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Would it be possible to keep the general LFG channel, but also have one for LFG blue side, LFG red side, and LFG gold side?


I understand that at a certain point in a characters lifespan it doesn't matter where the LFG is, so the general channel still is needed. But especially in those early levels you have to wade through A LOT of confusing messages to find a team that works for you. "DFB LFM" - "Sorry, *RED* DFB LFM".


You can create global channels for specific group types.


Personally though I prefer to see all groups in the channel, I can always swap characters if I want to join a different team type.

Defender Smash!


I like the idea of having different LFG channels, but feel that it might be a bit unnecessary. My first instinct is to have one for Blue, one for Red, And one for Gold, with the default having all three running. But it feels cluttered enough with the number of possible channels available. Honestly, I’m on the fence. Not because I don’t think it’s interesting, but because I don’t know if it’s worth the time?

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