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Staff AS delay?


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Is this a problem with all weapon primaries with redraw? If I don't have my staff "out" already, there's a slight delay between the AS activating and damage being applied where stealth is dropped and the target gets a chance to fire back. Even if it's a one-shot kill with the AS, they can still get a return hit in.

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32 minutes ago, THEDarkTyger said:

Is this a problem with all weapon primaries with redraw? If I don't have my staff "out" already, there's a slight delay between the AS activating and damage being applied where stealth is dropped and the target gets a chance to fire back. Even if it's a one-shot kill with the AS, they can still get a return hit in.


Specific to staff. Staff doesn't have a no redraw option and this issue specifically has been document.


Other sets have the no redraw option in power customization, or in the case of Katana (and I assume Ninja blade?) where they made it irrelevant and it has redraw if you are not in range of attacking, but no redraw if you are. I believe the plan is to eventually convert all sets to the Katana system.

The Alphabet Bunnies
Currently Building: Dark/Fire Tanker, Merc/Time MM

50 Bunnies: Alpha Bunny (Il/Rad Controller) Beta-Bunny (FF/BR Defender) Gamma-Bunny (Seismic/Stone Sent) Epsilon Bunny (Spines/Invul Scrapper) Theta Bunny (Willpower/Axe Tanker) Zeta Bunny (DB/EnA Stalker) Lambda Bunny (Bio/SvgM Tanker) Xi Bunny (Stone/Stone Stalker) Sigma Bunny (SR/KM Tanker) Upsilon Bunny (Shield/DM Tanker) Chi Bunny (Fire Farmer Brute) Omega Bunny (Claws/Ninja Scrapper) F - araday Bunny (Elec/Elec Defender)
50 Non-Bunnies: Darboux (Crab Spider) Invisible Icicle (Ice/Bio Stalker) Cooling-Tower (Rad/Ice Tanker) Ferrouscious Feline (Invul/WM Tanker) Bill the Yeti (SavM/Ice Stalker) Sally Salamander (Fire/MA Tanker) Blade Azure (Kat/EnA Scrapper) 


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It's aesthetically annoying but I don't know that there's an actual delay between activation and damage application or if it's just an animation goof.  Haven't timed it.  If I think about it, I usually try to draw the staff by hitting AS early, before I reach the enemy, if I plan to AS from Hide.


I did notice yesterday my rad melee stalker was sometimes not properly animating AS either and there's not even a weapon involved in that case.  Not sure what's up.  When it happened, I'd just stand there with glowing green fists until the hit landed.  Can't say I noticed that before, but it's been awhile since I've played that one.

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