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In the bind file its shown that you can use ctrl+number, shift+number, and alt+number but what about combining other keys like that? For example `+1 or 1+2


I'm trying to make my 'oh crap' powers a little easier to activate than hunting for the cursor and clicking them while hoping I got to them before the moment failed lol

Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)


You can't combine 1+2 for example, but even if you could the bind system could only do 1 power.


As you pointed out you can combine with shift, control, alt.


You can make a rolling bind that each time you press it it loads a new file and does that. I've done that with taunt before using 300 custom taunts I wrote once to give it more or less spiderman quips. So you could make a bind that loads a bindfile in a sequence that you have to press 1 key multiple times to active say 3 different powers.


See: http://www.shenanigunner.com/ for reference.


My initial idea was to use a rolling bind or a press/release bind but then I added the bind and realized I didnt really want to stack Demonic and a T9 I just wanted to use whichever one was availible at the time with Demonic being first choice. I honestly figured that if Demonic was on cooldown a simple bind would just skip that and activate the next power, but that doesn't seem to be the case so far.

A roling bind wouldn't default back to Demonic it would just fire up the next power in the rolling bind as opposed to resetting itself if the first prefered power was recharged. I tried to use <` "powexec_name Power Surge$$powexec_toggleon Demonic"> to see if that would let it skip one if it was recharging but it tries to activate Demonic every time unless I double tap the key when both are recharged. I may try to swap the commands later to test the results ingame unless I find a better solution.

Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)


I don't know if you do this already, but you can also use mousechord, with is both mouse buttons pressed at the same time, as well as mbutton, which is typically a press of the mouse wheel itself.


I use the mouse for movement so mousechord is already in use.

I know back on live I had something bound to the wheel button but I got rid of it for some reason, I kind of have a feeling that I was rolling it instead of pressing it lol There are two buttons behind (below maybe, depends on how you look at it lol) the wheel that I wish i could use but I can't seem to get my knuckles to be that accurate... lol or bend that direction

Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)

41 minutes ago, LKN-351 said:

I had something bound to the wheel button but I got rid of it

The middle mouse button is tied to being able to freely rotate around your character, so maybe that...


Ah, meant to jump on this when I got to my desk this morning, but forgot. I see the support team has already jumped in.



  1. Yep, you can use the shift keys with pretty much every key on the board. You're not limited to the number buttons. You might want to see my overall substitute bind file (GABB) for examples if not inspiration.
  2. (If I am reading part of your question right) No, you can't use multiple shift keys. That is, Ctrl-Alt-M won't work write. It actually does bizarre things, reading the press of the two shift keys as a keypress, but not consistently. So it's any key and any key with any of the shift keys, but no more. ~400 keys will just have to do it.
  3. Rolling binds and the press/release binds open up all kinds of possibilities that can't be done with simple key combos.

All in the Guide. And I've been distracted of late, but will answer any further questions if it helps.

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com

51 minutes ago, Shenanigunner said:

Ah, meant to jump on this when I got to my desk this morning, but forgot. I see the support team has already jumped in.



  1. Yep, you can use the shift keys with pretty much every key on the board. You're not limited to the number buttons. You might want to see my overall substitute bind file (GABB) for examples if not inspiration.
  2. (If I am reading part of your question right) No, you can't use multiple shift keys. That is, Ctrl-Alt-M won't work write. It actually does bizarre things, reading the press of the two shift keys as a keypress, but not consistently. So it's any key and any key with any of the shift keys, but no more. ~400 keys will just have to do it.
  3. Rolling binds and the press/release binds open up all kinds of possibilities that can't be done with simple key combos.

All in the Guide. And I've been distracted of late, but will answer any further questions if it helps.


1. The initial reason for the post was whether or not you could combine two keys like tilde and a number key. A little bit of reading on the forums would have answered that but I didn't think to look there.... at least until after someone answered here LOL


2. Naw, not that. I thought about using ctrl, alt, or shift plus another key but I didn't think I could hit both buttons with the left had. I may have to end up using r-ctrl and a number though using both hands. Not what I was hoping for but it might be what has to happen.


3. Rolling binds or press/release would work for some things but when I realized I didn't want to stack the powers I decided against that. Demonic has less of a crash than the blaster version of Surge of Power. Press/release would be both powers stacked amd the rolling binds would be one and then the other.... which may work fine sometimes but I'd have to make another bind to reset back to Demonic being first.... and I'd likely forget lol


I'll try to remember to look through your GABB in the morning.


I changed the bind string earlier today and I still keep forgetting to check it when I get in game lol I seem to recall that using different power activation commands can sometimes skip a recharging power if its in the bind but I don't remember which two commands would do it. I know you can set one to autofire and the other to activate the power and that would do what I want but then I'd have to turn off that autofire lol

Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)


I figured out what I'm gunna have to do. I set ` to Demonic and subtract on the numpad to the AT specific oh crap power.


While NUMPAD0 "powexec_toggleon Sprint$$powexec_name Super Jump" works for travel powers and also turns on sprint, neither of the powers in question are toggles specifically so that trick doesnt work for them. The toggleon command works, but not in the same way it does with actual toggles.

Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)

On 3/8/2022 at 8:17 AM, LKN-351 said:

While NUMPAD0 "powexec_toggleon Sprint$$powexec_name Super Jump" works for travel powers and also turns on sprint, neither of the powers in question are toggles specifically so that trick doesnt work for them. The toggleon command works, but not in the same way it does with actual toggles.


You might want to look into the movement auto-fire binds. I haven't had to manually raise a shield, buff or fire a timed power manually in a long time on any build.

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com

8 hours ago, LKN-351 said:

I'm guessing those are in the GABB PDF?


In the Tech Guide Sorry, thought that was said earlier in this thread.

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com


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