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  • Retired Community Rep

It's been suggested that I should post this here in our Indom section...


Yes, that's right, another transportation hub base free for public use - The Way Station! Basecode WAY-5039 - or /macro Way "enter_base_from_passcode Way-5039"


A derelict alien spaceship that's recently been discovered floating in deep space. The vessel has changed hands and is now a functioning transportation hub and base of operations.




Exploration IS encouraged!


Apart from this central hallway the ship has many other surprises in store.  Among them:

  • Aleph Point: The bridge of the ship
  • To the right of the base exit is Beth and Daleth points. Daleth takes you to the expansive docking bay complete with overhead space crane!




  • Beth Point has more to unpack. Highlights include a cave behind the gazebo entrance and special entrance under the library.



  • Be sure to take a swim – this is where things get more interesting. If you follow the flow of the water you should find the pipe network and the “hidden area.





A few more to come... 🙂


- EB

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    (\/)     Easter Bunny 
   ( . . )    Retired Community Rep  |  
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  • Retired Community Rep

The rest of these areas can be found if you have discovered the secret underwater entrance in Beth Point:

  • Hidden Area / Gimel Point: Not going to ruin the surprise of this location. But there are two exits from here. One that is obvious and takes you back up to the main hall. The other is for adventurous explorers only…


  • Bonus Room & Lamedh Point: Assuming you found the second exit you will land in the [Redacted]. I’m particularly proud of the aquarium in this room.




Thanks for playing along! Hope you had fun. And feedback is always welcome!

Please spread the word on Indomitable – The Way Station is open for business.


- EB

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    (\/)     Easter Bunny 
   ( . . )    Retired Community Rep  |  
Active Base Advocate

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