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no red love


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On 11/24/2020 at 3:12 PM, UltraAlt said:

the percentage of players that bought CoV and did not buy CoH (or already own COH) was very small.

I'm a single data point, but I was one of these players. My friends were CoH players from launch who all converted en masse to CoV at the release of Issue 8. I played a 14-day CoH free trial, promptly took out a sub to CoV only, and played red exclusively until both sides of the game unlocked for the cost of the single sub in ... issue 12 I think. By then all my mains were red ATs.


Nowadays I have a mix of all 4 alignments in my roster with a slant towards rogues.


Personally, I love the sense of dark humour that suffuses the Rogue Isles from day 1. Paragon City can be a stuffy, straightlaced sort of place. Do a DfB for each side and tell me that Arbiter Sands' snark isn't infinitely more amusing than Positron taking himself so very seriously, or that blowing up scenery in a Mayhem isn't just hilariously petty compared to a boring Safeguard.

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