Dan Petro Posted June 3, 2019 Posted June 3, 2019 (edited) This isn't so much for subjective things like changing the way mez works or getting DR. Just current bugs and outliers in the game. Today's edition - Mez Durations Blaster / Secondary Atomic Manipulation - Electron Shackles base 2.38 seconds should be 2.0 Positron Cell Base 4.77 Seconds, should be 2.0. Temporal - Time Wall 2.4 Second Immob, should be 2.0 Aging Touch - 2.4 Second hold, should be 2.0 Blaster epic pools (For some reason hero epics have longer duration than villain epics on many of their mez effects) Cold Mastery - Flash Freeze 2.4 second sleep, should be 2.0 Electrical Mastery - Shocking bolt 2.38 seconds, should be 2.0 EM Pulse - 2.38 seconds, should be 2.0 Fire Mastery - Char 2.38 seconds, should be 2.0 Munitions Mastery - Sleep grenade 2.38 seconds, should be 2.0 Controller Primary Darkness Control - Dark Grasp 7.45 seconds should be 4.0 Earth Control - Salt Crystals 7.5 seconds, should be 4.0 Electric Control - Static Field 4.25 seconds, should be 4.0 Controller Secondary Darkness affinity - Black Hole 0.6 Seconds, should be 8 seconds (in line with two other cage powers maybe slightly less as it is an aoe?) Storm Summoning - Gale KB mag can self stack on server tics allowing for much higher than intended KB mag. *EDIT* Mallex brought this to my attention, but it seems what the real issue is here is that there is a PvE flag missing from gale and that one is not suppressing so you are getting double the intended mag. Time Manipulation - Time stop 3.73 seconds, should be 4.0. This could be a result of the interaction with time crawl though that I believe increases hold duration. Controller Epics Fire Mastery Rise of the Phoenix - 2.0 Seconds should be 4.0. Stone Mastery - Seismic Smash 7.45 seconds, should be 4.0 Defender Primary Poison - Paralytic Poison 4 seconds, should be 2.0 Storm Summoning - Gale - KB can self stack on server tics allowing for greater than intended magnitude. Temporal Manipulation - Time stop 2.98 seconds, should be 2.0 Defender Secondary Assault Rifle - Beanbag 0.3 seconds, should be 2.0 Defender Epic Dark mastery - Soul Transfer 3 second stun, 4 second Immob - should be 2.0 and 2.0. Electric Mastery - Electric Fence 2.98 sec immob, should be 2.0 seconds Scrapper Primary Dark Melee - Midnight Grasp 2.4 Second Immob, should be 2.0 Electric Melee - Many attacks here have a 0.3 second chance to sleep on them. Possibly intended for the short duration, though Kinetic Melee has several low tier attacks that act similar with the full 2.0 second stun duration. Lightning Clap - 0.3 Second Stun, should be 2.0 Seconds Thunder Strike - 0.3 Second stun, should be 2.0 seconds Martial Arts - Thunder Kick 2.38 second stun, should be 2.0 Cobra Strike, 2.38 should be 2.0 Crippling Axe Kick 2.4 sec immob, should be 2.0 Eagles Claw - 2.4 sec stun, should be 2.0 Spines - Impale 2.4 sec immob, should be 2.0 Warmace Whirling Mace - 5.0 second stun, should be 2.0 *note* for street justice, see the same values as Tanker Secondaries below, missed this one somehow. Scrapper Secondary Dark Armor Soul Transfer 2.4 second stun, 4 second immob. Should be 2/2 Oppressive Gloom, 2.4 sec stun, should be 2.0 Scrapper Epics Weapon Mastery / Web Grenade 2.4 second immob should be 2.0 Tanker Primary Dark Armor - Oppressive Gloom 2.4 sec stun, should be 2.0 Soul Transfer 2.4 second stun, should be 2.0 Tanker Secondary Electric Melee Lightning Clap 0.3 Second stun, should be 2.0 seconds Thunder Strike 0.3 second stun, should be 2.0 seconds Energy Melee - Barrage 2.4 second stun, should be 2.0 seconds. Martial arts : Thunder Kick 2.4 sec, should be 2.0 Cobra Strike 2.4 seconds, should be 2.0 Crippling Axe Kick 2.4 sec, should be 2.0 Eagles Claw 2.4 Sec, should be 2.0 Psionic Melee Greater Psi Blade 0.3 sec hold, should be 2.0 Spines Impale 2.4 second hold, should be 2.0 Street Justice - Initial Strike 2.4 Sec stun, should be 2.0 Sweeping cross - 2.4 sec stun, should be 2.0 Crushing uppercut 2.4 Second hold/stun should be 2.0 Warmace Whirling Mace 5.0 seconds stun, should be 2.0 Tanker Epics Arctic Mastery Chilblain 2.4 Second Immob, should be 2.0 Earth Mastery Stone Prison, 2.4 sec, should be 2.0 Salt Crystals 2.4 Sec sleep, should be 2.0 Pyre Mastery Ring of Fire 2.4 second immob, should be 2.0 WARSHADES Inky Aspect - 8.05 second stun!?!?@! Should be 2.0 seconds Brute Primaries Not bugged, but Electric Melee actually has proper duration here as a point of reference if you have made it this far. Energy Melee - Bone Smasher 6 second stun, should be 2.0 Seconds Martial Arts - See Scrappers/Tanks Same 2.4 vs. 2.0 on the same powers. Spines Impale 4.8 second immob?! Should be 2.0 Street Justice - See Tanker and Scrapper Values, same issues. Brute Epics Arctic Mastery Chilblain 2.4 Sec Immob, should be 2.0 Earth Mastery Stone Prison / Salt Crystals 2.4 sec mez, should be 2.0 Pyre Mastery Ring of Fire 2.4 sec, should be 2.0 Corruptor Primary Archery Stunning shot 4 second Stun, should be 2.0 (Defender version is 2.0 also) Beam Rifle - Lancer shot 4 second stun, should be 2.0 Psychic Blast Will Domination 4 second sleep, should be 2.0 seconds Scramble Thoughts 4 Seconds stun, should be 2.0 seconds Corruptor Secondary Dark Miasma Petrifying Gaze 2.4 Seconds, should be 2.0 Radiation Emission Choking Cloud - 4.8 second hold, should be 2.0 Time Manipulation Time Stop 4.8 Second hold, should be 2.0 Trick Arrow EMP Arrow 0 second hold, should be 2.0 Corruptor Epics Dark Mastery Soul Transfer 2.4 second stun, should be 2.0 sec Electricity Mastery Electric Fence, 2.4 sec immob, should be 2.0 Dominator Primary Dark Control Dark Grasp - 5.96 hold, should be 4.0 seconds. Earth Control - Volcanic Gasses 2.0 second hold, should be 4.0 Dominator Secondary Dark Assault Midnight Grasp 2.0 Second Immob, should be 4.0 Earth Assault Mud Pots - 2.23 second Immob, should be 4.0? Radioactive Assault Atom Smasher 2.0 Second stun, should be 4.0 Devastating Blow 2.0 Second Stun, should be 4.0 Dominator Epic Primal Forces Mastery Energy Transfer 2 Second stun, should be 4.0? Mastermind Secondary Storm Summoning, Lightning Clap 2.98 seconds should be 2.0 Time Manipulation, Time stop 4.8 seconds, should be 2.0 Mastermind Epics Chill Mastery Flash Freeze 2.4 Second Sleep, should be 2.0 Field Mastery - Explosive blast 4 second stun, should be 2.0 Stalker Primary Note here, Martial arts here uses the proper 2.0 duration on attacks. Same with Spines/Impale. Street Justice - Initial strike 2.4 Second stun, should be 2.0 Sweeping Cross 2.4 second stun, should be 2.0 Stalker Secondary Dark Armor Soul Transfer 2.4 second stun, should be 2.0 Stalker Epics Blaze Mastery Ring of Fire 2.4 Second Immob, should be 2.0 Weapon Mastery, Web Grenade 2.4 Second Immob, should be 2.0 Banespider Primary Bash 6.705 second stun, should be 2.0. Pulverize 6.705 second stun, should be 2.0 *edit to add Sentinels* Didn't have complete CoD stuff here so might be a few things missing. Sentinels Primary Beam Rifle Lancer shot 4.0 second stun, should be 2 seconds. Overcharge 4.0 second stun, should be 2 seconds Dark Blast Abyssal Gaze 2.4 second hold, should be 2.0 seconds Fire - Blazing Blast 0.6 second hold? Should be 2.0 seconds maybe? Sentinel Secondary Dark Armor Soul Transfer 2.4 second stun, should be 2.0 Sentinel Epics Dark Mastery - Netherworld Tentacles 4 second immob, should be 2.0 seconds Netherworld Grasp 4.8 second hold, should be 2.0 seconds Electric Mastery Chain Fences, 4.0 second immob, should be 2.0 seconds Mace Mastery - Pulverize 6.0 second stun, should be 2.0 Moo Mastery - Thunder strike 4.0 second stun, should be 2.0 Psionic Mastery - Mass Hypnosis 4.0 second sleep, should be 2.0 Dominate - 4.0 second hold, should be 2.0 Psychic Shockwave - 4.0 Second stun, should be 2.0 Edited August 20, 2019 by Dan Petro 1
Retired Community Rep CR Banana Man Posted June 4, 2019 Retired Community Rep Posted June 4, 2019 Post bugs in here, and then Dan Petro (praise be upon him) can update them in the first post.
barrier Posted June 18, 2019 Posted June 18, 2019 Time Stop, the Temporal Manipulation for Blaster's hold, is supposed to cast -heal on a crawled target. It does not do so in PVP.
Dan Petro Posted June 22, 2019 Author Posted June 22, 2019 Self: UnresistibleNo Buffs+14.3% Dmg(All Types) for 9.67s Target: PvE9.536s Held (mag 3) PvPSuppression2.384s Held (mag 3) PvEFloating Text4.768s Held (mag 1) If target.ownPower?(Time_Crawl_Debuff) PvPFloating TextSuppression1.192s Held (mag 1) If target.ownPower?(Time_Crawl_Debuff) PvEStacking-29.8% Str(Heal) for 20s PvENo BuffsStacking-50% Regeneration for 20s PvPNo BuffsStacking-400% Regeneration for 20s My best guess on that one was the -heal was transferred into a -regen bonus instead. Personally, I think it'd be insane to give a blaster stronger than corruptor poison values for -healing. But then again, blasters also have a better version of trick arrow than defenders/corrs atm as well. So who knows.
slickadelaphante Posted June 25, 2019 Posted June 25, 2019 WOW! i can't believe this game has this many bugs, hopefully the homecoming team really jumps on this.
Developer Captain Powerhouse Posted June 25, 2019 Developer Posted June 25, 2019 PvP rules are the most proliferous source of bugs in power data. BTW thanks for compiling this, may take a bit to get it all fixed up, but its not being ignored, just need some internal stuff taken care before another power patch can be queued up. Keep up the good work!
Banana Man Posted June 25, 2019 Posted June 25, 2019 -Fiery embrace on scrappers (and probably everything save maybe dominators) does NOTHING at all in pvp. -Warshade version of phase shift doesn't seem to actually phase you, PB version may be doing the same thing. -Defender EF is only doing 30% -resist in PvP instead of the -40% it should be doing
EiricEPadraig Posted June 26, 2019 Posted June 26, 2019 This is more Zone Related that stat bugs, but the Contact in Bloody Bay is not issuing the Patrol, Buff, or Debuff Missions either. I checked again today. She's still being obstinate. Project Manager, Haphazard Projects Founder of the L.A.U.G.H. SG "If you don't laugh at yourself, someone else will laugh at you first!"
Banana Man Posted July 6, 2019 Posted July 6, 2019 Warshade: essence drain: doesn't have a pvp value for damage. It does 47 damage instead of following the PvP damage formula, which would presumably make it much higher.
M3z Posted July 14, 2019 Posted July 14, 2019 Appreciate these bugs being addressed :) Youtube | Twitch | PvP Council Indomitable
Hazard- Posted July 14, 2019 Posted July 14, 2019 On 7/14/2019 at 4:52 AM, M3z said: Appreciate these bugs being addressed :)
hp Posted July 14, 2019 Posted July 14, 2019 What's the progress looking like on getting these bugs taken care of ??
hp Posted July 14, 2019 Posted July 14, 2019 Also there's some bugs with the arena terminals in general as well. You cannot view match results from completed matches. We tried to run a 12v12 match this evening and it wouldn't allow us to start the match.
PixelPower Posted July 28, 2019 Posted July 28, 2019 On 6/3/2019 at 8:42 PM, Dan Petro said: Controller Primary Darkness Control - Dark Grasp 7.45 seconds should be 4.0 Defender Primary Poison - Paralytic Poison 4 seconds, should be 2.0 Dominator Primary Dark Control Dark Grasp - 5.96 hold, should be 4.0 seconds. Expand These in particular are not very fun. Thank you for taking time to address these bugs.
barrier Posted July 29, 2019 Posted July 29, 2019 In full agreement with Pixel on the Dark Holds. Fix them so I can use my dom in PVP again without: a) being called an a-hole b) driving away new pvpers that will just say "bah, pvp is broken. not for me!".
Dan Petro Posted July 30, 2019 Author Posted July 30, 2019 On 6/25/2019 at 3:04 AM, Captain Powerhouse said: PvP rules are the most proliferous source of bugs in power data. BTW thanks for compiling this, may take a bit to get it all fixed up, but its not being ignored, just need some internal stuff taken care before another power patch can be queued up. Keep up the good work! Expand Thanks for the feed back on it. I figured it would take some time with the volunteer staff, but appreciate that it is at least on people's minds.
macskull Posted August 19, 2019 Posted August 19, 2019 Mez procs as follows: Energy Manipulator (stun) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 Unspeakable Terror (stun) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 Lockdown (hold) - 6 sec, should be 2 Debilitative Action (stun) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 Gravitational Anchor (hold) - 6 sec, should be 2 Pounding Slugfest (stun) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 Devastation (hold) - 6 sec, should be 2 Executioner's Contract (stun) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 Razzle Dazzle (immobilize) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 It seems like the only mez proc that is the correct duration is the Triumphant Insult (stun) proc. "If you can read this, I've failed as a developer." -- Caretaker Proc information and chance calculator spreadsheet (last updated 15APR24) Player numbers graph (updated every 15 minutes) Graph readme (now with Victory support!) @macskull/@Not Mac | Twitch | Youtube
Dan Petro Posted August 20, 2019 Author Posted August 20, 2019 Just for perspective on these mez procs, 5.3 - 6.0 second mez effects essentially allows you to gain most of the benefits of the CC classes (Dominators / Controllers) with upwards of a 90% proc rate on pretty much any other AT out there for one slot worth of investment. 4 second base mez effects - with just an alpha that boosts the mez effect = 5.32 seconds. 4 second base mez effects with a single mez IO = 5.7 seconds. The logic becomes, why run a controller or dominator when you can just slot 1 of these in a blaster attack and get all the CC you need from just 1 slot instead of bringing another AT to set up mez spikes.
Developer Captain Powerhouse Posted August 20, 2019 Developer Posted August 20, 2019 Noted, as soon as the window for bug fixes opens up, this thread is going to have top priority. I'm sorry it's not done yet, some tool chain work just needed to happen before we get there. 1
Dan Petro Posted August 20, 2019 Author Posted August 20, 2019 On 8/20/2019 at 1:35 AM, Captain Powerhouse said: Noted, as soon as the window for bug fixes opens up, this thread is going to have top priority. I'm sorry it's not done yet, some tool chain work just needed to happen before we get there. Expand I won't speak for everyone, but I think many of us are just happy to have eyes on it. We do our best to adapt to what is out there, occasionally banning certain powers from competitive type environments but in zone PVP you definitely tend to see the dark characters out in force.
Dan Petro Posted August 20, 2019 Author Posted August 20, 2019 *Edited the original post* Mallex pointed out that Controller gale seems to be missing a PvE flag on the two instances of its KB powers, and those aren't triggering KB suppression, allowing you to stack the magnitude with the PvP flagged ones. (I hope I got that right, but yeah PvE flags).
macskull Posted August 29, 2019 Posted August 29, 2019 It's not a bug, per se, but now that heal decay no longer exists in zones and is off by default in the arena (i.e. it's essentially nonexistent now), it may be worth revisiting the disparity between PvE and PvP parameters for powers that give heal over time in PvE but +regen in PvP. Big examples here are the Panacea proc and some of the Nature Affinity buffs. "If you can read this, I've failed as a developer." -- Caretaker Proc information and chance calculator spreadsheet (last updated 15APR24) Player numbers graph (updated every 15 minutes) Graph readme (now with Victory support!) @macskull/@Not Mac | Twitch | Youtube
macskull Posted August 29, 2019 Posted August 29, 2019 Also a couple more mez-related bugs: Corruptor/Psi Blast/Subdue - 4.0 sec immobilize, should be 2 Corruptor/Force Field/Detention Field - 8.0 sec immobilize/phase, should be 4 "If you can read this, I've failed as a developer." -- Caretaker Proc information and chance calculator spreadsheet (last updated 15APR24) Player numbers graph (updated every 15 minutes) Graph readme (now with Victory support!) @macskull/@Not Mac | Twitch | Youtube
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