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P2W Vendor added merchandise

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    I have 2 suggested items to add to the P2W vendor:


   1) Just like you can limit what kinds of recipes and inspirations your character picks up, would be nice to be able to be able to refuse to pick up common salvage as a choice.


   2) Just like there are exp boosters, was thinking for a set of booster packs for those players that collect defeat badges. This is also a good way to drain some influence floating around the game as well. The concept is to have a x2 defeat credit multiplier at a cost of 2,000,000 influence. They way it would work, say you defeat a Hellion leader, your tally for the badge would increment by 2 only, there are no extra exp or influence benefit for this booster. Recommended booster packs:


       x2 Defeat Credit - 2,000,000 inf, last 30 min

       x3 Defeat Credit - 3,000,000 inf, last 30 min

       x4 Defeat Credit - 4,000,000 inf, last 30 min

       x5 Defeat Credit - 5,000,000 inf, last 30 min


Multiple booster packs can be acquired with their time clocks accumulating, just like the exp boosters, the stacking limit would 4.


What you all think?



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I would support the no salvage rule if and only if it were no salvage at all:  no white, yellow, or orange.  I understand that salvage is a pain, and that it is almost always better to buy it than to wait to pick it up through drops, but nonetheless CoH is a player-supplied economy.  If you want to opt out entirely, I'm ok with it.  If you only want to opt out of the cheap stuff, nah, you need to opt out entirely, imo.


As far as your second suggestion, I don't have much of an opinion.  I would love more influence sinks, but I rarely pursue defeat badges so I can't speak for the valuations.


I appreciate your ideas!

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Being honest, I'd really be against anything... "boosting" the way you earn badges, whether it's defeat credit, time somewhere or doing something, etc. It just feels really cheap and... "cheaty" for lack of a better word. If you're in a level range, you'll be making those badges as you play through content. If you're above the level range, defeating whatever they are will be fast anyway. They don't really need accelerators, and honestly I'd see it as cheapening the accomplishment for those that *did* do it normally.

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Actually I think this a brilliant idea that needs to be expanded in scope. I think every badge in the game should be able to be bought say at 10 mil inf each, when one ponders the total number of badges, thats a pretty big inf sink per character even if they only buy the ones related to accolade benefits.


In the end, its really just about freeing up people to play how they want to, and still be able to fully develop their character without being in content they find unfun.


I mean we are not one of those games that we have to go run 1 specific dungeon for 1 specific loot drop that we have to do over and over just because such time sinks are a must in MMO forum. At its core it is no different than the merit vendors supply peoples wants rather than being at the mercy of RNG.


Oh and obviously it would have something of a balance factor. since HC added merit rewards to getting all the badges for a zone, choosing to buy badges rather then go hunt them down would be an even greater cost. And they could vary the cost, say 1 mil for badges that are just badges, 10 mil for day job accolade badges, and 100 mil for badges connected to passive accolade boosts.

Edited by Bentley Berkeley
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3 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

In the end, its really just about freeing up people to play how they want to, and still be able to fully develop their character without being in content they find unfun.

You see, the "giving people freedom to play" argument can only go so far. It's awesome that this game permits so many routes to achieve and strengthen and reach 50, but there's a point where a route just objectively undermines the others. I'm sure there are people that would like to start the game at level 1 with incarnates and all their powers as well, or like a once-a-month AH discount. At the end of the day, games have confines and rules. Games are fun because of the sense of accomplishment, which comes from working within a set of confines because if you didn't you'd just be doing whatever you want and there's little fun in that. That's relevant here because we have established how you get the rewards in CoH...you play the game. It's simple. You can powerlevel to 50, we've probably all done it at least once, and then in exchange there are things you'll have to go back and do that you would've already gotten if you level traditionally. Accolades and badges are an accomplishment you just work for. This suggestion starts to teeter the trade-off...and the point.

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12 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

Actually I think this a brilliant idea that needs to be expanded in scope. I think every badge in the game should be able to be bought say at 10 mil inf each, when one ponders the total number of badges, thats a pretty big inf sink per character even if they only buy the ones related to accolade benefits.


In the end, its really just about freeing up people to play how they want to, and still be able to fully develop their character without being in content they find unfun.


I mean we are not one of those games that we have to go run 1 specific dungeon for 1 specific loot drop that we have to do over and over just because such time sinks are a must in MMO forum. At its core it is no different than the merit vendors supply peoples wants rather than being at the mercy of RNG.


Oh and obviously it would have something of a balance factor. since HC added merit rewards to getting all the badges for a zone, choosing to buy badges rather then go hunt them down would be an even greater cost. And they could vary the cost, say 1 mil for badges that are just badges, 10 mil for day job accolade badges, and 100 mil for badges connected to passive accolade boosts.



City of Heroes Class of 2001.

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11 hours ago, Monos King said:

You see, the "giving people freedom to play" argument can only go so far. It's awesome that this game permits so many routes to achieve and strengthen and reach 50, but there's a point where a route just objectively undermines the others. I'm sure there are people that would like to start the game at level 1 with incarnates and all their powers as well, or like a once-a-month AH discount. At the end of the day, games have confines and rules. Games are fun because of the sense of accomplishment, which comes from working within a set of confines because if you didn't you'd just be doing whatever you want and there's little fun in that. That's relevant here because we have established how you get the rewards in CoH...you play the game. It's simple. You can powerlevel to 50, we've probably all done it at least once, and then in exchange there are things you'll have to go back and do that you would've already gotten if you level traditionally. Accolades and badges are an accomplishment you just work for. This suggestion starts to teeter the trade-off...and the point.

Cant say you seem to make any real counter point and actually undermine your own by using a single simple word. Work! any game play loop that gets called work should likely be examined and at least alternate routes to the same rewards offered for those not interested in engaging that sort of content. I mean badges and the accolade powers are nice but no one can claim they are more balance altering or build defining then the rarest IO sets, and in most MMO and games in general the traditional work would include having to do such to get the BIS drops. Likewise we would still be having to pvp to aquire pvp io sets if the HC team felt as you did about truly balance impacting build enabling IO sets becoming as easy as grinding zone badges and casual story arcs for merits to negate RNG.


The game needs real inf sinks quite badly, and my above suggestion doesnt hurt game balance, offers players who dont like to spend play time searching for silly badges or reading up an outdated wiki on were they are. You cant honestly say the time it takes to earn inf especially for the more average players we see constantly struggle to amass the inf needed to make top tier builds in game are going to use such a system lightly, and players like us who have no trouble affording a billion inf build obviously need funnels for inf. I personally only bother with badges that give accolades, and dont find many much of a hassle to do, but its certainly not actually fun like it is to engage in active game play with my friends, and I badge hunt solo as to me thats the kind of boring arse activity it is that I would never want to ask a friend along and inflict that boredom on them. It would certainly slow down the rate at which I can kit out new alts if I then let my ocd kick in and I started fully badge buying for every alt, which under my proposed system would drain hundreds of millions of inf from the game per character.


I just find it damn silly anyone would think badges worse then PvP IOs being made easy access outside of pvping

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15 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

Actually I think this a brilliant idea that needs to be expanded in scope. I think every badge in the game should be able to be bought say at 10 mil inf each, when one ponders the total number of badges, thats a pretty big inf sink per character even if they only buy the ones related to accolade benefits.


In the end, its really just about freeing up people to play how they want to, and still be able to fully develop their character without being in content they find unfun.


I mean we are not one of those games that we have to go run 1 specific dungeon for 1 specific loot drop that we have to do over and over just because such time sinks are a must in MMO forum. At its core it is no different than the merit vendors supply peoples wants rather than being at the mercy of RNG.


Oh and obviously it would have something of a balance factor. since HC added merit rewards to getting all the badges for a zone, choosing to buy badges rather then go hunt them down would be an even greater cost. And they could vary the cost, say 1 mil for badges that are just badges, 10 mil for day job accolade badges, and 100 mil for badges connected to passive accolade boosts.

I'm sorry but do you understand how hard to get some of these badges actually are? Quite honestly things like Immortal are so hard to achieve for people (especially those who don't have the resources at hand to run more than one account at a time for several days) that I don't even think 1 billion influence is appropriate to "purchase" that badge. It also completely cheapens the experience of all the WORK I've had to do with my badger because some lazy "farmer broz!" brute decided "oh I wanna skip the really hard stuff and just be one of the cool badging kids!"

Edited by Zeraphia
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10 minutes ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

Cant say you seem to make any real counter point and actually undermine your own by using a single simple word. Work!

I don't believe I did, no. I think that if you want any chance of convincing anyone that something like this is acceptable, you'll have to examine the very real counter points I did make. Those namely being how the suggestion steers in the direction of undermining the current play-style trade off dynamic, and how the OPs second suggestion would set a harmful precedent as a result.


I can't even decipher what your trying to say in regards to bringing up the PvP IOs and such, but everyone here should be  ever open to being persuaded. You'll probably want to look at what we're actually complaining about first.

Edited by Monos King
necessary -> acceptable
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16 hours ago, Xanatos said:

All four +HP/+End accolades - 100m each


Still far too cheap.


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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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13 minutes ago, Troo said:


Still far too cheap.


Well you can get them in 3.5 hours. Which is around 315m inf farming.


So 400mil for the lot would work out more expensive.

Edited by Xanatos

City of Heroes Class of 2001.

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1 hour ago, Xanatos said:

Well you can get them in 3.5 hours. Which is around 315m inf at the top end.


So 400mil for the lot would work out more expensive.

does that include the AFK time?


If someone wanted to BUY them the equation could be closer to:

(the intended amount of time to earn them during regular play)  x  (current top end earning)  = A lot more


Edited by Troo

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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29 minutes ago, Xanatos said:


Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member, + Portal Jockey + Atlas Medallion + Invader = No AFK time

Ah, I see. For villains this requires: Pay off 200,000 debt & Endure 1,000,000 damage


Regardless, I still think 3.5 hours is pretty speedy for a typical player.


Honestly, if it only takes you 3.5 hours then what are we talking about here? This may be the root that needs to be addressed.


The 30-ish badges include highlights like:

  • Defeating Anti-Matter, Battle Maiden, Black Swan, Bobcat, Chimera, Diabolique, Dominatrix, Infernal, Malaise, Marauder, Mother Mayhem, Neuron, Nightstar and Siege
  • Defeat 100 each Freakshow Tanks, Fake Nemesis, Clockwork Gears
  • Defeat 200 each Council War Wolves & Council Vampyri
  • 9 Mayhem missions
  • Plus various missions, explorations, etc.
  • Confused 1

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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29 minutes ago, Monos King said:

If we're talking about P2W vendor additions, can I get a Malta Kronos Titan pet for 10bill? Just one. 

I strongly support putting in an option to purchase this for 10 billion.

While we are at it, make ALL the accolades available for a 1 time purchase of 2,000,000,001 influence.

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1 minute ago, Troo said:

Honestly, if it only takes you 3.5 hours then what are we talking about here? This may be the root that needs to be addressed.


The 30-ish badges include highlights like:

  • Defeating Anti-Matter, Battle Maiden, Black Swan, Bobcat, Chimera, Diabolique, Dominatrix, Infernal, Malaise, Marauder, Mother Mayhem, Neuron, Nightstar and Siege
  • Defeat 100 each Freakshow Tanks, Fake Nemesis, Clockwork Gears
  • Defeat 200 each Council War Wolves & Council Vampyri
  • 9 Mayhem missions
  • Plus various missions, explorations, etc.
  • The whole first set can be knocked out in 2 arcs...fight them all as EBs if you want.
  • Fake Nemesis is the hardest of these kills, and even they aren't hard if you use Heldenjaeger's arc.
  • Wolves/Vampyri first 2 missions of moonfire
  • Mayhem Missions are easy as long as you have access to someone that can get all the mayhem missions.

3.5 hours sounds about right if that is your primary/only focus.

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10 minutes ago, Troo said:


Ah, I see. For villains this requires: Pay off 200,000 debt & Endure 1,000,000 damage


Regardless, I still think 3.5 hours is pretty speedy for a typical player.


Honestly, if it only takes you 3.5 hours then what are we talking about here? This may be the root that needs to be addressed.


The 30-ish badges include highlights like:

  • Defeating Anti-Matter, Battle Maiden, Black Swan, Bobcat, Chimera, Diabolique, Dominatrix, Infernal, Malaise, Marauder, Mother Mayhem, Neuron, Nightstar and Siege
  • Defeat 100 each Freakshow Tanks, Fake Nemesis, Clockwork Gears
  • Defeat 200 each Council War Wolves & Council Vampyri
  • 9 Mayhem missions
  • Plus various missions, explorations, etc.


Villains can switch to blueside instantly via null the gull to avoid the AFK badges. So the AFK badges are an irrelevant concern when it comes to pricing accolades in P2W.


Whether it should/should not take 3.5 hours is also irrelevant. Currently it does. So price match to that.

City of Heroes Class of 2001.

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1 minute ago, Xanatos said:

Villains can switch to blueside instantly via null the gull to avoid the AFK badges. So the AFK badges are an irrelevant concern when it comes to pricing accolades in P2W.


Whether it should/should not take 3.5 hours is also irrelevant. Currently it does. So price match to that.

Do you hate playing the game?

Less than 1 hour per accolade and you'd rather pay.. okay, well it's gonna cost more than what you want to pay.

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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18 minutes ago, Eclipse. said:
  • The whole first set can be knocked out in 2 arcs...fight them all as EBs if you want.
  • Fake Nemesis is the hardest of these kills, and even they aren't hard if you use Heldenjaeger's arc.
  • Wolves/Vampyri first 2 missions of moonfire
  • Mayhem Missions are easy as long as you have access to someone that can get all the mayhem missions.

3.5 hours sounds about right if that is your primary/only focus.

Yep I get that.

As experienced players, someone might learn shortcuts or an ideal method to earn badges required.

The quickest possible path is the ideal after doing it a number of times BUT that is not the variable to use when determining cost to skip it. Cost to skip it should be more.

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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4 minutes ago, Troo said:

Do you hate playing the game?

Less than 1 hour per accolade and you'd rather pay.. okay, well it's gonna cost more than what you want to pay.


Eh? I love playing the game. What a weird comment to make.


And my original suggestion already priced them higher. (400mil at the P2W vs the 315mil worth).

City of Heroes Class of 2001.

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I would also suggest to add to the P2W vendor the ability to rez a player, at this time there is a nice self rez.


With regards to the all or nothing thoughts for salvage, and the economy premise. I really can't buy it, I spend more influence trying to sell the trash common salvage than what I get out of it, folks like to buy them cheaper than a vendor would pay for them, which is very little.


Lately I sell all whites and yellows to vendors, if I don't have time, I find that deleting stacks is very time effective. So what I seek, is simply a way to pick what I put in my storage bags, in real life I do not take the time to pick up pennies or nickels I see in a parking lot grounds, a quarter would make me pause.


I do not know, nor care if devs seeds the AH or not, it does not matter. If a crafter wants mats, you know what? They can go an earn them too! What a concept, play the game, how bout that? So I don't get where you all come with the concept that I am responsible to provision crafters with common salvage, which has no economic profit from my end.


I can understand the feelings of some folks where they did it the hard way, so thus, all others must do it the hard way too, but because I can see it, does not mean I buy the sentiment. If the sentiment really, really holds water, then things like DFB needs to go bye, bye, because folks go from level 1 to 10 in no time, and oh my God, they skipped the content! That cheapened my accomplishment of leveling my character by doing the threads! The incarnate system needs to go poof! and the samples of this sentiment are endless. So the devs and homecoming servers folks must have a different vision on player enjoyment, which I applaud them from leaving the time sink mentality of the average RPG.


I obviously suggested the kill booster, because I have bunches of alts, and because of my OCD, I want them all to have the same achievement, accolades, and overall capability. So I must tell you after your 2,000 Tsoo sorcerer killed and knowing you got 3,000 more to go, that is not fun, the game became boring, tedious, work; and reasonably I sought a logical release.


Many of my suggestions, is to free me from the tedium and leave more time for me to help others enjoy the game, I try to lead TFs and such as often as possible to teach and show others how to, and to have fun with them, is it really that awful of me to ask for a little relief on the tedious parts of the game?


There are many ways the game i splayed and enjoyed, there is no one way fits all



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