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Last mission in Who Will Die bugged


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  • Retired Community Rep

I've done this mission before, and recently, but this time, in the last mission (set on the moon) when Yin has set up her protective bubble to protect you against the Apocalypse beam, it afforded zero protection! Even Yin died, although, to be fair, I don't know whether that was the Apocalypse beam, the mobs that we couldn't deal with because of the defeats, that had surrounded us, or a combination of the two; I just know that Yin has never died on me in that mission before. In fact, the last time I did this mission before this, we could safely ignore the apocalypse beam to a degree; heals and Barrier were enough. Not this time. I was playing a plant/nature affinity controller, and I could not keep up enough heal to stay alive. The rest of the team (Stalker, Tank, Blaster) struggled (blaster died also, but not as much as I did, because I can heal the blaster faster than I can heal myself), but did not experience the frustrating number of dirt naps that I did. I put in a support ticket, they told me to post it here.

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I’ve had this happen to me in that WWD too. Sometimes I’ve even see it be intermittent inside of one mission, sometimes protecting, sometimes not. This is not because of entering the bubble too late. I spent an entire cycle in the bubble just to test that. 

Unfortunately it’s a hard thing to test because it can kill even a well equipped tank, and the window in between each blast is so small you can’t realistically use an awaken, shake off the stun, and move onto your next idea before it fires again. 

Edited by Katharos
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26 minutes ago, Katharos said:
29 minutes ago, Captain Powerhouse said:
On 3/16/2021 at 4:10 PM, Katharos said:

why isn't sentinel bioarmour's athletic regulation getting a look?

Oversight, it will be addressed in the next build.

Oh no. Oh god. What have I done? 

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