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Fire/Ice Solo Build


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Hi all,


I was hoping someone could provide provide a Fire/Ice build for soloing. I would the build be able to solo GMs/AVs, but I am not sure if the sets are possible to do it. I am comfortable if it is blapper style as well. 

Thank you in advance!

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13 hours ago, pjh10c said:

Hi all,


I was hoping someone could provide provide a Fire/Ice build for soloing. I would the build be able to solo GMs/AVs, but I am not sure if the sets are possible to do it. I am comfortable if it is blapper style as well. 

Thank you in advance!Blaster - Fire Blast - Ice Manipulation 45 ranged 05.20.2022.mxd

Give this a look. I just hacked it together in a few minutes here. Idk about soloing GM's, maybe with Incarnates but it could probably solo a few AVs.
- Just a hair under 45 ranged def w/ a resist epic shield.
-Added a few heal procs in and the Entomb (absorb) proc in Char for some added sustain.
Since we get a refreshing absorb shield instead of passive regen, Panacea, Power Transfer, Entropic Chaos, Entomb and Preventative Medicine procs will help supplement your sustain for any hits that get through your ranged defense.

Fire/Ice is a great solo combo already for general content. Lots of dmg from your primary, loads of dmg mitigation from your secondary through slows, and knockdown patches.

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