests and similar events until the Kallisti Wharf Zone can be cleaned up.  

The other advantage of using a Base is that we could design something specifically FOR the specific events.  While the wide open space at the Wharf isn't bad for costume contests, imagine using a dedicated stage?  Or Bases which are themed for each contest, with props for players to make use of for increased creativity.


I'm aware that many players really like the Wharf, and they want to see it get used.  However, I also know I'm not the only one who has problems with that Zone's system requirements.  I would rather not have to choose between sitting out of the events, or having my computer fry an egg.


Thank you for your consideration.

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Kalisti Wharf reliably crashes my client on settings that no other zone in the game seems to have an issue with.  Particular problem spots are Statesman Plaza (which I can't even get to render properly (at lower settings), despite deleting and reinstalling the client) and the power station in the far corner (where the "new" TF sends you).  I've resigned myself to simply never going there for any reason.

Edited by Megajoule
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All newer zones seem fairly problematic. First Ward is bad, Night Ward is worse, Kallisti tops the charts when it comes to bad performance.

My computer handles 3 instances of CoH at 60 FPS on relatively high (custom) graphics just fine, and it's still easy to spot the difference in these zones. Loading times go from the usual 3-4 seconds on SSD to a solid 10+. Forgetting to run /maxinactivefps will sometimes freeze an instance for a few seconds.

Beyond performance reasons, I think it would be pretty cool to use the opportunity to highlight the fantastic work base builders are doing.

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I do not experience any issues in Kallisti Wharf personally.  I would love to design a base for this, however I am not sure if there is a limit to the amount of people that can be in one at any given time and I do know what more intricately designed bases with high object counts cause performance issues for people as well.

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Meanwhile, I’m running on the same Win7 machine I was running at shutdown (the registry even still remembered my default settings the first time it booted up).


The only difference is that the 64-bit client now lets me run the maximum settings like butter; whereas I had lagginess issues in 32-bit mode without turning the settings down to where I used to keep them.


I have zero issues with First/Night Ward and didn’t even realize there was an issue people were having with Kallisti Wharf until I read about it here.


Out of curiosity and to seek a pattern; are the people with issues there running the 64 or 32 bit clients? Because I suspect the issue might be that the 32-bit version just can’t handle the load while the 64-bit architecture allows more threads at a time and so can take it.

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