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Back at it again with another crack at a story arc. This one is more story driven than my last arc. It's an "origin" story about my main scrapper.


Now, I'm not a spectacular writer by any means, so I'm not expecting to win any awards for the writing, but I'm open to criticism. What has me more worried is the functionality of the whole thing. I don't know a whole lot about the AE system, and I struggled to get some things to place themselves correctly.


The lvl range is 15-20. I took a lvl 30 brute EX'd down with a few IOs through it at +1x3 with no problems, but any toon should be able to do this arc with minimal frustration. You know, unless you have trouble with lvl 20 CoT.


If you take the time to play, feel free to send me feedback of any kind. Thanks.

Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

AE Arcs:  Big Magic Blowout! 41612 | The Meta-Human Wrestling Association 44683 | MHWA Part 2 48577

Click to look at my pets!


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